France Télévisions transmite el Roland Garrós en vivo
PARÍS y LES ULIS, Francia, May 28/PRNewswire/ - Exclusividad mundial: France Télévisions en asociación con Microsoft, Inlet Technologies y Level 3 Communications transmite en vivo en la web el Roland Garrós en calidad de alta definición
- El torneo de tenis internacional francés, celebrado en Roland Garrós del 24 de mayo al 7 de junio de 2009, será la escena de la primera aplicación de la tecnología IIS7 Live Smooth Streaming de Microsoft (versión beta), codificada en la plataforma de reproducción en vivo Spinnaker(TM) 7000 de Inlet Technologies y distribuida en la red de entrega de contenido (CDN) de Level 3 Communications, para transmisiones en vivo de alta calidad en la web.
Sede de la emisión del torneo de Roland Garros, France Télévisions en asociación con Microsoft, Inlet Technologies y Level 3 Communications, ofrece en exclusividad en, y la transmisión web en vivo gratuita en calidad HD (720p) del torneo de tenis del Roland Garrós retransmitido en los canales de televisión France 2, France 3 y France 4.
Por quinto año, France Télévisions retransmite partidos del Roland Garrós en Internet utilizando el Windows Media Player de Microsoft. Este año es la primera vez que la reproducción en vídeo de siete partidos simultáneos estará disponible en las tecnologías Silverlight de forma gratuita.
Para la edición de 2009 del Roland Garrós, France Télévisions está estableciendo un precedente mundial ofreciendo transmisión de reproducciones de alta definición en televisión a los usuarios web en los sitios web de France Télévisions con calidad de alta definición, gracias a las tecnologías
IIS7 Live Smooth Streaming y Silverlight. Smooth Streaming es un método de entrega de medios que mejora la calidad de la distribución y está diseñada para evitar interrupciones en el flujo de reproducción variando la calidad en tiempo real según los factores como el ancho de banda disponible o el índice de uso de la CPU en el ordenador del cliente.
Un reproductor de vídeo digital original
Gracias a los codificadores de reproducción en vivo Spinnaker(TM) 7000 de Inlet Technologies y su sistema de gestión de vídeo bajo demanda Armada(TM), que es compatible con la reproducción progresiva, los usuarios web podrán disfrutar de reproducciones de HD en vivo y beneficiarse de las capacidades DVR (pausa, rebobinar unas horas atrás, etc.), sin tartamudeos, almacenamientos u otras interrupciones en su experiencia de visualización. El formato HD 720p se corresponde con 720 líneas desplegadas progresivamente 25 veces por segundo, para una resolución resultante de 1280x720 píxeles.
Facilidad de acceso sin precedentes
La reproducción progresiva (Smooth Streaming) utiliza la descarga estándar de archivos HTTP para una fácil conexión con reproducciones de vídeo, incluso a través de cortafuegos, como si fuesen sólo otra página web.
Las reproducciones de vídeo también pueden acumularse en los servidores existentes en la Content Delivery Network global de Level 3 para permitir una difusión masiva del servicio en Internet. Todo esto se controla desde el Level 3 Broadcast Operations Centre. Gracias a la colaboración tecnológica de éxito entre Level 3, Inlet Technologies y Microsoft esta transmisión de reproducción en vivo se ha hecho posible.
La aplicación Silverlight desarrollada para leer los flujos es capaz de detectar dinámicamente que los flujos CDN Level 3 están disponibles y pueden pasar de uno a otro sin interrupciones. Silverlight también puede modular la calidad del flujo según la condición del ordenador del cliente. Esto significa que los usuarios web que tienen conexiones de banda ancha pueden disfrutar de imágenes HD de 720p, mientras que los usuarios con conexiones de baja velocidad u ordenadores menos potentes reciben un flujo que está más adecuado a la calidad de su conexión.
La gestión de eventos experimentada asegura una ejecución progresiva
Estableciendo el entorno de entrega y mediante la actual monitorización de las señales de vídeo de transmisión, codificadores y entrega de Internet, France Televisions y Level 3 pueden responder proactivamente a cualquier problema que surja. Esto asegura que la experiencia en línea se mantenga tan cerca de la experiencia de transmisión como sea posible.
"Hace dos años, France Télévisions fue el primer canal de televisión francés que transmitió un evento deportivo en alta definición en TDT con el 'Tour de France 2007'. France Télévisions está muy contenta de reproducir en la web la transmisión en televisión en vivo de Roland Garrós en calidad de alta definición por primera vez en la historia del torneo de tenis internacional francés", dijo Laurent Souloumiac, director de France Télévisions Interactive. "Gracias a sus transmisiones en HD del Roland Garrós mostradas en los sitios web, y, France Télévisions están de nuevo innovando y estableciendo una nueva experiencia de visualización de calidad para los principales eventos deportivos".
Thomas Serval, director de Microsoft France Platforms and Ecosystems Division, dijo: "Estamos encantados de tener otra oportunidad de trabajar con France Télévisions Interactive y de ofrecer esta experiencia multimedia única para los usuarios web franceses. Durante los Juegos Olímpicos 2008, ya establecieron el estándar ofreciendo, con Silverlight, acceso web a 15 canales de vídeo que se retransmitieron simultáneamente desde Pekín, con funciones avanzadas, como Picture in Picture que mostraron dos flujos de vídeo al mismo tiempo. Actualmente, el sitio web dedicado al Roland Garrós está de nuevo innovando y estableciendo nuevos estándares con su reproducción web de calidad HD que se hace posible mediante las tecnologías Silverlight y IIS7 Live Smooth Streaming".
"Continuamos desarrollando nuestra gama de soluciones de distribución en vídeo en línea para asegurarnos de que ofrecemos la calidad y escala que demandan nuestros clientes y es importante que les ofrezcamos una amplia gama de soluciones de reproductor de medios. El desarrollo de Microsoft de Smooth Streaming es otra gran adición a la industria y respalda el crecimiento de la experiencia de vídeo en línea de alta definición", dijo Rob Houghton, vicepresidente, European Content Services en Level 3 Communications. "Con una larga reputación para ser un líder y partidario temprano de la nueva tecnología, Level 3 está encantado de apoyar este importante evento y la demostración técnica".
"Estamos orgullosos de ser una parte integral del primer evento de Smooth Streaming en vivo, que verdaderamente marca un hito tecnológico importante en la industria de medios de reproducción", dijo Neal Page, consejero delegado de Inlet Technologies. "Éste es un gran ejemplo de cómo Inlet Technologies, en cooperación con socios estratégicos como Level 3 y Microsoft, puede ofrecer la mejor experiencia de visualización de calidad posible a los aficionados del deporte de todo el mundo".
Acerca de Silverlight 2
Silverlight es un plug-in de software de multi-navegador y multi-plataforma que ofrece a los usuarios web experiencias multimedia nuevas y enriquecidas. Silverlight 2 incluye una gama de nuevas funciones y herramientas hechas para una mejor colaboración entre los diseñadores y desarrolladores y les permite ofrecer una experiencia nueva, más interactiva, más segura y más cómoda visualmente a los usuarios. Microsoft también es compatible con las comunidades de fuente abierta fundando un plug-in de software para Silverlight en el entorno de desarrollo Eclipse. Microsoft también ofrecerá a los desarrolladores nuevos controles en el Silverlight Control Pack (SCP), que es parte de la Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL).
Silverlight 2.0 es gratuito, pesa 4.68 MB, se instala en 10 segundos y fundiona en PC y Mac con Windows Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, 2, 3, Safari y en Linux, FreeBSD y Solaris en la versión de fuente abierta, llamada Moonlight.
Para comprobar si puede instalar Silverlight en su ordenador, visite:
Para otros ejemplos de aplicaciones de Silverlight, visite:
Acerca de France Télévisions Interactive
France Télévisions Interactive (FTVI) dirige todas las actividades en Internet de France Télévisions, el transmisor de televisión pública francés.
FTVI desarrolla sus sitios web, teletexto y aplicaciones de televisión interactiva. FTVI también entrega servicios de Internet móviles y gestiona varios proyectos de televisión a través de IPTV y móvil. FTVI es también el editor de sus servicios VOD/TVOD.
Acerca de Inlet Technologies
Inlet Technologies es el proveedor líder de soluciones de codificación avanzadas, que habilita nuevos medios para nuevas redes. Las soluciones de Inlet producen el vídeo de más alta calidad, más rápido y eficientemente que ningún otro, permitiendo a los creadores de contenido, programadores y distribuidores aumentar la eficiencia, reducir los costes y ofrecer calidad de vídeo superior en cualquier red IP. Las soluciones de Inlet son ideales para aplicaciones como reproducción profesional en tiempo real, codificación Blu-ray, vídeo bajo demanda, vídeo web, archivado digital y diarios. Los clientes de Inlet, como, Modern Video y Microsoft, son capaces de expandir sus audiencias y crear nuevos ingresos de su contenido valioso. Para más información, visite
Acerca de Level 3 Communications
Level 3 Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: LVLT) es un proveedor internacional líder de servicios de comunicaciones basadas en fibra. Los clientes empresariales, de contenido, venta al por mayor y clientes gubernamentales confían en Level 3 para proporcionar servicios con una combinación líder en la industria de escalabilidad y valor en una red de fibra de extremo a extremo. Level 3 ofrece una cartera de servicios de metro y largo trayecto, incluyendo transporte, datos, Internet, entrega de contenido y voz. Para más información, visite
Acerca de Microsoft:
Fundada en 1975, Microsoft (que cotiza en NASDAQ, MSFT) es el editor de software líder en el mundo. Microsoft desarrolla y vende una amplia variedad de software, accesorios y servicios para usos profesionales y domésticos. La misión de Microsoft es utilizar su experiencia, capacidad para innovar y su pasión para ayudar a los clientes y socios a conseguir sus ambiciones y expresar su creatividad, de un modo que haga que la tecnología sea su mejor aliado en la realización de su potencial. Creada en 1983, Microsoft France da empleo a más de 1.200 personas. Eric Boustouller pasó a ser presidente el 1 de febrero de 2005.
Source: Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Emmanuelle Dang de FTVI, +33-(0)1-56-22-60-76,; o Jennifer Faircloth de Inlet Technologies,; o Shawn Ramsey de Crossroads Public Relations, +1-919-621-0737,; o Hannah Britt de Level 3 Communications, Inc., +44-207-954-2128,; o Christophe Bonnot de Microsoft France, +33-(0)1-69-86-47-39,; o Ghislain Garesse, +33-(0)1-56-03-12-22, o Pely Mendy, +33-(0)1-56-03-12-29, ambos de I&E Consultants,; Logo: Foto:
giovedì 28 maggio 2009
Pistoletazo de salida - GSE se une a la elite deportiva mundial
Pistoletazo de salida -
GSE se une a la elite deportiva mundial
KASSEL, Alemania, May 27/PRNewswire/ Los principales atletas de todos los continentes se reúnen en
KASSEL, Alemania, May 27/PRNewswire/ Los principales atletas de todos los continentes se reúnen en
Ya está. Se ha terminado lo de esconderse detrás de seudónimos en comunidades públicas. Desde este momento, GSE se conecta con los principales atletas mundiales de la actualidad y del pasado exclusivamente en un sitio de Internet de su propiedad. Sólo se admiten los atletas de elite de los deportes preferidos de cada continente.
Existe un criterio de admisión exigente para todos los deportes ( Y la seguridad y los acuerdos de protección de datos son correspondientemente elevados. El mensaje de GSE
proclama: "Estar en contacto con los mejores". A fin de asegurarse de ello, GSE se lanzará en todo el mundo desde el comienzo, y de forma simultánea en cuatro idiomas. En breve estarán disponibles más idiomas.
GSE se puede entender fundamentalmente como punto de base móvil/soporte.
No importa de qué vaya el juego, competición, cambio de equipo, final de temporada, equipo nacional, Olimpiada o final de carrera. "Los atletas más importantes siempre están por encima del tiempo y de las posiciones sociales.
Esto hace que sea posible para ellos cultivar su amistad de forma fácil dentro del deporte de elite, encontrando nuevos amigos", afirmó Nico Gundlach (consejero delegado).
Estando en contacto con los colegas de equipo, antes del cambio de un equipo o del nombramiento de un equipo nacional, está a sólo un click del ratón. Es igual de fácil, a través de un sencillo mensaje, un SMS gratuito, el chat o una llamada de teléfono a través de Skype. Formar grupos cerrados, diseñar tus propias encuestas, galerías de fotos, etc., son también características interesantes para los equipos, ligas u organizaciones. Y cualquiera puede satisfacer su curiosidad averiguando si un atleta internacional destacado ha entrado en su perfil, quienes son los nuevos miembros de GSE, etc.
Los aficionados también se benefician de GSE. Todas las personas necesitan su propio espacio a fin de conseguir mostrar su mejor rendimiento.
GSE les ofrece la oportunidad de sobresalir en su marca - GSE consigue que la plataforma privada esté disponible para la elite deportiva mundial.
Información de contacto:
Herren Nico Gundlach / Sascha Gundlach
neue formen Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Humboldtstrasse 4
34117 Kassel
Teléfono: +49-561-70165-0
Fax: +49-561-70165-11
Source: GSE - Global Sports Elite
Información de contacto: Herren Nico Gundlach / Sascha Gundlach, neue formen Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH,Humboldtstrasse 4, 34117 Kassel, Alemania, teléfono: +49-561-70165-0, fax: +49-561-70165-11, e-mail:
Existe un criterio de admisión exigente para todos los deportes ( Y la seguridad y los acuerdos de protección de datos son correspondientemente elevados. El mensaje de GSE
proclama: "Estar en contacto con los mejores". A fin de asegurarse de ello, GSE se lanzará en todo el mundo desde el comienzo, y de forma simultánea en cuatro idiomas. En breve estarán disponibles más idiomas.
GSE se puede entender fundamentalmente como punto de base móvil/soporte.
No importa de qué vaya el juego, competición, cambio de equipo, final de temporada, equipo nacional, Olimpiada o final de carrera. "Los atletas más importantes siempre están por encima del tiempo y de las posiciones sociales.
Esto hace que sea posible para ellos cultivar su amistad de forma fácil dentro del deporte de elite, encontrando nuevos amigos", afirmó Nico Gundlach (consejero delegado).
Estando en contacto con los colegas de equipo, antes del cambio de un equipo o del nombramiento de un equipo nacional, está a sólo un click del ratón. Es igual de fácil, a través de un sencillo mensaje, un SMS gratuito, el chat o una llamada de teléfono a través de Skype. Formar grupos cerrados, diseñar tus propias encuestas, galerías de fotos, etc., son también características interesantes para los equipos, ligas u organizaciones. Y cualquiera puede satisfacer su curiosidad averiguando si un atleta internacional destacado ha entrado en su perfil, quienes son los nuevos miembros de GSE, etc.
Los aficionados también se benefician de GSE. Todas las personas necesitan su propio espacio a fin de conseguir mostrar su mejor rendimiento.
GSE les ofrece la oportunidad de sobresalir en su marca - GSE consigue que la plataforma privada esté disponible para la elite deportiva mundial.
Información de contacto:
Herren Nico Gundlach / Sascha Gundlach
neue formen Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Humboldtstrasse 4
34117 Kassel
Teléfono: +49-561-70165-0
Fax: +49-561-70165-11
Source: GSE - Global Sports Elite
Información de contacto: Herren Nico Gundlach / Sascha Gundlach, neue formen Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH,Humboldtstrasse 4, 34117 Kassel, Alemania, teléfono: +49-561-70165-0, fax: +49-561-70165-11, e-mail:
Two Fishing Giants Align: Cabela's Partners With FLW Outdoors
Two Fishing Giants Align:
Cabela's Partners With FLW Outdoors
MINNEAPOLIS, May 28 /PRNewswire/ -- FLW Outdoors, the world's largest tournament-fishing organization, and Cabela's, the World's Foremost Outfitter, announced today a strategic marketing partnership.
At many of the FLW Tour events and the $2 million Forrest Wood Cup, Cabela's will supply promotional offers exclusive to fans in attendance. At a recent FLW Tour event on Table Rock Lake in Branson, Mo., fans received a coupon for $10 off any $75 purchase or $20 off any $120 purchase. In addition, Cabela's will set up a mobile store at the Forrest Wood Cup in Pittsburgh July 30-Aug. 2.
Cabela's will also be a major promoter of FLW Fantasy Fishing, which features a guaranteed $1 million grand prize and six $100,000 prizes for each FLW Tour qualifying event. FLW Fantasy Fishing is free to play. However, participants can purchase Player's Advantage for only $10 to assist them in choosing their anglers throughout the entire season. In addition to, Cabela's will have a strong presence on and Likewise, FLW Fantasy Fishing will be prominently featured on the Cabela's Web site.
At the store level, Cabela's will distribute thousands of free FLW Fantasy Fishing scratch cards at their 28 retail locations across the United States. In addition, scratch cards have been inserted in the spring issue of the Cabela's catalog. These scratch cards introduce Cabela's customers to the fun and ease of winning with FLW Fantasy Fishing and offer lucrative prizes from a free music download to $1,000 cash. Customers can register to play at all 28 Cabela's stores or online at After registering, players receive an e-mail that includes a preselected team of pro anglers, which can be customized by logging on at Plus, all Cabela's registered players are entered into a monthly drawing to win a $250 Cabela's gift card.
Cabela's will also host appearances and seminars by the most accomplished FLW Outdoors pro anglers. For example, Berkley pro Scott Allar and Folgers pro Dustin Kjelden recently conducted a free walleye seminar and signed autographs at the Cabela's store in Rogers, Minn. Other cross-promotional activities are also being discussed.
"FLW Outdoors and Cabela's share the same passionate audience," said FLW Outdoors Chairman Irwin L. Jacobs. "Both organizations excel within the same industry, but our core businesses are very diverse. By joining forces, we are able to tap into each other's strengths - it is truly a mutually beneficial relationship."
"When two leaders come together, you can expect great things," said Tommy Milner, Cabela's President and CEO. "The partnership between Cabela's and FLW Outdoors promises to deliver on those expectations by combining the excitement of tournament fishing with the legendary Cabela's experience."
Cabela's Incorporated, headquartered in Sidney, Nebraska, is a leading specialty retailer, and the world's largest direct marketer, of hunting, fishing, camping and related outdoor merchandise. Since the Company's founding in 1961, Cabela's(R) has grown to become one of the most well-known outdoor recreation brands in the world, and has long been recognized as the World's Foremost Outfitter(R). Through Cabela's growing number of retail stores and its well-established direct business, it offers a wide and distinctive selection of high-quality outdoor products at competitive prices while providing superior customer service. Cabela's also issues the Cabela's CLUB(R) Visa credit card, which serves as its primary customer loyalty rewards program. Cabela's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "CAB."
FLW Outdoors, named after Forrest L. Wood, the legendary founder of Ranger Boats, is the largest fishing tournament organization in the world. FLW Outdoors has taken fishing mainstream with FLW Fantasy Fishing, offering the largest awards possible in the history of fantasy sports, $10 million in cash and prizes. Sign up for Player's Advantage for only $10 to get your edge and win.
For more information about FLW Outdoors and its tournaments, visit or call (270) 252-1000. For more information about FLW Fantasy Fishing and Player's Advantage, visit
Source: FLW Outdoors
CONTACT: Jeff McCoy, Dir. of Public Relations, +1-612-337-1945 office,
+1-612-360-1375 mobile,
Web Site:
McCormick Foundation, Major League Baseball Announce $2.6 Million in Additional Grants for "Welcome Back Veterans"
McCormick Foundation, Major League Baseball Announce $2.6 Million in Additional Grants for "Welcome Back Veterans"
Twelve recipient organizations will use funds to help returning vets and families stabilize lives and re-integrate into communities
Twelve recipient organizations will use funds to help returning vets and families stabilize lives and re-integrate into communities
CHICAGO, May 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The McCormick Foundation's Board of Directors has approved $2.6 million in 2009 grants as part of Welcome Back Veterans, a national public awareness and fundraising initiative to address the mental health and employment needs of America's veterans and their families. This brings the total amount awarded through Welcome Back Veterans to more than $5.5 million. A complete record of 2009 grants awarded is provided below.
Welcome Back Veterans has raised more than $4.5 million as of April 2009. An additional $2.2 million in matching funds has been provided by the McCormick Foundation (first $4 million raised matched at 50 cents on the dollar). With all administrative costs paid by Major League Baseball and the McCormick Foundation, more than $5.5 million has been distributed over the past year to 24 nonprofit agencies targeting veterans' greatest needs.
The goal of Welcome Back Veterans is to raise public awareness of, and financial support for, the mental health and employment challenges faced by OIF/OEF veterans and their families. These 2009 grants were based upon the recommendations of a steering committee consisting of New York Mets Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Fred Wilpon, and representatives from Major League Baseball and the McCormick Foundation.
"It is the responsibility of all Americans to support veterans -- those among us who have risked all to protect our free, democratic society," said Brig. Gen. (Ret.) David L. Grange, president and CEO of the McCormick Foundation. "As our warriors return and seek to reconnect with families, friends and society, it is important that we support their successful reintegration into our communities. That reintegration can be difficult without help and appropriate resources. Welcome Back Veterans is an opportunity for us to ensure that these brave men and women have the best care and the best start with their new lives at home."
Statistics indicate that approximately 300,000 veterans who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression, and about 320,000 may have experienced traumatic brain injury (TBI) during deployment (Lisa H. Jaycox and Terri Tanielian, Invisible Wounds of War, Rand Corporation, 2008). The Welcome Back Veterans initiative is complementary to and supportive of the ongoing government programs already in place.
Below is the complete listing of the second round of Welcome Back Veterans grants:
Welcome Back Veterans Grants - Mental Health
1. Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.
(New York) $250,000
For Home Again: Reaching Out, a family-focused outreach, community
education and mental health program offered to Operation Iraqi
Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) veterans and
their families in the Bronx.
2. Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies $135,000
For the Soldiers Project, which offers free, accessible confidential psychological treatment to OIF / OEF military service members and
their families.
3. National Center on Family Homelessness, Inc. (Newton, MA) $250,000
For Community Circles of Support for Veterans' Families, which
provides education, outreach, mental health treatment and
social support.
4. National Veterans Business Development Corporation
(Washington, D.C.) $300,000
For the TROOPS Activator, a Web-based technology that gives
veterans access to mental health treatment via their home computers.
5. North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System Foundation
(Great Neck, NY) $250,000
For PTSD / TBI treatment programs for military families on Long
Island and throughout the New York metro region.
6. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Inc.
(Washington, D.C.) $200,000
For suicide prevention for veterans with PTSD including long-term,
peer-based emotional support, crisis response and intervention.
7. USA Cares (Radcliff, KY) $300,000
For the Warrior Treatment Today program, which provides financial
assistance to veterans who enroll in in-patient PTSD and TBI programs.
Mental Health Total $1,685,000
Welcome Back Veterans Grants - Job Training/Placement
8. Crane Technology, Inc. (Crane, IN) $220,000
For Crane Learning and Employment Center for Veterans with Disabilities.
9. National Military Family Association, Inc.
(Alexandria, VA) $50,000
For Military Spouse Scholarship program, which provides scholarships
for individuals married to veterans with PTSD and other mental health disabilities.
10. National Organization on Disability (New York) $270,000
For Army Wounded Warrior Career Demonstration project, a multi-year
initiative, serving the most severely disabled veterans of the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
11. Project Return to Work (Boulder, CO) $250,000
For Back to Work, Back to Life program, which provides employment
training and placement services for disabled veterans.
12. Swords to Plowshares Veterans Rights Organization
(San Francisco) $125,000
For Combat to Community - On the Job program, which provides
counseling, case management, housing, legal advocacy and
employment services to homeless and disabled veterans.
Job Training / Placement Total $915,000
The McCormick Foundation continues to accept and encourage donations to Welcome Back Veterans. Major League Baseball and the McCormick Foundation are paying all expenses associated with this initiative, so 100 percent of the funds raised, plus the matching dollars, will go to programs and services for veterans.
Those who wish to donate can do any of the following:
1. Make your contribution online at
2. Call toll free 1 877 838 5030
3. Mail a check to:
CHICAGO, IL 60678-1370
About the McCormick Foundation
The McCormick Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to strengthening our free, democratic society by investing in children, communities and country. Through its grant making programs, Cantigny Park and Golf, museums and civic outreach program the Foundation helps build a more active and engaged citizenry. It was established as a charitable trust in 1955, upon the death of Colonel Robert R. McCormick, the longtime editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune. The McCormick Foundation is one of the nation's largest charities, with more than $1 billion in assets. For more information, please visit
About Major League Baseball Charities
Major League Baseball Charities is a not-for-profit corporation that provides support to local, national and international tax-exempt organizations to directly conduct or sponsor activities for the promotion of good health, physical education, public safety, medical research, literacy, educational or charitable purposes. In addition to supporting Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA), the Official Charity of Major League Baseball, MLB Charities provides support to a number of other national charitable initiatives, including Little League Baseball, the National Urban League and the Jackie Robinson Foundation. The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball pays all administrative expenses for MLB Charities.
Source: McCormick Foundation
CONTACT: Kristin Kiss of the McCormick Foundation, +1-312-222-4502,
Web Site:
lungomare nord
Civitanova Marche
Venerdi 29 Maggio apertura Nyali sul Lungomare Nord di Civitanova Marche. conces. 24 (vicino Batik) con Dj r3d & voice paolo balestrieri e la partecipazione di RadioStudio+!
Venerdi 29 Maggio apertura Nyali sul Lungomare Nord di Civitanova Marche. conces. 24 (vicino Batik) con Dj r3d & voice paolo balestrieri e la partecipazione di RadioStudio+!
Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc. Rolls Out GPS Tracker Device Dealer Program to Electronic Retailers
Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc. Rolls Out GPS Tracker Device Dealer Program to Electronic Retailers
FORT COLLINS, Colo., May 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc. is pleased to announce the debut of its new dealer program to the GPS retail market. The dealer program is designed to authorize retailers to re-sell Rocky Mountain Tracking's GPS tracker devices under a private label directly from their retail stores. Rocky Mountain Tracking is specifically targeting consumer electronic retailers, car audio stores, installers, rental equipment stores, car dealerships, and various comparable business models.
"Incorporating the dealer program with the retailers' current model will increase consumer interest and create additional consumer markets as GPS tracking devices are now becoming mainstream," says Gary Whitney, Director of Sales at Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc.
The dealer program will afford retailers the opportunity to significantly increase their revenues. A typical profit margin is as much as 200% in many cases. Joining the dealer program is free of charge to all retailers. The retailer is only responsible for the sale of the GPS tracker hardware. Rocky Mountain Tracking provides the consumer with technical support and service, and account set-up, and any additional services needed after the initial sale of the product by the retailer.
Rocky Mountain Tracking has earned its trusted reputation with over 30,000 devices sold and a hardware reliability rate at more than 99.5%. The company's web-based tracking software has been called "state-of-the art." Rocky Mountain Tracking's near-flawless reliability record, coupled with its reputation for producing outstanding product has generated greater demand in the highly competitive field of GPS tracking. Rocky Mountain Tracking will stand behind the retail private label and amplifying the overall integrity of the product; ultimately resulting in higher sales, and a boost in consumer loyalty.
About Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc.
Rocky Mountain Tracking was founded in 2003, and is headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado. RMT has sold over 30,000 GPS tracking devices and is the leading GPS tracking provider in the United States. RMT's state-of-the art tracking solution, NavIQ, has become increasingly popular for nearly all GPS tracking and vehicle recovery applications nationwide.
PRN Photo Desk,
Source: Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc.
CONTACT: Gary Whitney of Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc., 1-888-242-0500, ext. 300,
Web Site:
martedì 26 maggio 2009
Sergio Garcia, sept fois champion de l'événement PGA prend livraison officiellement le Hawker 4000, premier de sa catégorie
Sergio Garcia, sept fois champion de l'événement PGA prend livraison officiellement le Hawker 4000, premier de sa catégorie
GENÈVE, May 25/PRNewswire/ -- Le champion de golf vend le jet d'affaires le plus évolué au salon EBACE
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation (HBC) a annoncé que Sergio Garcia, sept fois champion de l'événement PGA, avait pris livraison officiellement du super avion d'affaires taille moyenne révolutionnaire Hawker 4000, le 12 mai au salon de l'aviation d'affaires EBACE (European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition) à Genève, en Suisse. Le Hawker 4000 est le premier de sa catégorie, le premier au monde, et l'avion d'affaires le plus évolué du monde, grâce à sa construction composite innovante.
<<>>, a déclaré Brad Hatt, président de HBC Commercial Aircraft. <<>>
M. Garcia, originaire d'Espagne, est un fervent client qui possède actuellement un Hawker 850XP. M. Garcia est devenu professionnel en 1999 et joue sur le tour PGA des Etats-Unis et sur le tour européen.
<<>>, a indiqué M. Garcia. <<>>
Le Hawker 4000 est plus rapide et offre des performances en matière de vitesse de croisière et d'autonomie supérieures aux concurrents tels que le Bombardier Challenger 300. Avec les meilleures performances sur le terrain dans la catégorie super avion de taille moyenne, la distance de décollage (ISA, SL, MGTOW) n'est que de 5 068 pieds (1 545 m). La vitesse ascensionnelle est grisante. En effet, il suffit d'à peine plus de 14 minutes pour grimper du niveau de la mer à 37 000 pieds. Une fois à son altitude de vol, le Hawker 4000 accélère rapidement pour atteindre sa vitesse de croisière maximale de Mach 0,84 (896 km/h), en permettant ainsi d'optimiser la productivité des clients en les menant plus rapidement à destination. Les moteurs PW308A de Pratt & Whitney Canada délivrent 6 900 livres de poussée évalués à ISA +22 degrés Celsius. Associés à la conception avancée des ailes du Hawker 4000, les moteurs permettent de générer d'excellentes performances en haute altitude/température élevée et sur pistes courtes.
Le cockpit du Hawker 4000 est équipé d'une suite d'avionique Honeywell Epic avec des affichages à cristaux liquides 8 x 10 pouces (20 x 25 cm). Il possède des systèmes sophistiqués de gestion du vol et de perception de la situation dans l'espace perfectionnés soutenus par un système d'état et de surveillance du système en temps réel. L'avion est livré en standard avec une double centrale inertielle de référence (Inertial Reference System, IRS), deux groupes turbo-refroidisseurs et une automanette qui conviennent particulièrement aux vols long-courrier et intercontinentaux. L'avionique et le circuit de servitude sont entièrement intégrés, et les matériaux composites de pointe utilisés pour la construction permettent de réduire le nombre de pièces, ce qui se traduit par une meilleure fiabilité et un coût total d'utilisation réduit.
Le fuselage en composite du Hawker 4000 comprend une cabine de 6 pieds (1, 83 m) de haut, dans laquelle on peut donc se tenir debout, et de 6 pieds et de 5,5 pouces (1, 97 m) de large. Un plancher plat recouvre toute la longueur de l'appareil, menant a une importante soute à bagages de 88,5 pieds cubes (2,51 m3)/900 livres. L'accès à la soute se fait par une porte extérieure lorsque l'avion est au sol, et par la cabine lorsqu'il est en vol.
La configuration intérieure standard comporte 8 sièges de type classe affaires complètement articulés et positionnés selon un aménagement en double fauteuil. L'intérieur peut être complètement personnalisé grâce à une vaste gamme de matériaux et finitions pour la cabine.
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation est le plus grand fabricant au monde d'avions d'entraînement, pour missions spéciales et d'affaires. Il conçoit, commercialise et assure le soutien technique de produits et de services aéronautiques destinés aux entreprises, gouvernements et particuliers du monde entier. Le siège social de la société et ses principales installations sont implantés à Wichita, dans le Kansas, et la société dispose également d'antennes à Salina (Kansas), Little Rock (Arkansas) et Chester (Angleterre).
La société est numéro un du secteur avec un réseau mondial de plus de 100 centres techniques agréés et en propriété. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez visiter le site
Le présent communiqué de presse peut contenir des << énoncés Prospectifs >> au sens de la Section 27A de la loi Securities Act de 1933 et de la Section 21E de la loi Securities Exchange Act de 1934. Tous les énoncés, autres que ceux concernant des faits historiques, y compris les énoncés ayant trait aux activités, événements, développements que nous-mêmes ou notre direction attend, projette, prévoit ou anticipe constituent des énoncés prospectifs. Ces derniers sont fondés sur les suppositions et évaluations de la direction, à la lumière des expériences passées et des tendances, des conditions actuelles, des développements futurs attendus et autres facteurs pertinents. Ils ne constituent pas de garanties de performances futures, et les résultats actuels peuvent être considérablement différents de ceux envisagés par nos énoncés prospectifs.
Parmi les facteurs susceptibles d'entraîner une différence significative entre les résultats réels et ceux décrits ou impliqués dans les énoncés prospectifs, figurent les conditions commerciales et économiques générales, les délais de production résultant du manque de certifications réglementaires et d'autres facteurs, la concurrence sur nos marchés existants et futurs, le manque d'acceptation de nos produits et services par le marché, le service de levier financier et de dette important résultant de notre endettement, la perte ou le départ en retraite de cadres clés et autres risques mentionnés dans nos formulaires déposés auprès de la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).
Source: Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
M. Garcia, originaire d'Espagne, est un fervent client qui possède actuellement un Hawker 850XP. M. Garcia est devenu professionnel en 1999 et joue sur le tour PGA des Etats-Unis et sur le tour européen.
<<>>, a indiqué M. Garcia. <<>>
Le Hawker 4000 est plus rapide et offre des performances en matière de vitesse de croisière et d'autonomie supérieures aux concurrents tels que le Bombardier Challenger 300. Avec les meilleures performances sur le terrain dans la catégorie super avion de taille moyenne, la distance de décollage (ISA, SL, MGTOW) n'est que de 5 068 pieds (1 545 m). La vitesse ascensionnelle est grisante. En effet, il suffit d'à peine plus de 14 minutes pour grimper du niveau de la mer à 37 000 pieds. Une fois à son altitude de vol, le Hawker 4000 accélère rapidement pour atteindre sa vitesse de croisière maximale de Mach 0,84 (896 km/h), en permettant ainsi d'optimiser la productivité des clients en les menant plus rapidement à destination. Les moteurs PW308A de Pratt & Whitney Canada délivrent 6 900 livres de poussée évalués à ISA +22 degrés Celsius. Associés à la conception avancée des ailes du Hawker 4000, les moteurs permettent de générer d'excellentes performances en haute altitude/température élevée et sur pistes courtes.
Le cockpit du Hawker 4000 est équipé d'une suite d'avionique Honeywell Epic avec des affichages à cristaux liquides 8 x 10 pouces (20 x 25 cm). Il possède des systèmes sophistiqués de gestion du vol et de perception de la situation dans l'espace perfectionnés soutenus par un système d'état et de surveillance du système en temps réel. L'avion est livré en standard avec une double centrale inertielle de référence (Inertial Reference System, IRS), deux groupes turbo-refroidisseurs et une automanette qui conviennent particulièrement aux vols long-courrier et intercontinentaux. L'avionique et le circuit de servitude sont entièrement intégrés, et les matériaux composites de pointe utilisés pour la construction permettent de réduire le nombre de pièces, ce qui se traduit par une meilleure fiabilité et un coût total d'utilisation réduit.
Le fuselage en composite du Hawker 4000 comprend une cabine de 6 pieds (1, 83 m) de haut, dans laquelle on peut donc se tenir debout, et de 6 pieds et de 5,5 pouces (1, 97 m) de large. Un plancher plat recouvre toute la longueur de l'appareil, menant a une importante soute à bagages de 88,5 pieds cubes (2,51 m3)/900 livres. L'accès à la soute se fait par une porte extérieure lorsque l'avion est au sol, et par la cabine lorsqu'il est en vol.
La configuration intérieure standard comporte 8 sièges de type classe affaires complètement articulés et positionnés selon un aménagement en double fauteuil. L'intérieur peut être complètement personnalisé grâce à une vaste gamme de matériaux et finitions pour la cabine.
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation est le plus grand fabricant au monde d'avions d'entraînement, pour missions spéciales et d'affaires. Il conçoit, commercialise et assure le soutien technique de produits et de services aéronautiques destinés aux entreprises, gouvernements et particuliers du monde entier. Le siège social de la société et ses principales installations sont implantés à Wichita, dans le Kansas, et la société dispose également d'antennes à Salina (Kansas), Little Rock (Arkansas) et Chester (Angleterre).
La société est numéro un du secteur avec un réseau mondial de plus de 100 centres techniques agréés et en propriété. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez visiter le site
Le présent communiqué de presse peut contenir des << énoncés Prospectifs >> au sens de la Section 27A de la loi Securities Act de 1933 et de la Section 21E de la loi Securities Exchange Act de 1934. Tous les énoncés, autres que ceux concernant des faits historiques, y compris les énoncés ayant trait aux activités, événements, développements que nous-mêmes ou notre direction attend, projette, prévoit ou anticipe constituent des énoncés prospectifs. Ces derniers sont fondés sur les suppositions et évaluations de la direction, à la lumière des expériences passées et des tendances, des conditions actuelles, des développements futurs attendus et autres facteurs pertinents. Ils ne constituent pas de garanties de performances futures, et les résultats actuels peuvent être considérablement différents de ceux envisagés par nos énoncés prospectifs.
Parmi les facteurs susceptibles d'entraîner une différence significative entre les résultats réels et ceux décrits ou impliqués dans les énoncés prospectifs, figurent les conditions commerciales et économiques générales, les délais de production résultant du manque de certifications réglementaires et d'autres facteurs, la concurrence sur nos marchés existants et futurs, le manque d'acceptation de nos produits et services par le marché, le service de levier financier et de dette important résultant de notre endettement, la perte ou le départ en retraite de cadres clés et autres risques mentionnés dans nos formulaires déposés auprès de la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).
Source: Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
sabato 23 maggio 2009
Il Ministro Zaia a Parma ha presentato Alfa, l'Agenzia Logistica Filiere Agroalimentari
Nasce ufficialmente a Parma la “cabina di regia” della distribuzione agroalimentare in Italia, la prima esperienza di gestione logistica avanzata di settore a livello nazionale.
Parma, 21 maggio 2009 – “Una struttura che, con la riduzione dei passaggi della distribuzione consentirà l’abbattimento dei costi, la garanzia della qualità degli alimenti per i consumatori e la certificazione della filiera. Anche attraverso il presidio della logistica si aiuta la difesa e la qualità del prodotto tipico. E nessun posto come Parma è adatto per una missione di questo genere”.
Con queste parole oggi a Parma il ministro delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, Luca Zaia, ha tenuto a battesimo la nascita di Alfa, l’Agenzia Logistica Filiere Agroalimentari, la prima esperienza di gestione logistica avanzata di settore in Italia.
“Facciamo i prodotti migliori del mondo, -ha continuato il ministro,- e dobbiamo farli rispettare anche a livello internazionale, come abbiamo detto al WTO. Con 4500 prodotti tipici e 176 tra Dop e Igp, in Italia abbiamo il dovere di tutelare l’altissima qualità delle nostre produzioni, anche attraverso strutture come questa che ne garantiscono il mantenimento fino al consumatore finale”.
Alla conferenza stampa, nella sede di Alfa, a Parma, erano presenti oltre al ministro, l’on. Fabio Rainieri, Andrea Costa, presidente di Alfa e Franco Calzolari, vicepresidente di Alfa.
Tramite l’acquisizione dell’area di 39.000 mq., nella zona dei Mercati della città, l’attività di Alfa si svolgerà in più direzioni:
· realizzare un’Agenzia innovativa a livello nazionale, focalizzata sul settore agroalimentare, con l’obiettivo di migliorare la logistica della filiera, attraverso lo studio delle dinamiche dei flussi degli alimenti e, in un ruolo di regia, proponendo soluzioni per ottimizzarli e mettere in rete gli hub italiani locali già esistenti;
· favorire l’insediamento di altri soggetti, pubblici e privati, che offrano servizi qualificati alle imprese del settore agroalimentare, anche in ambiti collaterali a quello logistico (ricerca applicata, laboratori analisi, sviluppo prodotti, industrializzazione, studi di packaging, certificazione, ricerche di mercato, comunicazione, …).
· realizzare studi di logistica avanzata per consentire l’evoluzione del sistema verso un’ottimizzazione dei flussi, l’accorciamento delle filiere e la riduzione delle dispersioni economiche che penalizzano produttori e consumatori, oltre che l’ambiente.
Queste iniziative, tra loro sinergiche, concorreranno alla formazione, nell’area di Parma, di un “sistema” direzionale e di miglioramento della logistica agroalimentare di competenza nazionale.
Tra i prossimi passi previsti, la realizzazione di un bando di gara europea per permettere l’ingresso di privati e dare il via alle attività.
“E’ prevista la presenza dei privati,- afferma Andrea Costa, presidente del Cal e di Alfa spa,- fino al 45% del capitale. Quello dell’Agenzia, è un progetto ambizioso,- continua Costa- ma assolutamente necessario. Le inefficienze dovute alla frammentazione della logistica si traducono in costi, danni per l’ambiente e in un generale ostacolo all’eccellenza dei prodotti, che deve derivare anche dall’eccellenza del sistema”.
Ufficio stampa Alfa
Agenzia Logistica Filiere Agroalimentari.
Lara Ampollini
Lampi. Comunicazione illuminata.
Paola Turci, Simone Cristicchi e la leggenda New Trolls a Musicultura

27 giugno 2009 Canzoni per riflettere.
MACERATA - ITALY - Canzoni per denunciare. Canzoni per chiedere giustizia. Per la XX edizione di Musicultura, le note si trasformano in veicolo per un importante messaggio sociale e il palco dello Sferisterio un’occasione per denunciare un primato, all’interno dell’Europa, di cui il nostro Paese non può certo andar fiero: il numero di decessi sul luogo di lavoro. Nel corso delle serate finali del festival della canzone popolare e d’autore, il 27 giugno per l’esattezza, un’inedita formazione darà vita ad un set dedicato alla problematica delle morti bianche e alle ingiustizie nel mondo del lavoro: Paola Turci, Simone Cristicchi con il Coro dei Minatori di Santa Fiora, e Vittorio De Scalzi e Nico Di Palo, ovvero la Leggenda News Trolls. Oltre 100 vittime dall’inizio del 2009. Ogni giorno si verificano 2500 incidenti, 3 persone perdono la vita, 27 restano invalide in modo permanente. Una media spaventosa. Il bollettino di una guerra persa quotidianamente: gli infortuni sui luoghi di lavoro si confermano come una delle principali cause di morte nel nostro Paese e provocano quasi il doppio dei decessi rispetto agli omicidi.Quella delle morti bianche, dunque, è una spinosa questione che colpisce tutto il mondo, ma piega soprattutto la nostra nazione, raggiungendo nel mercato del lavoro italiano le dimensioni di un vero e proprio scandalo. In questo scenario, una canzone può cambiare le cose? Probabilmente no. Ma può certamente aiutare le coscienze a destarsi, richiamandole alla gravità delle condizioni dei lavoratori. È per questo che Musicultura sta lavorando da anni alla preparazione di un set volto a rendere ancora più presente al pubblico un problema tanto grave, che si ripropone giornalmente e che ha trovato nella canzone popolare un veicolo di comunicazione di grande efficacia. Un set finalmente pronto, nell’ambito del quale si potranno ascoltare canti di lavoro che vanno da “Maremma Amara” a “Era bello il mio ragazzo”, da “Una miniera” a “Signore io sono Irish”. A dar voce a questa denuncia dei grandi nomi: per la prima volta ospiti della kermesse, Vittorio De Scalzi-Nico Di Palo, ovvero la Leggenda News Trolls, leggendario gruppo che ha scritto la storia della canzone d’autore italiana. Con loro, Paola Turci, che torna al festival dopo la sua partecipazione ad “Anteprima Musicultura”, la serata di presentazione dei 16 finalisti che si è svolta lo scorso marzo nel Teatro Marchetti di Camerino. E infine un attesissimo ritorno, che non poteva mancare alla celebrazione dei venti anni di Musicultura: Simone Cristicchi, vincitore nel 2005 e oggi componente del Comitato Artistico di Garanzia del festival, che nel corso della sua giovane carriera ha dimostrato insieme al talento e all’ironia anche una grande sensibilità verso le tematiche più difficili. Per l’occasione Cristicchi porterà a Macerata il Coro dei Minatori di Santa Fiora, con il quale si esibirà allo Sferisterio e in piazza Cesare Battisti in uno dei pomeriggi della “Controra” di Musicultura, proponendo un repertorio di “canti di Maremme e di Miniere, d’Amore, Vino e Anarchia”.In altre parole canzoni per riflettere, canzoni per denunciare, canzoni per chiedere giustizia.
Hino Trucks to Debut Race Recovery Vehicles at Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Hino Trucks to Debut Race Recovery Vehicles
at Indianapolis Motor Speedway
NOVI, Mich., May 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Hino Trucks announced today that they have teamed up with Jerr-Dan Corporation to debut at least seven tow and recovery vehicles for use at the Indianapolis Speedway. The trucks will be used for all events that take place at the Speedway during the 2009 racing season.
The partnership will kick off at the Indianapolis 500, 'The Greatest Spectacle in Racing' on Memorial Day weekend. "This is the start of a new chapter for Hino in racing," says Glenn Ellis, Vice President of Marketing for Hino Trucks. "Hino Trucks has been a sponsor of Team Penske Indy Racing League race team for the past five years and our newly increased exposure at the speedway is a unique opportunity to demonstrate Hino product capabilities trackside."
Established in 1909, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has long prevailed as an icon of motorsports excellence. This year, the Speedway begins celebrating its Centennial Era, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the facility in 2009 and the 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race in 2011. Other major events at the speedway include the NASCAR Allstate 400 at the Brickyard and Red Bull Indianapolis GP.
Ellis continued, "We are thrilled to have Hino Trucks as the preferred tow truck at these prestigious events and look forward to supporting the racing teams with the best recovery vehicles in the industry." The vehicles on standby and ready for action at the speedway are the Hino 268 model conventional chassis with Jerr-Dan(R) Aluminum Cougar HPL 6000 wrecker body and Hino 258LP model conventional chassis with Jerr-Dan Premium 6-ton carrier body.
About Hino Trucks
Hino Trucks, a Toyota Group Company, assembles, sells and services class 4-7 commercial trucks in the United States and is headquartered in Novi, Michigan. Hino Trucks is the fastest growing medium duty truck nameplate in America and is the recipient of the 2008 J.D. Power and Associates awards for Highest in Customer Satisfaction for Medium Duty Trucks and Medium-Duty Truck Engine and Transmission. For more information visit Hino Trucks internet home page at
About Jerr-Dan
Jerr-Dan Corp., an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK) company, is a leading manufacturer of towing and recovery equipment. Its full line includes light-, medium- and heavy-duty carriers and wreckers, industrial transporters and four-car carriers. The company is headquartered in Greencastle, Penn., and its products are backed by industry leading warranties and a strong service network dedicated to the towing professional. Visit for more information.
Source: Hino Trucks
CONTACT: Glenn Ellis, Vice President, Marketing and Dealer Operations, Hino Motors Sales U.S.A., Inc., +1-248-699-9300
Web Site:

Pennabilli (PU) ITALY
Festival Internazionale dell'arte di strada
"Artisti In Piazza"
dal 29 maggio al 02 giugno 2009
Il “Festival internazionale dell’arte di strada - Artisti in Piazza”
raggiunge la tredicesima edizione. L’evento, molto atteso da pubblico, artisti e addetti ai lavori, è senza dubbio una delle manifestazioni più importanti del settore programmate in Italia. Il Festival si inserisce, per affluenza e qualità, tra i primi sul territorio nazionale in ordine di importanza e punto di riferimento per gli operatori del settore. Artisti in piazza XIII edizione, dal 29 maggio al 2 giugno 2009, ospiterà circa 50 compagnie internazionali invitate direttamente dall'organizzazione, 200 artisti e 400 repliche di spettacoli nelle cinque giornate della kermesse; alcuni show in anteprima e per la prima volta in Italia: vi si trovano tutte le possibili espressioni dell’arte di strada musica, teatro, nuovo circo, giocoleria, arti circensi, magia, danza, clownerie, ecc.
Programma, eventi collaterali e info dell'evento
Organizzazione: Ass. CUlt. Ultimo Punto - via delle Confraternite, 4 - 61016 - pennabilli (PU) - tel e fax +39 0541 92 80 03
lunedì 18 maggio 2009
Philadelphia Women's Professional Soccer Announce Team Name Philadelphia Independence
Philadelphia Women's Professional Soccer Announce Team Name Philadelphia Independence
Also unveiled are the Philadelphia Independence colors of Yellow, Steel Grey and Light Blue and the official team motto, "We the People"
Consistent with Philadelphia's storied history, and with the determination and persistence of the country's forefathers, the name Independence represents many of the admirable characteristics of Philadelphia, including foresight, leadership, bravery, loyalty to cause, and defeating common enemies. As General Manager and Head Coach Matt Driver explains, "the players will proudly wear the name Independence on their jerseys, as together we pledge our commitment to the fans of Philadelphia and to each other as we battle foes and make Philadelphians proud of the talent and toughness of the team. This confidence and attitude is illustrative of the tradition of Independence."
Additionally, the selected colors of yellow, steel grey and light blue each depict a representation of Philadelphia's history, hard-nosed attitude, and accomplishments. Yellow commemorates the Swedish settlers who first came to Philadelphia in 1638. Steel Grey represents the city's rich history in manufacturing and heavy industry. Light Blue is borrowed from Philadelphia's own city flag and symbolizes the proud work ethic of this city's blue collar heritage.
Philadelphia Independence will build its foundation on strong leadership and vision for excellence, as well as team work and empowerment toward creativity, just as our founding fathers did as expressed in the first three words of our country's Constitution. Thus, the parallel to our history brings the Philadelphia Independence official team motto, "We the People."
Philadelphia Independence will begin play in 2010 and has already announced the accomplished Olympic gold medalist, Staci Wilson to the position of Assistant Coach. Fans are encouraged to sign up now for season ticket requests on the official Philadelphia Independence web site, The web site will also provide updates and information about Philadelphia Independence team developments and activities. Sponsorship opportunities are also available and early sign on will offer sponsors the opportunity to grow and fully embed their brand in the full slate of opportunities available at the team's professional, minor league, and youth level programs.
With team name, colors, and motto selected, the Philadelphia Independence continues to strengthen its identity. The team is currently in the process of designing and developing the official team logo and crest. Details will be released in the near future about the unveiling of the official logo as well as player signings during an Independence Weekend announcement event this July.
A complete electronic copy of the team's media kit including detailed team information, bios, ticketing and sponsorship information is available on the press section of the Philadelphia Independence's web site, .
About Women's Professional Soccer (WPS)
The mission of Women's Professional Soccer (WPS) is to be the premier women's soccer league in the world and the global standard by which women's professional sports are measured. Play kicked off on March 29, 2009, with WPS teams based in the Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Jersey/New York, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. The league's eighth franchise, Philadelphia, will begin play next season with Atlanta expected to join as the ninth team in 2010, as well. For more information, visit .
Source: Philadelphia Women's Professional Soccer
CONTACT: Sherry Amos, Sherry Amos and Associates, LLC, +1-856-415-2029,
Web Site:
PARIS (FRANCE) La città del Re Sole è più che mai la prima destinazione turistica situata alle porte di Parigi. Scopri i suoi quartieri Saint-Louis e Notre-Dame, troppo spesso eclissati dallo splendore del castello, cedi al fascino del suo mercato coperto e di quello all'aperto traboccanti di bei prodotti. Sul versante gastronomico, la città non è da meno con due ristoranti insigniti delle stelle Michelin, il Gordon Ramsay (al Trianon Palace) e l'Angélique.

Le Cordepazze sono i più votati dai lettori della Gazzetta dello Sport
e presto sapremo i nomi degli altri 7 vincitori
che potranno esibirsi all’Arena Sferisterio il 26, 27, 28 giugno
Le Cordepazze sono i più votati dai lettori della Gazzetta dello Sport
e presto sapremo i nomi degli altri 7 vincitori
che potranno esibirsi all’Arena Sferisterio il 26, 27, 28 giugno
MACERATA - ITALY - I lettori della Gazzetta dello Sport hanno fatto la loro scelta e hanno decretato che Le Cordepazze potranno esibirsi con il brano “Sono morto da 5 minuti” all’Arena Sferisterio di Macerata. Mentre gli altri finalisti non sanno ancora quale sarà il loro destino, perché in attesa dell’esito della gara radiofonica su Radio Uno Rai – che sceglierà 2 vincitori – e del giudizio del Comitato Artistico di Garanzia – a cui spetterà di selezionare 5 vincitori –, il gruppo palermitano può tirare un sospiro di sollievo prima delle serate finali del festival il 26, 27, 28 giugno.
Alfonso Moscato (voce e chitarra), Michele Segretario (fender rhodes, organo hammond, sintetizzatori) Vincenzo Lo Franco (batteria e percussioni) Francesco Incandela (violino) e Davide Severino (tromba) hanno scelto come nome del loro gruppo, Cordepazze, per omaggiare il loro conterraneo Pirandello, delineando così la loro linea artistica, caratterizzata da testi pungenti, da comica irriverenza e sonorità accattivanti che arrivano facilmente agli ascoltatori. Sarà stato questo elogio della pazzia, cioè di quella dimensione che Pirandello considerava come parte costitutiva della mente umana, ad attirare l’attenzione dei visitatori di che hanno potuto ascoltare tutte le canzoni dei 16 finalisti, facendo convergere la loro preferenza sull’estroso brano “Sono morto da 5 minuti”.
La Gazzetta dello Sport è stato uno dei canali a disposizione per scegliere i vincitori del festival e dal 4 al 15 maggio ha ospitato su le schede e le canzoni dei 16 finalisti, tra cui gli affezionati del quotidiano rosa più importante d’Europa hanno potuto manifestare la loro scelta. Nel frattempo anche su Radio Uno Rai si è giunti alla penultima settimana di gara e già alla fine di maggio sapremo come hanno votato i radioascoltatori. Agli sgoccioli anche il verdetto del Comitato Artistico di Garanzia, i cui membri stanno esprimendo i loro giudizi sui finalisti.
Il brano delle Cordepazze “Sono morto da 5 minuti” è incluso, assieme a quello degli altri finalisti,
nel Cd compilation “Musicultura 2009” che, prodotto in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio di Macerata e distribuito da Venus Dischi, è uscito lo scorso 15 maggio in tutti i negozi di dischi e in tutti punti vendita Fnac e Feltrinelli d’Italia. Per chi fosse curioso di conoscere il brano del gruppo palermitano può anche accedere su per un download legale e gratuito.
Ufficio stampa Musicultura: -
mercoledì 13 maggio 2009
15 MAGGIO: esce il cd MUSICULTURA 2009
Il 15 maggio esce il CD compilation “Musicultura 2009”con i finalisti della 20° edizione del festival
PRODOTTO DALLA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI MACERATA,nel ruolo di produttore discografico
MACERATA - ITALY - Dal 4 maggio in anteprima su WWW.DOWNLOVERS.ITil download legale e gratuitoFino a fine maggio: canzoni in onda su Radio Uno Rai e Raitalia Radio, televoto del pubblico e voto online su www.gazzetta.ite Comitato Artistico di Garanzia all’ascolto per la scelta degli 8 vincitori che accederanno alle serate conclusive del festival, in programma il 26, 27 e 28 giugno all’Arena Sferisterio di Macerata. Al vincitore il premio finale Banca Popolare di Ancona di 20.000 euro In arrivo sugli scaffali dei negozi di dischi il CD compilation Musicultura 2009, la raccolta dei 16 brani finalisti della XX edizione del prestigioso concorso che ogni anno premia le migliori proposte emergenti della canzone popolare e d’autore italiana. Prodotto in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio di Macerata, il CD sarà nei negozi e nei punti vendita Fnac e Feltrinelli a partire dal 15 maggio, distribuito da Venus Dischi, al costo di 10 euro. In anteprima sull’uscita dell’album le canzoni sono disponibili già dal 4 maggio su <> per il download legale e gratuito.Secondo il Direttore Artistico di Musicultura Piero Cesanelli: “Siamo veramente riusciti ad ‘assemblare’ le canzoni dei generi più diversi. Ogni sensibilità troverà il suo punto di riferimento. Va anche sottolineato come tutti gli artisti presenti in questo disco abbiano scelto la linea della sapienza e dell’eleganza, quella di sottrarre anziché aggiungere, dando vita ad esempi di una musica asciugata e di grande modernità”.Per il presidente della Camera di Commercio di Macerata, Giuliano Bianchi: “Anche per il ventesimo anniversario di Musicultura i talenti migliori sapranno emergere incamminandosi a grandi passi a percorrere la strada dei big della canzone italiana. Faccio così a tutti i 16 finalisti gli auguri più sinceri di una brillante carriera”. La compilation raccoglie infatti i brani che sono stati selezionati al termine dell'ascolto di circa 1400 canzoni e di una sessione di Audizioni Live degli artisti più meritevoli. In 8 accederanno alle serate finali del festival (26, 27 e 28 giugno, Arena Sferisterio di Macerata), nel corso delle quali ad uno di loro andrà il "Premio Banca Popolare di Ancona" di 20.000 euro. Cinque degli otto vincitori saranno scelti dal Comitato Artistico di Garanzia, due dal pubblico di Radio Uno Rai tramite televoto e uno in collaborazione con La Gazzetta dello Sport (con voto online su Nell’attesa che la compilation esca ufficialmente nei negozi di dischi, Radio Uno Rai sta già promuovendo dal mese di aprile e continuerà fino a fine maggio i brani finalisti che la compongono. A partire dal 4 maggio anche Raitalia Radio (Rai International), all’interno del programma “Taccuino Italiano”, sta diffondendo la nuova musica d’autore italiana firmata Musicultura in tutto il mondo.Tracklist di MUSICULTURA 2009:1. “0 (Zero)” degli Hellosocrate2. “L’aquilone” di Giovanni Block3. “Studiare, lavoro, pensione e puoi muoio” di Jacopo Ratini4. “Il Bar della rabbia” di Alessandro Mannarino5. “Io sono il mare” di Naif6. “Sono morto da 5 minuti” delle Cordepazze7. “Oltre” di Erica Mou8. “Commedia (Le risate!)” dei SUPERLOWed9. “Quest’amore” di Carmine Torchia 10. “Charleston” dei Manupuma And The Bulletz11. “Portuale” di Gregor Ferretti12. “Il Corpo di Venere” di Paola Angeli13. “Tragedia dell’estate” de I Gatti Mézzi14. “Fiori su sassi” di Paolo Simoni15. “La valigia dello straniero” de Le Core16. “Zero in condotta (Sui fatti di Genova)” dei VersoEst
Fox Sports en Espanol Hosts Annual Upfront Event in New York City
Fox Sports en Espanol Hosts Annual Upfront Event in New York City
Network Unveils New Platforms, Announces Original Programming, Launches Exciting Scavenger Hunt and Online Presentation
Network Unveils New Platforms, Announces Original Programming, Launches Exciting Scavenger Hunt and Online Presentation
LOS ANGELES, May 13 /PRNewswire/ -- WHAT: Fox Sports en Espanol will unveil an array of exciting developments, including new original programming, new rights to prestigious sporting event properties, and its first foray into online gaming, a booming sector of the global sports market. The event will also serve as a launch pad for its annual scavenger hunt, an interactive promotion which pits the country's top advertising professionals against each other in a fun experiential contest to receive a variety of prizes. For the first year in its history, the network will also have a pre-produced multimedia presentation on their business-to-business site,, for those clients who cannot be present at the live event.
WHERE: Cipriani 42nd Street
110 E 42nd St.
New York, NY 10017
** For those who will not be able to attend, Fox Sports en Espanol still encourages participants to feel the passion and view the pre-produced multimedia presentation on its business-to-business site,
WHEN: Tuesday, May 19
12 - 2pm
WHO: Tom Maney - Senior Vice President/Advertising Sales
Lisa Scholtes - Director, Advertising Sales
Various Fox Sports en Espanol executives and presenters
CONTACT: Tom Maney, Lisa Scholtes and David Sternberg (Executive Vice President and General Manager of Fox Sports en Espanol) will be available for interviews before and during the event upon request. For more information and to reserve your credentials, please contact:
Jennifer Serna
Fox Sports en Espanol
Melissa Carrion
The Jeffrey Group
212-620-4100 ext. 313
About Fox Sports en Espanol
Reaching more than 14 million cable and satellite households in the country, of which over 5 million are U.S. Hispanic households, Fox Sports en Espanol is the leader in Spanish-language sports media. We feature premier soccer programming with exclusive coverage of the top leagues and tournaments in Latin America and Europe; coverage of the Major League Baseball regular season, All-Star Game, American League Championship Series and World Series; championship boxing and UFC(R) and mixed-martial arts across four compelling media platforms. With more than 1,600 hours of live and exclusive programming, a robust web site brimming with streaming video, portable content from FSE Movil and the Fox Sports en Espanol Magazine, we are and will continue to be the first name in the U.S. Hispanic sports space.
Fox Sports en Espanol is distributed by Fox Cable Networks Group and operated by Fox Pan American Sports LLC, an international sports programming and production entity jointly owned by HM Capital Partners, LLC and News Corporation's (NYSE:NWS) Fox Sports International. For more information, visit Fox Sports en Espanol online at
Source: Fox Sports en Espanol
CONTACT: Melissa Carrion, The Jeffrey Group, +1-212-620-4100 ext. 313,, for Fox Sports en Espanol; or Jennifer Serna, Fox Sports en Espanol, +1-310-444-8736,
Web site:
FIERA DEL LIBRO: in diretta dal Lingotto le voci storiche di Radio 24
In diretta dal Lingotto le voci storiche della radio: Gianluca Nicoletti, Gigi Garanzini, Giuseppe Cruciani e tanti altri
Microfoni aperti agli ascoltatori per recensire libri dalla cabina radio in fiera
Trasmissioni dedicate, anticipazioni, programmi in diretta e microfoni aperti agli ascoltatori presenti in fiera: questa è Radio 24 alla Fiera del libro di Torino 2009. Radio ufficiale della manifestazione, l'emittente del Gruppo 24 ORE sarà presente in fiera al padiglione 2-Area media con i propri studi per trasmettere in diretta diversi programmi al giorno. Inoltre, ogni giorno aggiornamenti nei GR con le voci di ospiti, relatori e autori presenti alla kermesse.
I visitatori potranno ascoltare e soprattutto vedere dal vivo alcune delle voci storiche di Radio 24: Giovedì 14 maggio Gianluca Nicoletti condurrà in diretta dalla fiera "Melog 2.0" dalle 10:00 alle 11:00, mentre alle 14.00 sarà la volta di Gigi Garanzini con "A tempo di sport".
Venerdì 15 maggio ben quattro le trasmissioni in diretta dalla fiera: alle 10 Nicoletti farà il bis, a seguire Nicoletta Carbone con "Essere e benessere", alle 14.00 Carlo Genta con "Palla a spicchi" e dalle 18:20 alle 20:45 gran finale con "La Zanzara" di Giuseppe Cruciani.
Sabato 16 maggio appuntamento alle 12:00 con Nicoletta Carbone e Alberto Pellai per "Questa casa non è un albergo", alle 14:00 con Roberta Giordano "Non ci sono più le mezze stagioni" e alle 18:00 con Franco Dassisti per "La rosa purpurea"
Domenica 17 maggio una vera e propria maratona radiofonica in diretta sarà condotta da Stefano Gallarini con il programma "Il riposo del guerriero", in onda dalla cabina radio in fiera dalle 10:00 alle 16:30, che ospiterà alle 13.30 "Un libro tira l’altro" con Salvatore Carrubba
Non solo. Radio 24 invita gli ascoltatori a diventare protagonisti e loro stessi recensori di libri. “Il cacciatore di libri”, rubrica di consigli letterari in onda su Radio 24 il venerdì alle 21.05 e il sabato alle 08.25, ha lanciato l'iniziativa "Io in un libro" che invita gli ascoltatori a consigliare via mail a il libro nel quale si sono ritrovati o che ritengono una lettura fondamentale per la costruzione del loro “io”.
Nei giorni della Fiera lo stand di Radio 24 sarà aperto ai visitatori per registrare direttamente negli studi mobili la propria recensione.
Tra tutti i contributi raccolti, i migliori andranno in onda domenica 17 maggio nel corso del programma contenitore "Il Riposo del Guerriero" trasmesso in diretta dalla fiera. E non è detto che qualche ascoltatore, grazie alla propria recensione, non possa trasformarsi in un ospite del programma.
Tutte iniziative di Radio 24 sono anche online all’indirizzo in una pagina in aggiornamento continuo, arricchita di giorno in giorno dai programmi dedicati alla Fiera del Libro, alla cultura, all’editoria, ai consigli di lettura.Elena Gramatica Ufficio Stampa Gruppo 24 ORE Direzione Comunicazione, Relazioni Esterne e Marketing Il Sole 24 ORE
Trasmissioni dedicate, anticipazioni, programmi in diretta e microfoni aperti agli ascoltatori presenti in fiera: questa è Radio 24 alla Fiera del libro di Torino 2009. Radio ufficiale della manifestazione, l'emittente del Gruppo 24 ORE sarà presente in fiera al padiglione 2-Area media con i propri studi per trasmettere in diretta diversi programmi al giorno. Inoltre, ogni giorno aggiornamenti nei GR con le voci di ospiti, relatori e autori presenti alla kermesse.
I visitatori potranno ascoltare e soprattutto vedere dal vivo alcune delle voci storiche di Radio 24: Giovedì 14 maggio Gianluca Nicoletti condurrà in diretta dalla fiera "Melog 2.0" dalle 10:00 alle 11:00, mentre alle 14.00 sarà la volta di Gigi Garanzini con "A tempo di sport".
Venerdì 15 maggio ben quattro le trasmissioni in diretta dalla fiera: alle 10 Nicoletti farà il bis, a seguire Nicoletta Carbone con "Essere e benessere", alle 14.00 Carlo Genta con "Palla a spicchi" e dalle 18:20 alle 20:45 gran finale con "La Zanzara" di Giuseppe Cruciani.
Sabato 16 maggio appuntamento alle 12:00 con Nicoletta Carbone e Alberto Pellai per "Questa casa non è un albergo", alle 14:00 con Roberta Giordano "Non ci sono più le mezze stagioni" e alle 18:00 con Franco Dassisti per "La rosa purpurea"
Domenica 17 maggio una vera e propria maratona radiofonica in diretta sarà condotta da Stefano Gallarini con il programma "Il riposo del guerriero", in onda dalla cabina radio in fiera dalle 10:00 alle 16:30, che ospiterà alle 13.30 "Un libro tira l’altro" con Salvatore Carrubba
Non solo. Radio 24 invita gli ascoltatori a diventare protagonisti e loro stessi recensori di libri. “Il cacciatore di libri”, rubrica di consigli letterari in onda su Radio 24 il venerdì alle 21.05 e il sabato alle 08.25, ha lanciato l'iniziativa "Io in un libro" che invita gli ascoltatori a consigliare via mail a il libro nel quale si sono ritrovati o che ritengono una lettura fondamentale per la costruzione del loro “io”.
Nei giorni della Fiera lo stand di Radio 24 sarà aperto ai visitatori per registrare direttamente negli studi mobili la propria recensione.
Tra tutti i contributi raccolti, i migliori andranno in onda domenica 17 maggio nel corso del programma contenitore "Il Riposo del Guerriero" trasmesso in diretta dalla fiera. E non è detto che qualche ascoltatore, grazie alla propria recensione, non possa trasformarsi in un ospite del programma.
Tutte iniziative di Radio 24 sono anche online all’indirizzo in una pagina in aggiornamento continuo, arricchita di giorno in giorno dai programmi dedicati alla Fiera del Libro, alla cultura, all’editoria, ai consigli di lettura.Elena Gramatica Ufficio Stampa Gruppo 24 ORE Direzione Comunicazione, Relazioni Esterne e Marketing Il Sole 24 ORE
KT Tape: Secret Weapon of Elite Athletes - Now Available to Everyone
KT Tape: Secret Weapon of Elite Athletes - Now Available to Everyone
PROVO, Utah, May 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Lumos Inc. introduces KT Tape(TM), the first-ever kinesiology tape to come in pre-cut strips specifically designed for consumer use. Kinesiology tape is a high performance elastic athletic tape used by medical professionals for treating muscle and joint injuries. Kinesiology tape has never been available direct to consumers, and required special cutting and training to use it. Athletes no longer have to suffer through painful injuries, or sit out their favorite sports. KT Tape is fast and easy to apply and provides the same professional quality treatment on which Olympic champions rely.By lifting the skin and relieving pressure on pain transmitters, KT Tape provides muscle-pain relief and support without restricting motion. KT Tape comes in convenient pre-cut strips and is available in a variety of colors. It provides 24-hour relief for up to five days per application and is water resistant, so it stays on in the pool & shower. KT Tape provides relief for runner's knee, tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, sprains, and general back and shoulder pain, as well as most muscle soreness or pain. All of these injuries respond well to treatment with KT Tape, allowing people to remain active while injured.
KT Tape is launching world-wide this year in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. The product will be available to US consumers at Sports Authority, Eastbay, Dicks Sporting Goods, Big 5 Sporting Goods, as well as thousands of independent sporting goods retailers nation-wide.
Olympic gold-medalist Kerri Walsh has officially endorsed KT Tape:
"Kinesiology tape allows me to compete at my peak, even when I'm injured. I switched to KT Tape because it is hands-down the highest quality, most durable and comfortable kinesiology tape that I've ever found," says Kerri Walsh, two-time Olympic gold medalist. "I wouldn't play without it!"
For a complete list of retailers, and videos demonstrating a wide variety of taping techniques, please visit
KT Tape(TM) provides muscle pain relief, increased mobility, and enhanced recovery for athletes of every level. Developed by Utah-based Lumos Inc., KT Tape(TM) is packaged in easy-to-use, pre-cut strips. KT Tape(TM) is officially endorsed by Kerri Walsh, Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist.
Source: KT Tape
CONTACT: Hilary Hutcheson, PR Director, +1-503-828-7074,, for KT Tape
Web Site:
DISH Network(R) to Carry Racetrack Television Network Subscription Package
DISH Network(R) to Carry Racetrack Television Network Subscription Package
ENGLEWOOD, Colo., May 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- DISH Network Corporation (NASDAQ:DISH) today announced that it has entered into a long-term agreement with Racetrack Television Network (RTN) and HorseRacing TV (HRTV) for the creation of a subscription racing package. The subscription package will be offered to DISH Network(R) subscribers under the brand name "Racetrack Television Network," and will consist of up to 80 channels of live thoroughbred, quarterhorse, harness and greyhound racing.
Each racetrack in the package will have its own dedicated channel, allowing viewers to watch the same live, uninterrupted simulcast feed as is shown in commercial wagering establishments. The simulcast feed will include full wagering information, paddock shots, and post parades. Depending upon the time of year and the number of racetracks operating the package will include as many as 700 live races daily. DISH Network subscribers will be able to watch all of the exciting racing action for the everyday low price of $49.99 per month.
In addition to the 80 channel package, DISH Network viewers will have the opportunity to subscribe to a "Best of RTN" package. The "Best of RTN" package will consist of the live simulcast feeds of 12 of the top RTN racetracks running at any given time. The "Best of RTN" package will cost $29.99 per month.
Both the 80 channel and "Best Of RTN" packages are expected to launch in September, 2009
As part of the agreement announced today, HRTV and DISH Network have entered into a long-term extension of HRTV's carriage arrangement on DISH Network. HRTV and RTN will work cooperatively to market and promote the subscription package.
"With the recent running of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes around the corner, we are all reminded of the popularity of horse racing," said Michael Kelly, Executive Vice President of DISH Network. "We are pleased to be able to offer DISH Network subscribers the most complete package of racing content available in the marketplace."
"This new arrangement with DISH Network allows us to greatly improve and expand the existing distribution of the RTN package of racing content," said Todd Roberts, President of Racetrack Television Network. "Through this new relationship with DISH Network, it will now be easier than ever for racing fans across the country to access the full-card simulcast feeds available on RTN. Furthermore, our relationship with HRTV allows us to market and promote both the RTN package and the sport of racing in general, in ways never before possible."
About DISH Network Corporation
DISH Network Corporation (NASDAQ:DISH), the nation's HD leader, provides approximately 13.584 million satellite TV customers as of March 31, 2009 with the highest quality programming and technology at the best value, including the lowest all-digital price nationwide. Customers have access to hundreds of video and audio channels, the most HD channels, the most international channels, state-of-the-art interactive TV applications, and award-winning HD and DVR technology including 1080p Video on Demand and the DuoDVR ViP(R) 722 DVR, a CNET and PC Magazine "Editors' Choice." DISH Network is included in the Nasdaq-100 Index (NDX) and is a Fortune 250 company. Visit
About RTN
RTN ( is a subscription based television network that offers live, uninterrupted, full card simulcasts from thoroughbred, harness, quarter horse, and greyhound racetracks throughout North America and other parts of the world. RTN currently offers up to 40 channels of service via its private, direct to home satellite network for a monthly subscription fee. RTN is scheduled to launch an internet and mobile version of the service in September, 2009.
About HRTV
HRTV ( is a 24-hour television network providing wire-to-wire coverage of live horse racing action, as well as originally produced horse racing related programming. HRTV covers more than 70 Thoroughbred, harness and quarter horse racetracks in the United States and across the globe. HRTV is available to approximately 17 million subscribers throughout the United States.
Source: DISH Network Corporation
CONTACT: Parker McConachie, Corporate Communications of DISH Network Corporation, +1-720-514-5351,; or Todd Roberts, President of Racetrack Television Network, +1-702-227-7510; or Scott Daruty, President of HorseRacing TV, +1-626-574-6322
Web Site:
Full Calendar of Activities for 24th Los Angeles Marathon This Memorial Day Weekend
Full Calendar of Activities for 24th Los Angeles Marathon This Memorial Day Weekend
LOS ANGELES, May 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Runners, cyclists, fans and anyone interested in fitness will have plenty to see and do during the Memorial Day weekend leading up to the 24th Los Angeles Marathon to be held for the first time on Memorial Day, May 25. Coming up:
>> Saturday, May 23: Run/Ex/09
One of the largest racing expositions in the world, Run/Ex/09, will open in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center. More than 140 exhibitors will offer innovative demonstrations and state-of-the-art products and services on running, health, fitness and lifestyle improvement on more than four acres of floor space. Saturday hours are from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and admission is free.
>> Saturday, May 23: The Carbo Load
The traditional pre-race Carbo Load dinner will be held for the first time at the ESPN Zone at L.A. Live, a short walk from the Run/Ex/09 site at the Convention Center. Tickets are $25 per person and seating is extremely limited.
>> Sunday, May 24: Run/Ex/09
The final day of Run/Ex/09 is the last chance to register for the 2009 Los Angeles Marathon or the Acura L.A. Bike Tour (no race-day registration) or the Los Angeles Marathon 5k Run/Walk (for which there will be race-day registration). Sunday's Run/Ex/09 hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and admission is free.
>> Monday, May 25: Los Angeles Marathon XXIV
The Los Angeles Marathon will be held for the first time on Memorial Day, with more than 35,000 participants expected to run, cycle and walk in the Marathon, Acura L.A. Bike Tour or the 5k Run/Walk.
Start times:
5:00 a.m.: Acura L.A. Bike Tour start
6:55 a.m.: Los Angeles Marathon wheelchair participant start
7:00 a.m.: Los Angeles Marathon hand-cycle start
7:07 a.m.: Los Angeles Marathon elite women's start
7:24 a.m.: Los Angeles Marathon field start
8:30 a.m.: Los Angeles Marathon 5k Run/Walk start
8:50 a.m.: Springfield Kids Marathon start
9:45 a.m.: Awards presentation at the Los Angeles Central Library
Street closures in the downtown Los Angeles area will begin about 5:20 a.m. with all streets re-opened by 5:20 p.m.
>> Monday, May 25: Los Angeles Marathon Finish Line Festival
Beginning with a giant screen showing the live KNBC race broadcast, the annual Finish Line Festival will begin at 7 a.m. and continue until 3 p.m. at Flower and 3rd Streets in downtown Los Angeles. Live entertainment will be offered on the K-EARTH Stage beginning at 10:30 a.m., with the Michelob Ultra Beer Garden close by plus two dozen sponsor and exhibit booths, including the Family Reunion Area.
Admission to the Finish Line Festival is free.
>> For more information on the Los Angeles Marathon, visit
>> For more information on the Acura L.A. Bike Tour, visit
"We inspire athletes and connect communities. Anchored by the iconic Los Angeles Marathon, our three sporting events draw more than 42,000 athletes, 12,000 volunteers, and one million spectators along the route to sunny Southern California for the L.A. Marathon, the Acura L.A. Bike Tour, and our 5K Run/Walk for Charity, making race day one of the world's largest days of participatory sport."
~ Russ Pillar, President, Los Angeles Marathon, L.L.C.
Source: Los Angeles Marathon, L.L.C.
CONTACT: Pat Harris of Perelman, Pioneer & Co., +1-323-965-4900,, for Los Angeles Marathon, L.L.C.
Web Site:
lunedì 11 maggio 2009 and MasterCard Worldwide Announce Additional Discounted Tickets and MasterCard Worldwide
Announce Additional Discounted Tickets
MasterCard card users who purchase tickets on can save 10% or more for select games in 2009
NEW YORK, May 11 /PRNewswire/ --, the official website of Major League Baseball, and MasterCard Worldwide unveiled today an online ticket savings program exclusively available at This program represents an extension of the Commissioner's Fan Initiative by bringing fans additional ticket price savings of 10 percent or more for select games in 2009 when they use their MasterCard card to purchase select tickets online at and participating club websites.
Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig launched the Commissioner's Fan Initiative, including the Fan Value Corner on, earlier this season to make fans aware of the affordable ticket and event promotions offered by the 30 Major League Clubs.
"MasterCard is a fan of the baseball fan," said Robert Steeger, VP, US Sponsorships, MasterCard Worldwide. "Offering discounts to Major League Baseball game tickets is another way for us to thank our cardholders for simply choosing to pay with their MasterCard cards."
"The long-standing service MasterCard has given to baseball fans created the ideal collaborative opportunity for us to extend Commissioner Selig's commitment to making our games more affordable," said Bob Bowman, CEO,
Highlights of the initiative include:
-- Arizona Diamondbacks: Every Tuesday home game will feature $10
discounts off Baseline Reserved seats.
-- Atlanta Braves: Beginning May 19, Golden Moon Casino Pavilion level
tickets will be offered at a $10 discount for select home games.
-- Boston Red Sox: Beginning June 5, select June and July home games will
feature a 10% discount for Outfield Grandstand tickets.
-- Chicago White Sox: Offering $10 savings off Upper Box and Upper
Reserve seats for a select home game every month, beginning April 28
against Seattle Mariners.
-- Cincinnati Reds: Offering half-price tickets for View Level seats at
every Tuesday home game.
-- Cleveland Indians: Every Tuesday home game and other select games will
feature $10 discounts off Lower Reserved and Upper Box seats.
-- Colorado Rockies: For every Value and Premium designated home game
through May 31, there will be discounts of $8 and $10, respectively,
for Pavilion, RF Mezzanine and Upper Reserved INF seats.
-- Kansas City Royals: Select home games will feature $10 discounts off
Field Box, Field Plaza, Outfield Box and View Level Infield tickets.
-- Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim: Offering half-price tickets for Field
Box, Terrace Box, Terrace Box WC and View MVP seats for a select home
game every month.
-- Los Angeles Dodgers: Every Tuesday home game will feature 15%
discounts for Field Box and Infield Reserve seats.
-- Milwaukee Brewers: Offering at $10 discount for Club Outfield seats at
select Tuesday home games, and other select games this season.
-- Oakland Athletics: Field level tickets for more than 30 select home
games are available for $10 off the regular price.
-- Philadelphia Phillies: Offering discounts of at least 50% on Pavilion
Deck seats for select home games in July, August and September.
-- Pittsburgh Pirates: Every Sunday-Thursday home game will feature a $10
discount off Outfield Box seats.
-- St. Louis Cardinals: All weekday home games will feature a $10
discount off available individual tickets in all seating locations.
Additional clubs and ticket discount offers will be available all season long. Certain restrictions may apply. See for more details.
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giovedì 7 maggio 2009

El actor Anthony Álvarez, aceptó un obsequio especial de Johnnie Walker Blue Label durante la fiesta que se llevo a cabo anoche en el restaurante Talay de Nueva York, para celebrar su lanzamiento como cantante y su nuevo CD. Álvarez es famoso por su participación en películas de Hollywood tales como “En el tiempo de las mariposas”, y la ganadora de dos premios Oscar, “Frida”. Johnnie Walker tiene una larga tradición de celebrar el progreso personal de los Latinos. Celebra a las personas que te inspiran.
Opening: Thursday, May 7th, 2009 Until June 19th 2009
Open: Monday - Wednesday, Friday 12 - 5 p.m. Thursday 12 - 7 p.m.
Free entry
GALERIA FOKSAL MCKiS ul. Foksal ¼; 00-950 Warszawa
tel./fax: (48-22) 8276243
Foksal Gallery Wojciech Gilewicz Rewitalizacje / Revitalisations 2007, 75 x 75 cm, oil on canvas fot. J.Gładykowski, Foksal Gallery 2009
Wojciech Gilewicz's current exhibition at the Foksal Gallery, his second here, differs vastly from what he has accustomed us to in his previous work. The show comprises paintings created for earlier projects; however, this time he presents them as wholly abstract works, removed from the context in which they originally appeared as realistic painted reproductions doing duty for elements of the surrounding world. In general, they imitated fragments of the walls and windowsills of buildings, or masqueraded as paving stones. They could only be found with the help of a special map, prepared by the artist himself. So perfectly did they meld with reality that they remained completely invisible to the uninitiated viewer. Gilewicz's work to date has been a junction, a meeting place for painting, photography, installations, and videos documenting his artistic actions. The final work was a fusion of numerous elements, acquiring significance only within the context of the whole, even when transferred to the setting of a gallery's interior. This was what happened with the show which Gilewicz prepared for the Foksal in 2005. The work fused painting, photography and reality; a view from a window in the gallery. The pictures inside the gallery, three irregular figures, had to be read in conjunction with the photographs presented alongside them. They showed three canvas stretchers in the park, before painting, and after, along with a view of the park from the gallery window. Now Gilewicz goes a step further. He deprives his paintings of context, imposing the constraints of artistic form on them. It no longer matters whether the works first functioned against the urban fabric of Warsaw, Sanok or Paris, or whether they once became a part of the New York metro, Warsaw's Zachęta National Gallery of Art or Ukraine's Ivano-Frankivsk Museum of Art. What matters now is their independent existence, the paintings and the paintings alone. What new meanings do they acquire? Set against the backdrop of painting's entire tradition and the history of that medium, how do they speak to us? And finally, does Gilewicz's work provide simple answers to these questions? Or does it also provoke us to further reflection? Born in 1974 in Biłgoraj. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan (1994-1996) and then in Warsaw, where in 1999 he earned a degree in painting (with an additional degree in photography) A painter, photographer, author of installations and videos. Lives and works in Warsaw and New York. The leitmotif of Wojciech Gilewicz's practice is a desire to show how relative and changeable our perception of the surrounding world is and how fluid the boundaries between reality and its artistic representation can be. Gilewicz's practice invites a reflection on the mechanisms governing our perception and on the cultural determinants of the way we see things. ( His solo exhibitions include: CCA Ujazdowski Castle / Laboratorium, Warsaw; Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Paris; Foksal Gallery, Warsaw; Museum of Fine Arts, Iwano-Frankiwsk; Contemporary Art Museum, Saint Louis. Group exhibitions: National Museum / Krolikarnia, Warsaw; Zacheta National Gallery of Art and Zacheta / Kordegarda, Warsaw; Live Box at Ravenswood, Chicago; CCA Laznia, Gdansk; Real Art Ways, Hartford; Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz; Pianissimo Gallery, Milano; White Box Gallery, New York; Sculpture Center, New York; Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai; now and soon: CoCA Znaki Czasu [ Lucim lives on ] Torun, Poland; Museums of Bat Yam [ Factory ] Bat Yam, Izrael; Museum of Contemporay Art [ Art in Public (non) Places ] Belgrad, Serbia and TAV Taipei, Taiwan In April 2009 CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw published an art book [ Oni / Them ], presenting a photographic cycle of Wojciech Gilewicz's doubled self-portraits.
Opening: Thursday, May 7th, 2009 Until June 19th 2009
Open: Monday - Wednesday, Friday 12 - 5 p.m. Thursday 12 - 7 p.m.
Free entry
GALERIA FOKSAL MCKiS ul. Foksal ¼; 00-950 Warszawa
tel./fax: (48-22) 8276243
Foksal Gallery Wojciech Gilewicz Rewitalizacje / Revitalisations 2007, 75 x 75 cm, oil on canvas fot. J.Gładykowski, Foksal Gallery 2009
Wojciech Gilewicz's current exhibition at the Foksal Gallery, his second here, differs vastly from what he has accustomed us to in his previous work. The show comprises paintings created for earlier projects; however, this time he presents them as wholly abstract works, removed from the context in which they originally appeared as realistic painted reproductions doing duty for elements of the surrounding world. In general, they imitated fragments of the walls and windowsills of buildings, or masqueraded as paving stones. They could only be found with the help of a special map, prepared by the artist himself. So perfectly did they meld with reality that they remained completely invisible to the uninitiated viewer. Gilewicz's work to date has been a junction, a meeting place for painting, photography, installations, and videos documenting his artistic actions. The final work was a fusion of numerous elements, acquiring significance only within the context of the whole, even when transferred to the setting of a gallery's interior. This was what happened with the show which Gilewicz prepared for the Foksal in 2005. The work fused painting, photography and reality; a view from a window in the gallery. The pictures inside the gallery, three irregular figures, had to be read in conjunction with the photographs presented alongside them. They showed three canvas stretchers in the park, before painting, and after, along with a view of the park from the gallery window. Now Gilewicz goes a step further. He deprives his paintings of context, imposing the constraints of artistic form on them. It no longer matters whether the works first functioned against the urban fabric of Warsaw, Sanok or Paris, or whether they once became a part of the New York metro, Warsaw's Zachęta National Gallery of Art or Ukraine's Ivano-Frankivsk Museum of Art. What matters now is their independent existence, the paintings and the paintings alone. What new meanings do they acquire? Set against the backdrop of painting's entire tradition and the history of that medium, how do they speak to us? And finally, does Gilewicz's work provide simple answers to these questions? Or does it also provoke us to further reflection? Born in 1974 in Biłgoraj. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan (1994-1996) and then in Warsaw, where in 1999 he earned a degree in painting (with an additional degree in photography) A painter, photographer, author of installations and videos. Lives and works in Warsaw and New York. The leitmotif of Wojciech Gilewicz's practice is a desire to show how relative and changeable our perception of the surrounding world is and how fluid the boundaries between reality and its artistic representation can be. Gilewicz's practice invites a reflection on the mechanisms governing our perception and on the cultural determinants of the way we see things. ( His solo exhibitions include: CCA Ujazdowski Castle / Laboratorium, Warsaw; Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Paris; Foksal Gallery, Warsaw; Museum of Fine Arts, Iwano-Frankiwsk; Contemporary Art Museum, Saint Louis. Group exhibitions: National Museum / Krolikarnia, Warsaw; Zacheta National Gallery of Art and Zacheta / Kordegarda, Warsaw; Live Box at Ravenswood, Chicago; CCA Laznia, Gdansk; Real Art Ways, Hartford; Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz; Pianissimo Gallery, Milano; White Box Gallery, New York; Sculpture Center, New York; Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai; now and soon: CoCA Znaki Czasu [ Lucim lives on ] Torun, Poland; Museums of Bat Yam [ Factory ] Bat Yam, Izrael; Museum of Contemporay Art [ Art in Public (non) Places ] Belgrad, Serbia and TAV Taipei, Taiwan In April 2009 CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw published an art book [ Oni / Them ], presenting a photographic cycle of Wojciech Gilewicz's doubled self-portraits.
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