mercoledì 23 luglio 2008

Mulder et Scully de retour au cinéma

Gillian Anderson et David Duchovny
seront à l'affiche de X-Files:
Régénération par Chris Carter,
dans les salles le 30 juillet.

martedì 22 luglio 2008

Qué quieren los hombres en la cama?

Según Juan Carlos Kusnetzoff, psiquiatra y sexólogo, ellos viven pendientes de su rendimiento sexual, fantasean con juegos de lesbianismo y sienten pánico a los 40. Cuál es el peor enemigo del placer sexual? La falta de deseo. Es como si faltara nafta. Sin el deseo es muy difícil todo lo demás. Y hoy es uno de los problemas más frecuentes de consulta. ¿Y por qué hay tan pocas ganas? Por motivos orgánicos, psicológicos y, muchas veces, sociales como la inestabilidad laboral, por ejemplo. Pero también sobreviene cuando un hombre tiene algún problema sexual, aunque sea transitorio, y eso le provoca ansiedad. Temor a la próxima vez, inhibición y vergüenza. ¿Y qué suelen hacer o no ellos con su falta de deseo? Salen a "probarse" con otras mujeres. Es una tontería típica del macho, no del hombre. Y, generalmente, también fracasan. Por más linda o pulposa que sea esa otra mujer, no está acostumbrado a ella y fracasa agravando la ansiedad sexual. Es un prejuicio del machismo: el macho no falla nunca, tiene tres, cuatro mujeres o las que quiera por semana. ¿El machismo atenta contra la sexualidad de todos? Obvio. Atenta contra la sexualidad efectiva, no contra la sexualidad relatada. El macho es un fanfarrón que siempre da envidia, entre comillas, a los amigos. Si se hace una encuesta a cincuenta supuestos machos, seguro que dicen que nunca tuvieron problemas sexuales. No se entiende entonces por qué en el mundo se vende hoy un comprimido de Viagra cada nueve segundos. Se vende más que la aspirina. El homo zapping, el que cambia constantemente de pareja sexual, ¿es más adicto al Viagra? Sí, claro. Igual hay de todo. Hay hombres que no lo consumen con la propia mujer y sí cuando tienen una aventura sexual. O viceversa, algunos no quieren fallar con su mujer y afuera, como es una relación ocasional, no les preocupa tanto. Para muchos cumplir 40 años resulta un hito del declive sexual. Entran en pánico, es la crisis de la mediana edad o como se la llama ahora, el síndrome del último tren. ¿Qué los angustia tanto? Es una crisis evolutiva como la de la adolescencia. Cualquier hombre de cualquier condición social y en cualquier lugar geográfico la pasa. Está acompañada por miedos, depresión, la muerte aparece como un límite concreto. Esto lo lleva a conflictos de pareja, hace un balance personal, profesional. Se pregunta si cumplió los sueños de su juventud. Algunos, además, quieren hacerse una transfusión de juventud saliendo con mujeres veinte años más jóvenes que ellos. ¿Y cómo los afecta esa crisis en su vida sexual? Muchas de estas cuestiones existenciales se concentran en un tema de erección. El tipo antes no tenía problemas de erección, pero si una función fisiológica como es la erección, está sobrecargada de significados, angustias o temores, automáticamente falla. Las mujeres se quejan de que el hombre las excluye en la cama. Yo, un poco medio en broma y un poco medio en serio, digo que los hombres no tienen relaciones sexuales con las mujeres u otros hombres. Los hombres tienen relaciones con sus penes. Una vez que el pene se erecta, ahí entonces sí se fijan con quién están. Pero primero toda la atención está puesta en el órgano. El tipo con un ojo mira a su compañera y con el otro vigila el pene. Esto hace que la energía se disperse. ¿No es un tema cultural esto de asociar, en forma dramática, la erección con el encuentro sexual? Sí. Claro, usted habla así porque no tiene pene. El pene al macho no se le puede bajar en ningún momento (risas). Ahora, en serio, el macho adentro tiene oculto un hombre. ¿Y qué significa eso? Es alguien que se emociona, siente, confiesa lo que le ocurre, falla... Es importante que el tipo entienda que el hecho de que tenga una erección, no significa "ya está, penetro". Hay que dedicarse a la franela, jugar más. El pene sube y baja... Muchos pacientes dicen que si baja, después no pueden. Es una fantasía. Lejos de los estereotipos machistas y de la cultura del "poder del homo erectus", ¿no podrían simplemente relajarse y disfrutar? Lo siento, estimada. Si fuera así, yo no tendría trabajo (risas). Los hombres, las parejas que entiendan eso, ya está. Se liberan. ¿Cómo se evita el aburrimiento sexual en una pareja que lleva muchos años de convivencia? Hay que salir, pasear, encontrarse en otros lugares. Cambiar de paisaje, ayuda. Pero el sexo inevitablemente es rutina. ¿Siempre llega el aburrimiento? El aburrimiento forma parte. ¿Y el sexo tántrico, que está tan de moda, no ayuda a aplazar un poco el hartazgo? Es bueno. Pero hay que tener tiempo y tiempo no tenemos. Hay que ser oriental, creer en el yin y el yang. ¿Entonces estamos condenados a aburrirnos o a cambiar cada tanto de pareja? Yo no opino eso. En la cama hay que decir lo que uno quiere. "Me gusta que me muerdas...", por ejemplo. Tener diálogo del menú de lo que a cada uno le interesa. Eso saca el aburrimiento. Y además, voy a emplear una palabra que pido, por favor, pongan en mi boca: el amor es eterno. Amor, amor. No se trata de técnicas sexuales. El amor es el mejor afrodisíaco. Hay que estar entusiasmados, gustar de la otra persona. No hay ningún secreto en eso. Si carecés de ese condimento, lo siento mucho, te vas a pasar toda la vida muy aburrido. ¿Cuáles son las fantasías masculinas más frecuentes? Compartir la mujer con otra mujer. Un trío. No con otro hombre. No, no. ¡Qué te has creído de mí! (risas). Las imágenes de lesbianismo, por ejemplo. Eso los excita muchísimo. El hombre es un ser visual por excelencia y la mujer es táctil. ¿Por qué tienen tanta obsesión por la cola femenina? Porque en la percepción visual lo que emerge es el relieve. Lo mismo pasa con los pechos. Al hombre le gusta eso que resalta. ¿Dice algo de la sexualidad de los argentinos que Florencia de la V sea un sex-symbol, la primera vedette del país? Estamos viviendo en una época posmoderna que se caracteriza por borrar las distinciones. Antes había hombres y mujeres, ahora hay hombres, mujeres y... El posmodernismo ha abierto las piernas y las neuronas. Entonces uno ve lo que antes no veía. ¿Usted nota en el consultorio cada vez más pacientes bisexuales, por ejemplo? Sí, sí. Y lo confiesan. Están casados, con hijos, etcétera. Y se van una noche con un señor. Eso trae unos problemas tremendos. Pero no hay nada nuevo bajo el sol. ¿Y cuáles son las quejas más frecuentes con respecto a sus compañeras sexuales? Dicen que son lentas para excitarse o llegar al orgasmo. Esa queja es un clásico. También que no quieren tener relaciones anales. El macho muere por eso. Quiere ponerlo en su currículum, contárselo a sus amigos. Es muy importante para ellos. Y a muchas mujeres no les gusta, pero acceden porque saben que si no, él va y busca a otra. Por último, ¿qué es lo que realmente espera un hombre de una mujer en la cama? Que grite. Desde hace muchos años el doctor Juan Carlos Kusnetzoff ha explicitado que orgasmo no es igual a grito. Pero no importa. Ellos quieren contarle a los amigos que ella es una leona en la cama. Y una leona ruge, grita... A lo mejor es verdad o no. Eso no importa. Es tan tonto el hombre, tan tonto. Que viene una mujer, grita, se mueve, se desespera, pide agua, etcétera. Y el tipo enloquece, ya está organizando la próxima cita. Fuente: /m-00601.htm


Long March Space will showcase new explorations by artist Lin Tianmiao in 'Mother's!!!', an immersive experience that will see the gallery space completely transformed. Over the past 2 years, Lin Tianmiao's practice has turned towards the small and intimate, having previously experimented with various large-scale installation and print based media. The diminutive works presented in 'Mother's!!!' maintain important qualities from her previous works — such as her use of material, form and color — however the relationship between these elements have been significantly altered in terms of how these aspects can articulate a particularly different, at times violent, bodily existence. The white, voluptuous figures of middle-aged women, whose heads have been removed, or remain abstract and devoid of human features, have been placed in deliberately ambiguous postures. The surface of these bodies are delicately wrapped in a pearl-like material, these figures at times placed in private remonstrations suggesting the expelling of bodily waste, or seemingly pulled apart and laid bare, the innards of the body transformed into ominous balls and threads which suggest an interconnected relationship with the animal and plant world. The boundaries between people and their surroundings; male and female; internal and external; between different types of species, are blurred and broken, creating a chaotic environment which questions the nature of the world it inhabits. The exhibition title, Mother's!!!, carries the idea of 'mother' and maternal instinct, seeking to express the "yin" (Chinese philosophical principle) and feminine characteristics of people and things. 'Mother's!!!' also recalls the process of raising a child. The apostrophe in the title references material possession and ownership, alluding to ideas of familial inheritance and a continued human story. However, the title of this exhibition also holds a contradiction in that in Chinese slang "Ma de (Mother's)" is a swear word, and thus this language holds a deliberately chosen derogatory overtone. This subtle ambiguity presents the viewer with a particular platform for interpretation. The strange "landscapes", created by these disconcerting sculptures, recall those kinds of images discussed by Jacques Lacan and his materialization of "imago", whereby form takes shape in the imagination's intermingling of time and space, fundamentally enabled through psychoanalytic recognition. It is the contradictions within these deep psychological states and processes that Lin Tianmiao addresses the relationship between body and mind, society and the natural world, ethics and material value, and reason and emotion – all interminably linked to the idea of middle age and womanhood. 'Mother's!!!' will be the most significant solo exhibition of this important female artist to date, whose pioneering role in the development of contemporary Chinese art has been hugely influential. This exhibition celebrates the culmination of a long period of labor-intensive work, employing an imaginative intuition to realize an exhibition stage that 'wraps' the floor, ceiling and walls of the gallery space to create the experience of a cave, or the inside of a living organism. Here, the process of 'viewing' becomes another kind of aggressive act, entering into a personal and private confrontation of existence. Lin TIanmiao was born in Shanxi Province, China in 1961. Beginning as a textile designer in New York in the early 1990s, she returned to Beijing in 1995 and has since been recognized as one of China's most esteemed female contemporary artists. Working across installation, sculpture, photography, works on paper and video, Lin Tianmiao's work has been included in numerous local and international exhibitions, such as: Focus: Works on Paper, Long March Space, Beijing, China, 2008; Global Feminisms, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA, 2007; About Beauty, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany, 2005; Mahjong: Works from the Sigg Collection, Kunstmuseum, Bern, Switzerland, 2005; Between Past and Future, International Center of Photography, New York, USA; Asia Society Museum, New York, USA; Smart Museum, Chicago, USA, 2004. Long March Space 4 Jiuxianqiao Rd (Factory 798) Beijing China 100015 Tues-Sun 11:00 am – 7:00 pm Press contact: Long March Space Tel +86 10 6438 7107 Fax +86 10 6432 3834

lunedì 21 luglio 2008


Il pilota argentino Andrés Rios, portacolori della marchigiana Mistral ha iniziato oggi una nuova tappa della propria carriera sportiva in Europa.
Ha infatti debuttato questo fine settimana nel campionato Tricolore Porsche Carrera cup 997 all'autodromo del Mugello.
L'argentino in gara 1, partendo dall' ottava fila è stato vittima di un pauroso incidente per l'avvio burrascoso del concorrente Peroni in nona fila, che ha centrato Rios nella fiancata sinistra, arpionandolo e volando letteralmente su due ruote.
L'incolpevole Rios si è dovuto successivamente ritirare per i danni riportati alle sospensioni. La gara dopo l'abbandono ha visto trionfare Luigi Ferrara.
A causa dunque dell'incidente nel primo start Rios è dovuto partire in gara 2 dall' ultima fila ( in griglia 34°) ed ha iniziato una rimonta spettacolare fino al 14° posto sotto la bandiera a scacchi.
La vittoria in questo secondo round è stata appannaggio di Luca Rangoni, compagno di squadra di Andrès Rios nel team Centro Porsche Brescia.
Rios alla fine della giornata dichiara: “ sono felice per la scuderia e per la Mistral e per il processo di adattamento con la nuova vettura.
Il team mi ha già riconfermato con la stessa Porsche n°21 nella prossima gara di Misano Adriatico.
Ora mi preparerò al meglio per la tappa di Zolder nel Gloria Euro cup, che ho gia vinto l’anno scorso e che mi vede in testa al campionato.

mercoledì 16 luglio 2008

Bollywood drives key industry players to PALME India

MUMBAI, India, July 15 /PRNewswire/ -- - India's Film Industry Makes 1,000 Movies Annually Generating US$ 1.8Billion - 97% of Urban Youth Prefer to Watch Movies at Multiplexes DrivingPro AV Sales

PALME India 2008 has attracted some of the biggest names in theprofessional audio visual industry driven by the growth in the colossalIndian film industry and burgeoning live event and night club scene.Professional suppliers to the industry are now being spurred-on by a robusteconomy, India's burgeoning middle classes and a trend that shows 97% ofyoung urban youth prefer to watch movies at public cinemas, bucking thewestern trend of in-home movies.The event which will be held from 3-5 October at the Bombay ExhibitionCentre, Mumbai has already signed-up industry majors such as Harman Pro,Modern Stage/Philips Lighting, Meyer Sound and Coda Audio. Indeed ModernStage/Philips Lighting are taking exhibiting at PALME India 2008 to the nextlevel, by booking over 450 square metres of floor space, with a distinctBollywood theme. All of Modern Stage's principle companies will berepresented, ranging from Verilight, Elgin Electronics, Stark Illumination,Philips Lighting and Studio Due from Italy.Another high profile exhibitor will be Harman Pro who has booked 100square metres of exhibition space six times larger than last year. They willbe demonstrating their latest array of speakers and equipment. In addition,Meyer Sound a high end loudspeaker manufacturer will also be prominent."To emphasise the international reach PALME India has gained, Germanloudspeaker manufacturer Coda Audio will be exhibiting directly and havereserved one of the new features introduced to PALME India this year - asound proofed demo room," said Exhibition Manager, James Raffoul for IIRExhibitions.However, while the Bollywood film industry is the central entertainmentfocus, the events industry also continues to record dramatic growth. Withover 8% GDP growth, India's main conurbations and resorts are witnessing aboom in leisure and tourism infrastructure. To provide specific platforms forboth of these distinct areas, PALME India features two separate butcomplementary vertical shows, Install India and Event 360, which operateunder the brand umbrella of PALME India."This ensures that the exhibition caters to the industry in general aswell as providing dedicated arenas for event specialists as well asaudio-visual systems integration companies," added Raffoul.The growing number of luxury hotels, sports complexes and shopping mallsin India, that require the latest in technology infrastructure andcommunication systems, actually supports PALME India's strategic approach.This fact has not been lost on international brand names such asFogscreen who is looking to open the show in a unique way, by providing adramatic entrance to the exhibition through its latest fogscreen technology,the first of its kind in India.Participating for the first time at PALME India will be French specialeffects company, Universal Effects, whilst Projection Design is set tocombine the skills of both their Norwegian and Indian offices, by exhibitingthe latest in projection screen technology.Raffoul concluded, "PALME India is a strong platform for professionalrecording and broadcasting technology, architectural and theatre lighting, DJtechnology, special effects and visual and sound communications for theentertainment, presentation, project installations, music and relatedindustries.For more information about PALME India, please visithttp://www.palme-india.comWebsite:

lunedì 14 luglio 2008

Italia será la invitada de honor de la Feria del Libro de Guadalajara en 2008

Guadalajara (México).- Italia será la invitada de honor de la edición 2008 de la Feria Internacional del Libro (FIL) de Guadalajara, según se anunció hoy al culminar la edición de 2007, que tuvo como protagonista especial a Colombia.

sabato 12 luglio 2008

Le nouvel album de Charles Aznavour

comptera de nombreux duos prestigieux avec,

entre autres:

Elton John,

Sting ou Johnny Hallyday.

Né le 22 mai 1924 à Paris, Shahnhour Varinag Aznavourian est plus connu sous le nom de Charles Aznavour. Il est le fils de Misha Aznavourian, un restaurateur arménien né en Géorgie et de Knar Baghdassarian, une arménienne originaire de Turquie. En 1933, à l'âge de 9 ans, il prend son nom de scène Charles Aznavour et entame une carrière de comédien au théâtre puis devient chanteur à l'adolescence. Remarqué par Edith Piaf en 1946, il l'accompagne lors de sa tournée en France et aux Etats-Unis. En 1948, au Quebec, il se produit sur scène avec Pierre Roche et rencontre un succès phénomènal. Le duo reste à l'affiche pendant un an et demi et sort six 78 tours avec des succès comme J'ai bu, Départ express ou Le Feutre taupé. Au début des années cinquante, Charles Aznavour tente de percer seul mais se heurte à une vague d'antipathie orchestrée par la presse. On lui reproche sa petite taille, sa voix éraillée, sa jeunesse et par dessus tout, son idylle avec Piaf. Le 12 décembre 1960, il prend sa revanche en triomphant sur la scène de l'Alhambra. Ce soir là, il interprète pour la première fois Je m'voyais déjà, chanson autoparodique qui lance sa carrière. Il enchaîne ensuite des tubes devenus plus tard des standards comme Tu t'laisses aller (1960), Il faut savoir (1961), La mamma (1963), Et pourtant (1963), For Me Formidable (1964) ou La Bohème (1966).Chanteur polyglotte et doté d'un sens aigu des affaires, Charles Aznavour étend rapidement sa notoriété en se produisant un peu partout dans le monde. Il triomphe notamment à New York où sa crooner attitude l'élève au rang de superstar. En marge des concerts, il poursuit une carrière de comédien entamée au cinéma en 1936. Charles Aznavour tourne avec Cocteau, Truffaut, Mocky, Verneuil, Granier Deferre, Clair, Chabrol ou Lelouch. Au total, une soixantaine de films dont certains s'inscrivent dans la légende. En 1989, Charles Aznavour enregistre Pour toi Arménie avec un collectif d'artistes et verse les bénéfices aux victimes du tremblement de terre qui a ravagé l'Arménie quelque mois plus tôt. Depuis, une place d'Erevan porte son nom. Marié plusieurs fois, Charles Aznavour a eu six enfants de trois femmes différentes : Seda, né en 1946, Charles, né en 1952, Patrick, né en 1956 et décédé en 1981, Katia, née en 1969, Misha, né en 1971 et Nicolas, né en 1977.

Filmographie :2006 : Mon colonel, de Laurent Herbiet 2005 : Emmenez-moi, de Edmond Bensimon 2003 : La Vérité sur Charlie, de Jonathan Demme 2002 : Ararat, de Atom Egoyan 2001 : Laguna, de Dennis Berry 1997 : Le Comédien, de Christian de Chalonge 1997 : Pondichéry, dernier comptoir des Indes, de Bernard Favre 1992 : Les Années campagne, de Philippe Leriche 1989 : Il Maestro, de Marion Hänsel 1988 : Mangeclous, de Moshe Mizrahi 1986 : Yiddish Connection, de Paul Boujenah 1984 : Viva la vie, de Claude Lelouch 1983 : Der Zauberberg, de Hans W. Geissendörfer 1983 : Une Jeunesse, de Moshe Mizrahi 1983 : Edith et Marcel, de Claude Lelouch 1982 : Les Fantômes du chapelier, de Claude Chabrol 1982 : Qu'est-ce qui fait courir David ?, de Elie Chouraqui 1979 : Le Tambour, de Volker Schlöndorff 1979 : Ciao, les mecs, de Sergio Gobbi 1976 : Folies bourgeoises, de Claude Chabrol 1976 : Intervention Delta, de Douglas Hickox 1974 : Dix petits nègres, de Peter Collinson 1973 : The Selfish giant, de Peter Zander 1973 : The Blockhouse, de Clive Rees 1972 : Les Intrus, de Sergio Gobbi 1971 : La Part des lions, de Jean Larriaga 1971 : Un beau monstre, de Sergio Gobbi 1970 : L'Amour, de Richard Balducci 1970 : Les Aventuriers, de Lewis Gilbert 1970 : The Games, de Michael Winner 1969 : Le Temps des loups, de Sergio Gobbi 1968 : Caroline chérie, de Denys de La Patellière 1968 : Candy, de Christian Marquand 1966 : Le Facteur s'en va-t-en guerre, de Claude Bernard-Aubert 1965 : La Métamorphose des cloportes, de Pierre Granier-Deferre 1965 : Paris au mois d'août, de Pierre Granier-Deferre 1964 : Haute infidélité, de Luciano Salce 1964 : Thomas l'imposteur, de Georges Franju 1963 : Les Vierges, de Jean-Pierre Mocky 1963 : Cherchez l'idole, de Michel Boisrond 1962 : Les Quatre vérités, de René Clair 1962 : Le Diable et les dix Commandements, de Julien Duvivier 1962 : Horace 62, de Andre Versini 1962 : Le Rat d'Amerique, de Jean-Gabriel Albicocco 1962 : Esame di guida, de Denys de La Patellière 1961 : Les Lions sont lâchés, de Henri Verneuil 1961 : Un Taxi pour Tobrouk, de Denys de La Patellière 1961 : Gosse de Paris, de Marcel Martin 1960 : Tirez sur le pianiste, de François Truffaut 1960 : Le Passage du Rhin, de André Cayatte1959 : Pourquoi viens-tu si tard?, de Henri Decoin 1959 : Les Dragueurs, de Jean-Pierre Mocky 1959 : La Tête contre les murs, de Georges Franju1959 : Oh! Qué mambo, de John Berry 1959 : Le Testament d'Orphée, de Jean Cocteau 1957 : C'est arrivé à 36 chandelles, de Henri Diamant-Berger 1957 : Paris Music Hall, de Stany Cordier 1957 : Une Gosse sensass', de Robert Bibal 1948 : Entrez dans la danse 1946 : Adieu chérie, de Raymond Bernard 1938 : Les Disparus de Saint-Agil, de Christian-Jaque 1936 : La Guerre des gosses, de Jacques Daroy


RESTON, Virginia, July 11 /PRNewswire/
The iPhone is already among the top phones used for mobilebrowsing. 3G capability will drive usage even higher as the iPhone challengesits competitors.comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world,today reports that iPhone users surpass all others in mobile media usage,with more than 80 percent of iPhone users in France, Germany and the UK usingthe device to browse news and information on the mobile Web, compared to 32percent of other smartphone users.(Logo: the market anticipates the launch of the 3G version in Germany and theUK today, comScore M:Metrics, confirms that even on the slower 2.5G mobilenetwork, the iPhone has increased mobile Internet consumption by a factor of13 times in the case of a category such as social networking sites. The studyalso found that 42 percent of iPhone users visited a social networking siteon their device in May compared to the market average of 3 percent and 10percent of smartphone owners. E-mail is another popular feature, with nearly70 percent of iPhone users sending and receiving e-mail with the device,compared to just 26 percent among other smartphones users and 7.6 percent ofthe cell phone market overall.Internet Usage Habits among Smartphone Subscribers Three-month Average Ending May 2008 Mobile phone subscribers in France, Germany and the United Kingdom Source: comScore M:Metrics, MobiLens Internet Service Accessed via Phone Percent of Subscribers iPhone Smartphone* Market Any news of information via browser 80.4% 32.2% 10.7% Accessed web search 56.6% 18.3% 5.0% Watched any mobile TV and/or video 32.0% 14.6% 7.4% Accessed a social networking site or blog 42.4% 10.3% 3.2% Listened to music on mobile phone 70.0% 32.5% 18.4% Used email (work or personal) 69.5% 25.6% 7.6% * Smartphone defined as a device running the Windows, Palm or Symbianoperating system"Our data confirm that the iPhone and its requisite data plan havesucceeded in drawing consumers to the mobile Web," said Paul Goode,senior analyst, comScore M:Metrics, "Even without 3G networking, users arehappy to browse and consume as much content as they can, and as soon as thedata speeds improve, these figures will likely continue to increase."The improvement in iPhone handset features and reduced pricing shouldhave a significant impact on uptake, especially in the European marketswhere, according to comScore M:Metrics data, the UK has 3G penetration at 26percent, Germany at 23 percent and France at 17 percent.comScore M:Metrics also found that while smartphones are adopted by ahigher proportion of men than mobile phones overall, iPhones have an evenstronger skew to men in the U.K. and Germany. In the U.K for example, 75percent of iPhone users are male, while men account for about 68 percent ofsmartphone users. In contrast, in France, 67 percent of iPhone users are mencompared to a higher 71 percent of smartphone usersGender Splits among Cell Phone Users by European Country Three-month Average Ending May 2008 Mobile phone subscribers in France, Germany and the United Kingdom Source: comScore M:Metrics, MobiLens Country Total Mobile Market Smartphones iPhone Male Female Male Female Male Female EU3* 50.6% 49.4% 69.4% 30.6% 72.3% 27.7% France 49.2% 50.8% 70.9% 29.1% 67.3% 32.7% Germany 53.7% 46.3% 69.9% 30.1% 71.2% 28.8% UK 48.7% 51.3% 68.2% 31.8% 75.8% 24.2% "It is worth noting that the Nokia N95 8GB with high speed 3G andsignificant handset subsidies now has over twice as many users as the iPhoneacross the UK, Germany and France," observed Goode. "Yet the iPhone, despiteits small user-base, is already in the top 10 handsets for online browsing inthe UK and in the top 5 in France and Germany. It is giving devices likeNokia's N Series and Sony Ericsson K and W Series a definite run for theirmoney."About comScorecomScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digitalworld. This capability is based on a massive, global cross-section of about 2million Internet users who have given comScore permission to confidentiallycapture their browsing and transaction behavior, including online and offlinepurchasing. comScore panelists also participate in survey research thatgathers and integrates their attitudes and intentions. Using its proprietarytechnology, comScore measures what matters across a broad spectrum of digitalbehavior and attitudes and helps clients design more powerful marketingstrategies that deliver superior ROI. With its recent acquisition ofM:Metrics, comScore is also a leading source of data on mobile usage.comScore services are used by over 950 clients, including global leaders suchas AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo!, BBC, Carat, Cyworld, Deutsche Bank, FranceTelecom, Best Buy, The Newspaper Association of America, Financial Times,ESPN, Fox Sports, Nestle, Starcom, Universal McCann, the United States PostalService, Verizon Services Group and ViaMichelin. For more information, pleasevisit M:MetricsAcquired by comScore, Inc. in May 2008, M:Metrics is an authoritativesource of data on mobile usage. As one of the few research firm to measurethe audience for mobile media using on-device metering and one of the world'slargest monthly survey of mobile users, M:Metrics provides data on actualmobile content consumption by applying trusted media measurementmethodologies to the mobile market. M:Metrics monthly syndicated data servicegives clients the critical insights and intelligence required to inform smartbusiness strategies and the competitive benchmarks needed to evaluate theperformance of competitors and partners. M:Metrics services are used by morethan 180 clients, including global leaders in the mobile, advertising,technology and consumer goods industries such as Verizon, Vodafone,Microsoft, RIM, FOX, CBS, BBC, BMW, Samsung, Palm, Qualcomm, Ericsson, O&M,and JWT. For more information, please visit site: http://www.comscore.com

venerdì 11 luglio 2008





PEDASO (ASCOLI PICENO) ITALY - Il nuovo Mercoledì del Mahè, Baciami Signorina, si conferma essere una delle serate “Top” in Riviera con la presenza di tantissime donne per un appuntamento interamente a loro dedicato. Successo dunque per i Party organizzati dal quartetto Gianluca Jay – Alessandrino – Oriano the Voice e Augusto 900, con loro professionisti del mesterie come Emiliano Tancredi, Michele Merlonghi, Max e Dj Frans. Nello splendido giardino Mahè, ritornato ai fasti di una volta grazie alla cordata di giovani imprenditori sanbenedettesi, il secondo appuntamento “Baciami Signorina” ha visto la partecipazione di un folto pubblico, gente adulta e collaboratori d’eccezione provenienti dai migliori Chalet della Riviera.
Si è subito accesa la serata con il compleanno della splendida Ada, collaboratrice Mahè e Babaloo, che per l’occasione ha invitato 50 selezionatissimi ospiti. Presente Cesare Clooney, Massimiliano e Amira, Angelo Gallazzi, il Presidente Nazzareno, Mimmo, oltre naturalmente alle tante amiche. Presente Francesco Baldassarri e amici, tutta la comitiva delle ragazze Soho di Civitanova Marche capitanate da Pamela e Betta, presenti anche alcuni collaboratori Babaloo, Marco Beta del Nero di Sole, Michele Mazzieri del Naomi, Peppe Mery Jo, Domenico Bellavista, lo stilista Andrea Rossi, l'imprenditore Simone Beato e l'avvocato Fabrizio Stallone, la comitiva Centanni, Massimo Rossano, Daniel, Michele Ancona, Eros dell'AWD, la comitiva Royal, quella Barbini e quella Mercuri. Presente alla serata anche il conosciutissimo Alberto Guardiani, titolare dell’omonimo marchio, imprenditore del settore calzaturiero con negozi in tutto il mondo, con Lui l’artista Peppe l’Orafo, creatore di preziosi ambiti dai Vip.
Non poteva mancare all’appuntamento Mauro Campari e le sue Rio Models, avvistato anche Max Megaslot e Dj Andy titolare di Radio Fm, presenti anche quelli degli Chalet Medusa, Radio Nave, 7 Mari, Hotel Miramare, Baladi Beach – House Event con il titolare Andrea Santoni e l’animazione dei villaggi Verde Mare – Mirage e Capannina.
Pronto anche il calendario dei prossimi appuntamenti con una serie di Party dedicati alle ragazze (ogni serata è con ingresso libero alle donne) e numerose collaborazioni.

mercoledì 9 luglio 2008

Sophie Vuldy: Ça « swing » dans le monde de la joaillerie !

Chers tous,
Le Bureau de Presse du Spa des Marques est heureux d'accueillir parmi les joailliers qu'il représente la jeune créatrice Sophie Vuldy. Ancienne golfeuse de haut niveau, Sophie Vuldy aborde la joaillerie avec une vitalité et une énergie à couper le souffle ! Des créations modernes et orginales, à l'image de sa collection phare l'Oeil du Fauve, la placent d'emblée dans l'avant-garde de la joaillerie contemporaine.

Quand une ancienne sportive de haut niveau apporte son énergie, la joaillerie à tout à y gagner.
Sa dernière collection, ‘l’œil du fauve’ en est la parfaite illustration…

« Dès mon plus jeune âge, j’ai toujours aimé les arts plastiques, la sculpture…Je suis une vraie manuelle, j’ai toujours été très minutieuse». Aujourd’hui, c’est dans son atelier Montmartrois que Sophie Vuldy crée avec passion des bijoux réalisés avec soin et attention.
Au départ, rien ne prédestinait Sophie Vuldy à devenir joaillier. Issue d’une famille de kinésithérapeutes, passionnée de golf, ce dont elle aurait pu faire son métier, c’est un peu par hasard qu’elle découvre les métiers de la création et s’oriente vers la joaillerie. Trois ans plus tard, elle décroche son diplôme à l’Ecole Nicolas Flannel.
Lauréate en 2005 du concours jeune créateur des Ateliers d’Art de France, Sophie Vuldy se fait remarquer pour son approche innovante dans la création de bijoux.
Son tempérament indépendant l’amène, à tout juste 28 ans, à ouvrir son premier atelier boutique sur la Butte Montmartre. Un vrai parti pris car Sophie Vuldy se met tout de suite à son compte en tant qu’artisan, avec plein de projets en tête !

Le savoir-faire au service de la perfection

Savoir-faire, minutie et qualité sont, chez elle, les maîtres mots dans son processus de création. C’est avec la plus grande exigence qu’elle conçoit ses bijoux de A à Z… Elle imagine, dessine, fabrique, et ajuste.
Une grande minutie et une attention particulière dans le choix des pierres confèrent à ses bijoux un serti des plus raffinés et un confort irréprochable.
Sophie Vuldy avoue son goût prononcé pour l’or blanc et les diamants car ces matériaux vieillissent très bien au fil du temps. C’est là un point auquel elle attache la plus grande importance : faire de ses créations des objets éternels. Car c’est bien connu, « ce qui n’est pas éternel est éternellement démodé » *
Elle aime aussi l’or jaune « C’est pour moi un métal agréable à travailler techniquement…Je peux me permettre plus de poésie ».
Pour ses propres créations, elle donne libre cours à son imagination. En perpétuelle quête de formes inédites, elle manie avec dextérité un style architecturé et aime à donner une allure graphique à ses bijoux.
« Je n’aime pas le copiage, lorsque je commence un nouveau bijou et que je m’aperçois avec horreur qu’il ressemble a un bijou de tel ou tel créateur, j’abandonne tout de suite. »
La créatrice recherche des formes, un style, une allure qui ne soit pas « du déjà vu ». Une ambition qui la place derechef parmi les jeunes créateurs modernes et avant-gardistes de notre temps.
Jeune, moderne, passionnée, délicate et pourtant si déterminée, Sophie Vuldy crée des bijoux qui lui ressemblent avant tout.

Des bijoux « Carrément parfaits »

Innovante et exigeante pour ses réalisations, Sophie Vuldy n’en est pas moins une grande romantique. Sa source d’inspiration : L’amour, l’amour de son compagnon et de son jeune fils.
« J’ai crée la bague Œil du Fauve, pour mon amoureux… Je crois que le facteur amour déclenche en moi des idées créatives, c’est une bague faite à la main, avec passion. Je l’ai par la suite déclinée en version femme, plus fine et plus précieuse, sertie de diamants ».
Vrai nouveauté et bijoux phare de la créatrice, la bague « Oeil du Fauve », est un émaillage trapézoïdale décliné en or blanc, or jaune, or rose, sablé ou poli, avec ou sans diamants. Disponibles en différentes largeurs pour satisfaire aussi bien les hommes que les femmes.
Sophie Vuldy travaille actuellement sur un nouveau modèle femme « Œil du Fauve » qui se portera en trois anneaux de couleur.

Pleine de fraîcheur, Sophie Vuldy est une créatrice de talent qui aime avant tout satisfaire ses clients qu’elle reçoit avec son plus grand sourire au 38 rue Caulaincourt, dans le 18ème, à Paris.

lunedì 7 luglio 2008

Mimoza Botsin

Was born on 22of october 1963 in Pleven. Bulgaria.
In 1982 finished the art secondary school in Sofia.
In 1987 she took a degree in Veliko Turnovo University from the Fakulty of Fine Arts.Speciality“Graphic Art“.Mimoza Botsin is working in Opava the Cech Republik
in the field of drawing and paiting.
Her works are in private collections in France,Switzerland,Norway,Slovakia,Bulgaria and Cech Republik.

venerdì 4 luglio 2008


PEDASO (ASCOLI PICENO -ITALY) - Bella Partenza per il nuovo Mercoledì Mahè, Baciami Signorina, un serie di serate organizzate dal quartetto Gianluca Jay – Alessandrino – Oriano the Voice e Augusto 900, che oltre ad essere i protagonisti alla consolle hanno curato nei minimi particolari la realizzazione di questa prima serata. Tanta bella gente è accorsa nello splendido giardino Mahè forti della fiducia accordata a questo nuovo gruppo di lavoro che ha così confermato tutte le sue potenzialità coinvolgendo altri personaggi noti del mondo della notte come Emiliano Tancredi e Michele Merlonghi.
Tante le comitive note presenti a partire da quella di Gianluca Esa Boutique, Pino Zega. Marco Rapanelli del Babaloo, Cesare Clooney, Francesco Baldassarri e amici, presente tutta la comitiva delle ragazze Soho di Civitanova Marche, quella del Bounty con il compleanno di Andrea e Giacomo Ciccalè, e poi Mery Jo, Jonatha Malaspina, Orazio Osa e le ragazze del Batik, Luca Bentivoglio e Domenico Bellavista, la comitiva Centanni, Massimo Rossano, John John, Riviera Cool, le telecamere di Weekend & Dintorni, quelle di Gente della notte. Presenti gli amici del MyM con Giorgio Caporaletti e Fabrizio Antinori, quelli del Nero di Sole con Marco Beta, il presidente Nzzareno, Simone Tosi, la truppa del Caffè 900, e ancora giocatori di Basket, quelli della San Benedettese Calcio, e tanti altri.
Una serata calda e molto gradevole sotto ogni punto di vista, il mercoledi Mahè che per la prossima settimana presenta un Baciami Signorina molto particolare, notte che vedrà il gemellaggio con molti Chalet della Riviera Adriatica, sempre con ingresso libero alle donne e la presenza delle più belle comitive della zona.

mercoledì 2 luglio 2008


Il gruppo molisano rappresenterà

l'Italia al TFF di Rudolstadt

Tutto pronto per la *Riserva Moac* che questa settimana partirà alla volta della Germania, dove si esibirà quale rappresentante della musica italiana al *TFF di Rudolstadt. *Nella scorsa edizione la nomination italiana è caduta sull'artista* Gianna Nannini. *

Il prestigioso festival tedesco, consacrato al folk ed alla world music e giunto alla sua 18ª edizione, aprirà i battenti venerdì 4 luglio, per una tre giorni di musica “no stop”che coinvolgerà l’intero tessuto urbano della città turingia.

Il gruppo molisano si esibirà per ben quattro volte sui principali palchi che verranno allestiti in tutto il centro storico.

I live previsti sono: il 4 luglio alle 21.00 nel parco Heinepark Grosse Buhne, il 5 luglio alle 16.30 presso Heine Park Konzertzelt e la partecipazione al concerti finale del TFF, prevista per domenica 6 lug
2008 alle 19.45 presso Markt stage.

Il festival prevede anche workshops, seminari ed esibizioni, oltre che vari eventi notturni di stampo dance. Il tutto disseminato nei posti più rappresentativi del centro urbano di Rudolstadt.

martedì 1 luglio 2008


The 7th Gwangju Biennale Annual Report:
A Year in Exhibitions
Duration: September 5 – November 9, 2008 Professional Preview: September 4 and 5, 2008 Artistic Director: Okwui Enwezor Co-Curators: Hyunjin Kim, Ranjit Hoskote Position Papers Curators: Patrick D. Flores, Jang Un Kim, Abdellah Karroum, Sung-Hyen Park, Claire Tancons Venues: Biennale Hall, Gwangju Museum of Art, Uijae Museum of Korean Art, Cinema Gwangju, Daein Traditional Market Annual Report is developed around three principal components. The first part, On the Road, through a series of travelling exhibitions will serve as a report on cultural manifestations occuring between 2007 and 2008. The second component, Position Papers, is a platform dedicated to a series of five focused, small scale curatorial proposals and experiments in exhibition practice by a diverse group of curators. The third element, Insertions, will take the format of a series of new projects commissioned or invited specifically for the biennale. Participating Artists On the Road / Insertions / Position Papers Adel Abdessemed (Algeria, lives in Paris) Bani Abidi (Pakistan, lives in Delhi, Karachi, London) David Adjaye (Ghana/UK, lives in London) Raymundo Albano (Philippines, 1947-1985) Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla (USA, live in Puerto Rico) Lara Almarcegui (Spain, lives in Rotterdam) Francis Alÿs (Belgium, lives in Mexico City) Area Park (South Korea, lives in Seoul/Tokyo) Stefano Arienti (Italy, lives in Milan) Kaoru Arima (Japan, lives in Nagoya) Mario Benjamin (Haiti, lives in Port-au-Prince) Sadie Benning (USA, lives in Chicago) Huma Bhabha (Pakistan/USA, lives in New York) Ursula Biemann (Switzerland, lives in Zürich) Bingyi Huang (China/USA, lives in Buffalo and Beijing) Tania Bruguera & Arte Conducta (Cuba, live in Chicago and Havana) Mariana Bunimov (Venezuela, lives in Caracas) Gerard Byrne (Ireland, lives in Dublin) Byron Kim (USA, lives in New York) Chen Shaoxiong (China, lives in Guangzhou) Chen Qiulin (China, lives in Beijing) Chung seoyoung (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Bruce Conner (USA, lives in San Francisco) Thomas Demand (Germany, lives in Berlin) Atul Dodiya (India, lives in Bombay) Donghee Koo (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Lili Dujourie (Belgium, lives in Brussels) Felipe Dulzaides & Roberto Gottardi (Cuba and Italy, live in Havana) Eunji cho (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Seamus Farrell (Ireland, lives in Paris and Cadiz, Spain) Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Germany, 1945-1982) Daniel Faust (USA, lives in New York) Vincent Feria: Françoise Vincent & Eloy Feria (France & Venezuela, live in Caracas) Nina Fischer & Maroan El Sani (Germany, lives in Sapporo, Japan) Peter Friedl (Austria, lives in Berlin) Gao Shiqiang (China, Llves in Hangzhou) Marlon Griffith (Trinidad and Tobago, lives in Port of Spain) Hu-ju Gu (Korea, lives in Busan) Tamar Guimaraes (Brazil, lives in Copenhagen and Mälmo) Shilpa Gupta (India, lives in Bombay) Hans Haacke (Germany, lives in New York) Lothar Hempel (Germany, lives in Berlin) Jan Henle (USA, lives in New York and Puerto Rico) Chi Young Hwang (South Korea, lives in Gwangju) Iman Issa (Egypt, lives in Cairo) Haejun Jo and Donghwan Jo (South Korea, live in Seoul) Isaac Julien (U.K., lives in London) Taehun Kang (South Korea, lives in Busan) Hassan Khan (Egypt, lives in Cairo) Sonia Khurana (India, lives in New Delhi) Kim, Sung Hwan (South Korea, lives in New York) Seung wook Koh (Korea, lives in Seoul) Abdoulaye Konaté (Mali, lives in Bamako) David Lamelas (Argentina, lives in Los Angeles) Larnet: In Ae Lim & Eun Young Hong (Korea, live in Busan) Jin Won Lee (aka GAZAEBAL), Musician (Korea, lives in Seoul) Seulgi Lee (Korea, lives in Paris) Sherrie Levine (USA, lives in New York) Christelle Lheureux (France, lives in Paris) Glenn Ligon (USA, lives in New York) Jarbas Lopes (Brazil, lives in Rio de Janeiro) Reagan Louie (USA, lives in San Francisco) Ken Lum (Canada, lives in Vancouver) Mun-ho Ma (Korea, lives in Naju) MAP Office: Laurent Gutierrez and Valérie Portefaix (France, live in Hong Kong) Kerry James Marshall (USA, lives in Chicago) Mona Marzouk (Egypt, lives in Cairo) The Masked Portrait (Group Exhibition) Gordon Matta Clark (USA, 1943-1978) Steve McQueen (UK, lives in Amsterdam) Daniel Medina (Venezuela, lives in Caracas) Luis Molina Pantin (Venezuela, lives in Caracas) Matthew Monahan (USA, lives in Los Angeles) Movement, Contingency and Community (Group Exhibition) MY-DA-DA (based in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego) HwaYeon Nam (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Oil 21 (Germany, based in Berlin) Karyn Olivier (Trinidad and Tobago/USA, lives in New York) Els Opsomer (Belgium, lives in Brussels) Jina Park (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Jooyeon Park (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Munjong Park (Korea, lives in Damyang) Kiyoung Peik (Korea, lives in Ansan) Redza Piyadasa (Malaysia, 1939-2007) Apinan Poshyananda (Thailand, lives in Bangkok) Jo Ractliffe (South Africa, lives in Johannesburg) Mandla Reuter (Germany, lives in Berlin) Jewyo Rhii (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Walid Sadek (Lebanon, lives in Beirut) Joachim Schoenfeldt (South Africa, lives in Johannesburg) Fatou Kande Senghor (Senegal, lives in Dakar) Ho-yoon Shin (Korea, lives in Gwangju) Taryn Simon (USA, lives in New York) Dayanita Singh (India, lives in New Delhi) Praneet Soi (India, lives in Amsterdam) Hiroshi Sugito (Japan, lives in Nagoya) Catherine Sullivan (USA, lives in Los Angeles) Sungyoon Yang (South Korea, lives in Seoul) Jim Supangkat (Indonesia, lives in Bandung) Koki Tanaka (Japan, lives in Tokyo) José Toirac (Cuba, lives in Havana) Caecilia Tripp, Filmmaker (Germany, lives in Paris) Uijae Huh, Baikryun (South Korea, 1891-1977) Jacques Villeglé (France, lives in Paris) Alfred Wenemoser (Austria, lives in Caracas) Sislej Xhafa (Kosovo, lives in New York) Lynette Yiadom Boakye (U.K., lives in London) Bruce Yonemoto (USA, lives in Los Angeles) Kohei Yoshiyuki (Japan, lives in Tokyo) Zarina (India/USA, lives in New York) Dolores Zinny & Juan Maidagan (Argentina, live in Berlin) John Zurier (USA, lives in Berkeley) For detailed information on the biennale and participating artists please visit the website: For press information please contact: The Gwangju Biennale Foundation Jin-Kyung Jeong Biennale 2-gil Buk-gu Gwangju, South Korea Tel +82 62 608 4264 / Fax +82 62 608 4269

SPELLO: La mostra del Pintoricchio si prolunga fino al 31 agosto 2008

Sono più di centomila i visitatori che hanno visitato la mostra sul Pintoricchio che si snoda fra la sezione espositiva perugina (Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria) e Spello (Cappella Baglioni e Pinacoteca Civica). Un traguardo significativo che premia la mostra con un piccolo grande record ottenuto attraverso una media giornaliera di 1.140 visitatori. Numeri che incoronano la mostra dedicata a Bernardino di Betto come uno degli eventi espositivi a più alto gradimento del 2008 e che sarà prorogata fino alla fine di Agosto 2008.
La città di Spello ha omaggiato il suo artista con l’evento Infiorate 2008, una serie di iniziative culturali: in questo quadro si inserisce lo Studio Roscini e le aziende del suo gruppo, Edeco Immobiliare e Azienda Agraria Hispellum, che hanno offerto alla cittadinanza il concerto inaugurale di musica del 500 eseguito dall’ Ensemble Micrologus, nello splendido scenario della Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore che ospita la Cappella Baglioni, mirabilmente affrescata dal maestro.
A confermare il legame con il territorio ed i suoi eventi, in occasione delle Infiorate, l’Azienda Agraria Hispellum ha premiato gli infioratori under 14 che hanno realizzato il tappeto fiorito sotto riportato, con il premio “Terre Rosse” che è stato consegnato dal giornalista televisivo Michele Cucuzza.