martedì 30 giugno 2009


Giovanni Block eletto vincitore assoluto del Festival

Tre serate di grandi performance all’Arena Sferisterio

Sul palco Alice, Beatrice Antolini,

Banco del Mutuo Soccorso,
Vinicio Capossela, Simone Cristicchi e il Coro dei Minatori di Santa Fiora, Gocoo, Cristiano De André, Donovan, Irene Grandi, Joumana Haddad,
La Leggenda New Trolls, Matthew Lee, Lello Voce, Paola Turci,
PFM-Premiata Forneria Marconi, Sergio Zavoli


Sipario sceso sulla XX edizione di Musicultura. Eletto il vincitore assoluto del Festival, Giovanni Block, che con il suo brano “L’aquilone” si è aggiudicato il Premio Banca Popolare di Ancona di 20.000 euro dopo aver già conquistato sabato 27 giugno il Premio UniMarche per il miglior testo.
Grazie al pezzo “Quest’amore”, invece, a Carmine Torchia sono andati il Premio Siae per la migliore musica e il Premio AFI per la migliore interpretazione e il miglior progetto discografico.
Alle CordePazze, infine, è stata conferita la Targa della critica – Premio Camera di Commercio di Macerata, per la canzone “Sono morto da 5 minuti”.

Iniziato venerdì 26 giugno, il Musicultura Festival si è concluso domenica 28 giugno.
Il 26 giugno, ad aprire la lunga kermesse artistica condotta da Fabrizio Frizzi, un’esibizione tutta al femminile: la poetessa libanese Joumana Haddad, che con la partecipazione dell’attrice teatrale Tiziana Bagatella e l’accompagnamento delle note della violinista H.e.r., ha incantato la platea con i componimenti del suo libro “Adrenalina”, anticipando l’ingresso di un’altra artista, Beatrice Antolini.
Poi, i Gocoo: undici musicisti giapponesi che hanno picchiato su quaranta tamburi taiko, portando il pubblico dell’Arena alle origini del ritmo e del suono. A seguire Vinicio Capossela, che proprio come Musicultura ha festeggiato allo Sferisterio i suoi vent’anni di attività rimettendo insieme il gruppo con cui ha registrato il suo primo album “All’una e trentacinque circa”. È toccato all Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, invece, concludere il primo appuntamento, con una delle più pagine più significative del rock italiano.
Anche la seconda serata del festival, quella del 27, ha regalato uno spettacolo unico al pubblico dello Sferisterio. Il primo protagonista è stato Lello Voce, che con il sottofondo musicale di Frank Nemola ha incantato la platea con alcuni estratti de “L’esercizio della lingua”. A seguire, il turno di Irene Grandi, un vulcano d’energia che ha dato vita ad un’applauditissima performance, per lasciare la scena, poi, ad un’altra donna: Paola Turci. La cantante ha aperto il sipario su un set sulle morti bianche ideato dalla direzione artistica di Musicultura. Ad esso hanno preso parte anche Simone Cristicchi e il Coro dei Minatori di Santa Fiora, che con i loro "Canti di miniera, d'amore, vino e anarchia" hanno anticipato l’ingresso degli alti protagonisti del set:Vittorio De Scalzi e Nico Di Palo, ovvero la Leggenda New Trolls. Dulcis in fundo lui, il mito del folk rock: Donovan, che ha concesso ai presenti un assaggio del suo tour europeo in programma per il 2010 ed è stato premiato con la targa UniMarche alla carriera. Infine, ieri, la finalissima. Ad aprile lo spettacolo è stato Sergio Zavoli, che ha regalato al pubblico degli estratti della sua ultima prova letteraria, “La parte in ombra”. Toccante l’incontro del grande giornalista con un suo amico, mostro sacro del cinema, ospite a sorpresa: Ettore Scola. Per i vent’anni del festival, inoltre, non poteva mancare un omaggio al grande Fabrizio De Andrè, primo firmatario insieme a Giorgio Caproni del Comitato Artistico di Garanzia. A suggellare il connubio tra il Faber e il Festival, Cristiano De Andrè, che ha proposto in anteprima un assaggio del tour estivo “De Andrè canta De Andrè”. Successivamente, sul palco è stata la volta di Matthew Lee, uno dei rock’n’roll man più completi e carismatici del panorama musicale internazionale e di Alice, che ha trasmesso ai presenti le emozioni nate dal sodalizio artistico con Franco Battiato. Infine, il momento forse più atteso: la PFM-Premiata Forneria Marconi, con un inevitabile ulteriore omaggio al Faber e la sorpresa di un Cristiano De Andrè di nuovo sul palco per cantare con la storica band “Il Pescatore”, rendendo la conclusione di questa XX edizione di Musicultura degna di essere inserita negli annali della storia della canzone.



Regione Marche, ASSIVIP, VINEA, AIS Marche
insieme per festeggiare la XX edizione del festival

2500 calici allo Sferisterio per un evento spettacolare


Come ogni anno, dal 26 al 28 giugno p.v. si svolgerà a Macerata “MUSICULTURA”, il Festival della canzone popolare e d’autore che è giunto alla sua XX edizione.
E quindi per un compleanno speciale, si è pensato di organizzare un brindisi altrettanto memorabile.
La sera del 26 giugno, l’Arena Sferisterio brillerà infatti di 2500 calici di vino spumante marchigiano che cinquanta sommelier verseranno a tutto il pubblico presente in sala.
Un evento da Guinness dei primati con la quale la Regione Marche ha voluto omaggiare uno dei più importanti testimonial marchigiani in Italia e nel mondo, quale è Musicultura, con un altro rappresentante della cultura e della tradizione locale, il vino.
L’iniziativa, promossa dall’Assessore alla Cultura e Turismo, Vittoriano Solazzi, e dall’ Assessore all’Agricoltura e Vice Presidente, Paolo Petrini, vede la partecipazione delle enoteche regionali gestite da ASSIVIP, VINEA e di AIS Marche.
In occasione del ventennale del Festival, Musicultura e la Regione Marche hanno deciso di rendere il vino marchigiano protagonista delle serate finali. Oltre che per il grande brindisi del 26 giugno, si avrà un primo assaggio, nel vero senso della parola, in occasione della conferenza stampa d’apertura che si terrà ad Ancona mercoledì 24 giugno alle ore 12.00 nella Sala Parlamentino del Palazzo Li Madou della Regione Marche.
Sempre al vino sarà affidata la chiusura della 20ma edizione, domenica 28 giugno, nell’ambito del dopo festival, quando i rinomati vini affiancheranno i piatti preparati da alcuni ristoratori maceratesi per far conoscere ai tanti artisti e ospiti italiani e internazionali le eccellenze enogastronomiche del nostro territorio.

Non potrebbe essere altrimenti, dato che le Marche è una regione che unisce il "saper fare" e lo spirito imprenditoriale alla creatività. Una regione competitiva, aperta alle sfide del futuro, che pensa in grande e sa rendere attuale la tradizione della propria storia.
Le Marche, prezioso tassello geografico nel mosaico dei mercati mondiali, vantano un modello di sviluppo economico studiato e conosciuto nel mondo, che riesce a coniugare crescita economica, valorizzazione del territorio e salvaguardia dell’ambiente, ricerca tecnologica e rispetto delle tradizioni culturali. Una regione che si reinventa in continuazione dove si sviluppa creatività e innovazione e di cui Musicultura è uno dei simboli più prestigiosi.
Nella ristorazione, i sapori dell’entroterra si uniscono a quelli della gastronomia e della tradizione marinara. Le Marche vantano una ricca ed ampia gamma di vini in grado di soddisfare tutti i palati e abbinamenti: olio extravergine d’oliva, cereali, paste alimentari, miele, prodotti dolciari, latte e derivati, uova, frutta ed ortaggi di altissima qualità. Varietà e tradizioni esportati in tutto il mondo con marchi affermati e riconosciuti, diciassette vini certificati DOC, DOCG e IGT, cinque produzioni DOP e IGP, 93 prodotti riconosciuti nell’elenco nazionale delle produzioni tradizionali.

Il connubio Musicultura e vini marchigiani non può perciò che risultare vincente: due eccellenze dei valori, della qualità, del genio e dell’arte di un territorio dalle innumerevoli risorse, qual’è quello delle Marche, che la sera del 26 giugno, per la gioia del pubblico presente, saranno incorniciate da uno dei gioielli architettonici più belli d’Italia, l’Arena Sferisterio di Macerata.
Con tale iniziativa si intende inoltre promuovere il brand Marche, una regione al plurale che possiede innumerevoli eccellenze da quelle storico-artistiche a quelle naturalistiche ed enogastronomiche che non sempre sono conosciute e che vogliamo far scoprire ed apprezzare ad un pubblico sempre più vasto, sia in Italia che all’estero.

sabato 27 giugno 2009


MACERATA (iTALY) - Ieri sera grande pubblico per la prima serata di Musicultura che ha festeggiato con il pubblico presente in arena con un brindisi di oltre 2500 calici i primi 20 anni della manifestazione. Grande spettacolo, grande musica e la magia della poesia. Naif e Jacopo Ratini sono i due vincitori che si sono aggiudicati gia un posto per la sarata finale di domenica sera.


Riconsegnata ai familiari la salma di Michael Jackson, e non si sa quando si terranno i funerali. Fino a questo momento la famiglia è riuscit a tenere lontano fotografi e paparazzi. Itanto spunta un album inedito del cantante con artisti R&B. Appena morto e già un tentativo di business?

mercoledì 24 giugno 2009

'Meet the Mets' at Last Licks in New York City

'Meet the Mets' at Last Licks in New York City

NEW YORK, June 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Last Licks, an affiliate of Steiner Sports (, will be hosting New York Mets stars John Maine, Bobby Parnell and Omir Santos for a public signing tomorrow night at the New York City location on 2nd Avenue and East 93rd Street.

"The Last Licks team is excited to have this trio of Mets stars visit our New York City flagship store," said Stephen Costello, vice president of Last Licks. "This is our first Mets signing of the 2009 season and we're expecting a vocal, lively gathering of Mets fans to stop by and show their support."

Maine, Parnell and Santos will be appearing from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Tickets are still available by calling (646) 596-8566. Fans can visit for more information on future signings, order advance tickets, browse through a selection of memorabilia exclusively from Steiner Sports, and find a calendar of upcoming events.

About Last Licks

Last Licks, an affiliate of Steiner Sports featuring four different locations in the New York area, is a spot for kids and families to enjoy everything sweet and sports related. Each store features a variety ice cream flavors and treats, including the best-selling "Carton Crunch" inspired by WFAN radio host Craig Carton. Live video feeds of sporting events and a multitude of signed sports memorabilia and novelties complete the "Sports Bar for Kids" atmosphere. In addition to hosting numerous athlete appearances, Last Licks is a prime destination for birthday parties and other special events.

About Steiner Sports Marketing, Inc.

Steiner Sports Marketing, Inc. is a part of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC) Omnicom is a leading global advertising, marketing and corporate communications company. Omnicom's branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising, strategic media planning and buying, direct and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to over 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries. Steiner Sports Marketing is a full service sports and entertainment marketing and event company that leverages the power of sports and entertainment to build successful marketing programs for a diverse group of clients. Steiner currently maintains relationships with over 5,000 athletes and celebrities.

Source: Steiner Sports Marketing, Inc.

CONTACT: Billy Bahnsen, Steiner Sports, +1-914-307-1114,
Web Site:

martedì 16 giugno 2009

Trofeo Ludovico Scarfiotti

Trofeo Ludovico Scarfiotti

Shared via AddThis


"Io e Cristiano Ronaldo diventeremo come i Beckham:inoltre siamo più giovani e più fighi di loro" parole di Paris Hilton


Giuseppe Povia ha vinto il Premio Mogol con "Luca era gay"


I Nine Inch Nails non faranno più concerti negli Stati Uniti. Trent Reznor : "Proseguirò, ma devo fermarmi per non impazzire"

NFL Quarterback Kurt Warner Joins Habitat for Humanity, AmeriCorps to Help Rebuild Flood-Ravaged Area

NFL Quarterback Kurt Warner
Joins Habitat for Humanity,
AmeriCorps to Help Rebuild Flood-Ravaged Area

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, June 15 /PRNewswire/ -- NFL quarterback Kurt Warner and his wife, Brenda, joined more than 500 Habitat for Humanity AmeriCorps*State, National and VISTA members and alumni to help build 20 Habitat for Humanity houses in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as part of the annual Habitat for Humanity AmeriCorps Build-a-Thon. The houses are being built in partnership with families affected by the floods that devastated much of Iowa in 2008.



"As Iowans, Brenda and I have seen firsthand the devastation of last year's floods but there is still so much work to do," Warner said. "We believe that a safe home is so important to the long term success of a family and we look forward to working alongside the Habitat AmeriCorps members to join the effort to rebuild in Cedar Rapids."

The 2009 Build-a-Thon celebrates 14 years of AmeriCorps members helping Habitat for Humanity affiliates and partner organizations build affordable houses and eliminate substandard housing. During the week-long build, AmeriCorps members from across the country will partner with Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity to help build 20 Habitat houses.

Super Bowl XXXIV MVP Kurt Warner and his wife Brenda, both Iowa natives, are volunteering their efforts on behalf of their First Things First Foundation. Since the flood, Kurt helped raise more than $675,000 from NFL colleagues and fans toward this effort. Additionally, the City of Cedar Rapids committed $1 million of funding to the project.

"This Build-a-Thon is a powerful way to highlight the need for affordable housing for victims of the Iowa flooding while also celebrating the many contributions AmeriCorps members make to Habitat and other organizations in thousands of communities throughout the country every day," said Jonathan Reckford, CEO, Habitat for Humanity International. "We are so grateful to these hard-working AmeriCorps members for their commitment to eliminating poverty housing and applaud them for their service."

The need for affordable housing is especially great in the Cedar Rapids area, where nearly 4,000 homes were damaged by fast-rising water during last year's devastating floods. While 90 counties were declared federal disaster areas, Cedar Rapids was the most significantly affected area. Most of the affected homeowners did not have flood insurance. The first day of the Build-a-Thon, June 14, marks the first anniversary of the day water from the Cedar River crested, leaving nearly ten square miles of Cedar Rapids under water.

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver is scheduled to build alongside AmeriCorps members at the end of the week.

About Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity

Cedar Valley Habitat works in partnership with God and people everywhere, from all walks of life, to develop communities with people in need by building and renovating houses so that there are decent houses in decent communities in which people can live and grow into all that God intended.

About Habitat for Humanity of Iowa

Habitat for Humanity of Iowa exists to serve Iowa affiliates through resource development, education, and building public support. Habitat Iowa aims to eliminate poverty housing, as a matter of social conscience, by creating and facilitating partnerships between Habitat for Humanity affiliates and community partners, businesses, and government at the state and federal level.

About Habitat for Humanity International

Habitat for Humanity International is an ecumenical Christian ministry that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has built more than 300,000 houses worldwide, providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for more than 1.5 million people. For more information, visit

About Habitat for Humanity National Service Programs

Since 1994, Habitat for Humanity AmeriCorps*State and National, AmeriCorps*VISTA members have performed more than 5 million hours of service, engaged hundreds of thousands of volunteers and helped build more than 8,500 Habitat houses throughout the United States. For information about AmeriCorps programs, visit

About the Corporation for National and Community Service

The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year, the Corporation engages four million Americans of all ages and backgrounds in service through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America programs. For more information, visit

About the Kurt Warner First Things First Foundation

Established in 2001, the Kurt Warner First Things First Foundation is a 501(c)3 public charity serving as a vehicle for Kurt and Brenda Warner to reach out to the community and share their blessings with those in need. The First Things First Foundation is dedicated to impacting lives by promoting Christian values, sharing experiences and providing opportunities to encourage everyone that all things are possible when people to seek to put "first things first." Additional information is available at

AP Archive: AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN16 PRN Photo Desk,
Source: Habitat for Humanity International

CONTACT: Jeff Capps of Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity,
+1-319-784-7886,; or Katie Evans of Habitat for
Humanity, +1-404-420-6728,,

Web Site:



NEW YORK, June 15 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc. (LG Mobile Phones) is looking for the quickest thumbs in the country. On Tuesday June 16, 2009, one person will be named the LG U.S. National Texting Champion, following in the footsteps of the winners from the past two years. The champion will receive $50,000 and bragging rights of a lifetime!

A National promotion to find 22 contestants, known as Text Titans, concluded in May. The winners of these various games received all expense paid trips to New York City where they will endure a grueling two-day marathon designed to push their texting skills to the absolute limit, testing their texting speed, dexterity, nerves, athleticism and knowledge.

The three players who accumulate the most points and stave off elimination of the challenges will participate in a mysterious final qualifying challenge (Final Round of Texting Event.) Ultimately, two finalists will emerge. This duo will compete in a speed texting mini tournament with the winner taking the LG U.S. National Texting Championship crown.

Full details can be found at


Tuesday, June 16th, 2009 Wednesday, June 17th, 2009
6:30 PM - 6:45 PM ET 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM ET
Galaxy 19 Galaxy 19
Transponder 15 Transponder 15
C-Band C-Band
Downlink Freq. 4000 Vertical Downlink Freq. 4000 Vertical

NEWS: LG Crowns a New National Fastest Texter Champion

FORMAT: B-roll and Soundbites

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Video, hard copy requests, downloadable MPEG2, contact information and more available at:


* Tim O'Brien, LG



* Blind Texting Challenge

* The Pressure Cooker Texting Challenge

* Text & Dodge Challenge

* Final Surprise Challenge

* Champion Receiving $50K Check

VIDEO PROVIDED BY: LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc

MultiVu Media Relations, 1-800-653-5313 EXT. 3

Video: Hard copy requests, downloadable MPEG2, contact information and more available at:

Web site:

PUMA(R) Golf Athlete Anna Nordqvist Wins McDonald's LPGA Championship

PUMA(R) Golf Athlete Anna Nordqvist Wins McDonald's LPGA Championship

Rookie Nordqvist Clinches First LPGA Major

BOSTON, June 15 /PRNewswire/ -- PUMA(R) Golf athlete and newcomer to the LPGA tour Anna Nordqvist won her first Major on Sunday at the McDonald's LPGA Championship at the Bulle Rock Golf Course in Havre de Grace, Maryland.

(Photo: )

The 22 year-old, Swedish born Nordqvist, who signed with PUMA Golf in March 2009, shot a 4- under 68 on Sunday to beat Lindsay Wright and Ji Yai Shin who finished second and third, respectively. Nordqvist won wearing the PUMA Golf Stretch Tech Skort, the PUMA Golf Polo, the PUMA Scramble shoe with Smart Quill technology and the Cat Wristband.

"What an exciting first Major for Anna. She carried the day. All of us at PUMA are thrilled to be a part of her LPGA debut win," said Bob Phillion, Business Unit Manager, PUMA Golf. "Something tells me this is more than just beginner's luck. Anna has proven she's a strong competitor, who brings new energy to the tour. PUMA has a history of scouting up and coming talent; Anna is one such rising star. We can't wait to see just how far she will go."

Playing in only her fifth tournament on the LPGA tour, Nordqvist won by four strokes. Nordqvist finished at 15-under 273 in the tournament's final stand. After watching her five-shot lead dwindle to one, Nordqvist sank a 12-foot birdie putt on No. 14 and clinched her first career victory with a 35-foot putt for birdie on No. 15. Throughout tournament play, she remained calm, collected and consistent--in this case, the recipe for success. Or perhaps it was the PUMA wristbands that imbued her with Wonder Woman-like powers on the course.

Nordqvist is just the fourth Swede in history to win a Major. Prior to turning pro in December of 2008, she was one of the world's highest ranking amateur players. In 2008 alone, she won the Ladies British Amateur, Sweden's World Amateur Team Championship and the Ladies European Team Championship. Nordqvist attended Arizona State University where she secured twenty Top 10 finishes in a total of twenty-four college tournaments, was named First Team All American in 2007 and 2008 and graduated with a number one ranking among amateur players overall.

PUMA entered the golf category in 2006, immediately catching the eye of golfers with their vibrant, stylish, fun and always modern world of golf. Since 2006, PUMA Golf has exploded and continuously expands its product selection to include fashion pieces driven by sport and technology, always focusing on making the golfer look better, feel better and play better. The PUMA Golf Collection worn by Anna Nordqvist is currently available at lifestyle boutiques, select golf specialty and green grass retailers and PUMA Concept Stores worldwide. For more information visit or


PUMA is one of the world's leading sportlifestyle companies that designs and develops footwear, apparel and accessories. It is committed to working in ways that contribute to the world by supporting Creativity, SAFE Sustainability and Peace, and by staying true to the values of being Fair, Honest, Positive and Creative in decisions made and actions taken. PUMA starts in Sport and ends in Fashion. Its Sport Performance and Lifestyle labels include categories such as Football, Running, Motorsports, Golf and Sailing. The Black label features collaborations with renowned designers such as Alexander McQueen, Yasuhiro Mihara and Sergio Rossi. The PUMA Group owns the brands PUMA, Tretorn and Hussein Chalayan. The company, which was founded in 1948, distributes its products in more than 120 countries, employs more than 9,000 people worldwide and has headquarters in Herzogenaurach/Germany, Boston, London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit

PRN Photo Desk,
Source: PUMA North America, Inc.

CONTACT: Global: Sara Gottman, Head of International Public Relations, PUMA AG, +1-617-488-2914,, or U.S.: Katie Sheptyck, PR Manager, PUMA North America, +1-978-698-1295,

Web Site:

lunedì 15 giugno 2009


Vincitori del concorso: Cordepazze, Naif, Jacopo Ratini, Paola Angeli
Ospiti: Vinicio Capossela, Beatrice Antolini, Gocoo, Joumana Haddad, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso.

Vincitori del concorso: Carmine Torchia, Manupuma and The Bulletz, Paolo Simoni, Giovanni Block
Ospiti: Irene Grandi, Lello Voce, Paola Turci, Simone Cristicchi e il Coro dei Minatori di Santa Fiora, Vittorio De Scalzi-Nico Di Palo La Leggenda New Trolls, Donovan.

Finalissima del concorso, con i quattro vincitori più votati nelle serate precedenti.
Ospiti: Matthew Lee, Cristiano De André, Sergio Zavoli, Alice, PFM-Premiata Forneria Marconi.

venerdì 12 giugno 2009

Lunedì 15 giugno la Liberilibri presenta in contemporanea due libri, a Roma e a Bruxelles

Lunedì 15 giugno la Liberilibri presenta contemporaneamente due libri
a Roma e a Bruxelles

Un lunedì d’inizio estate fitto di impegni per la Liberilibri. Il 15 giugno prossimo saranno due gli appuntamenti di rilievo che vedranno contemporaneamente protagonisti i libri della casa editrice maceratese, uno in Italia e uno all’estero. Precisamente a Roma e a Bruxelles.

Nella Capitale, presso la sede romana della Rubbettino Editore sul Lungotevere Sanzio 9, Raimondo Cubeddu (ordinario di Filosofia politica all’Università di Pisa), Lorenzo Infantino (ordinario di Metodologia delle scienze sociali alla LUISS – Guido Carli di Roma) e Nicola Iannello (giornalista Rai e autore dell’Introduzione) presenteranno alle ore 21.00 Le serate di rue Saint-Lazare di Gustave de Molinari, l’economista liberale franco-belga riconosciuto come il precursore dell’anarco-capitalismo contemporaneo. Dopo l’uscita de Il pensiero politico moderno e contemporaneo di Bruno Leoni, filosofo che ha rappresentato uno dei punti di riferimento nell’analisi economica del diritto del Novecento, questo è il secondo volume della nuova collana Hic sunt leones.

Nello stesso giorno in Belgio, alle ore 19.00, Stefano Campetella, l’ingegnere maceratese autore di Incontri con il Che, è stato invitato a presentare il suo libro per un “Apero reading” nella libreria Piola Libri di Bruxelles in 66-68 rue Franklin; alla presentazione seguirà un dibattito moderato dal corrispondente a Bruxelles de l’Unità Marco Mongiello. Un’ulteriore conferma dell’interesse che continua a suscitare questo racconto – dopo diverse presentazioni, l’intervista realizzata per il Tg5 e quella dei giorni scorsi per Rai International Australia – che guarda da una personale angolazione uno stralcio di storia contemporanea.

Ufficio stampa: Maria Stefania Gelsomini, 347.9081926,

giovedì 11 giugno 2009


L'ex Pooh Stefano d'Orazio scriverò probabilmente un musical. "Con il gruppo un bellissimo viaggio, ma voglio guardare oltre"

Imported Gypsy Vanner Stallion to Stand at Stud in Katy, Texas

Imported Gypsy Vanner Stallion to Stand
at Stud in Katy, Texas

KATY, Texas, June 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Horse breeder Doug Kneis of Katy, Texas, has imported dozens of rare British Gypsy Vanner horses to the United States over the last several years - but he's never, he says, had a horse quite like Sundance Kid, the stallion he's bringing across the Atlantic this month. The 6-year-old stallion, dark buckskin with white splashing markings over his belly and chest, is as flashy a horse as any Kneis has seen, but he's also exceptionally gentle. "A child can handle him," Kneis recounts. "He's like a big puppy, actually."

Gypsy Vanners are a unique breed of small draft horses developed by Romany Gypsies. The gypsies have no permanent homes but travel around Great Britain with travel trailers or horse-drawn wagons, and these colorful, strong and exceptionally gentle small draft horses are an intrinsic part of the nomad's culture. Because the animals' traditional work is pulling gypsy wagons which contain both family and all worldly possessions, the Gypsy Vanner's temperament and gentleness is paramount. Showy color and bearing are important too, for gypsies are nothing if not flamboyant and horse-proud.

After becoming interested in the breed and building a 50-horse breeding and resale operation in Katy, Texas, Kneis has been searching Britain for the ideal Gypsy Vanner. A breeder in the central part of the United Kingdom located Sundance Kid, but there is some mystery about where exactly the horse was foaled. "The gypsies, when they've got a special horse, they keep it a secret," Kneis says.

Traditionally, pedigrees of Gypsy Vanner horses are verbal only, though once recorded as a Gypsy Vanner with an American registry, records for the horse's offspring will be kept. Sundance Kid will be standing at stud to a limited number of mares this year, at a stud fee of $3000. See for more info.

Links to images:


Erica Barton-Holliday
(281) 389-3356

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


CONTACT: Erica Barton-Holliday, +1-281-389-3356, of

Web Site:


XX edizione
24 - 28 Giugno 2009

MACERATA (ITALY)– Musicultura, il Festival della canzone popolare e d’autore, giunge quest’anno alla sua XX edizione. Sin dagli esordi ha sempre cercato di mantenere intatta un’attenzione particolare alla musica di qualità e alle realtà artistiche più innovative. Le serate finali avranno luogo il 26, 27, 28 giugno all’Arena Sferisterio di Macerata. Tanti gli artisti ospiti, in rappresentanza delle espressioni più interessanti della musica e della cultura italiana. Con loro anche gli otto vincitori del concorso annuale, giunti al rush finale dopo una articolata e meticolosa selezione iniziata otto mesi fa con l’esame dei 1400 brani in gara. Ecco i loro nomi: Paola Angeli (Bologna), Giovanni Block (Napoli), Cordepazze (Palermo), Manupuma and The Bulletz (Milano), Naif (Quart-Ao), Jacopo Ratini (Roma), Paolo Simoni (Comacchio-Fe), Carmine Torchia (Sersale-Cz).

Al vincitore assoluto andranno i 20.000,00 euro del “Premio – Ubi Banca Popolare di Ancona”.

Cordepazze, Naif, Jacopo Ratini, Paola Angeli si esibiranno il 26 giugno, la stessa sera in cui saranno ospiti Vinicio Capossela, Beatrice Antolini, Gocoo, Joumana Haddad e Banco del Mutuo Soccorso.
Sabato 27 giugno sarà la volta di Carmine Torchia, Manupuma and The Bulletz, Paolo Simoni, Giovanni Block che si esibiranno prima di Irene Grandi, Lello Voce, Paola Turci, Simone Cristicchi e La Leggenda New Trolls, Donovan. Alla finalissima del 28 giugno, che eleggerà il vincitore assoluto, accederanno i due concorrenti più votati il venerdì e i due più votati il sabato. Ospiti della serata saranno Matthew Lee, Cristiano De André, Sergio Zavoli, Alice, PFM-Premiata Forneria Marconi.

L’apertura ufficiale della XX edizione sarà il 24 giugno, con il concerto degli otto vincitori in piazza Battisti, alle ore 22.00. Sempre mercoledì 24 giugno avrà inizio anche “la Controra” di Musicultura con una serie di concerti live, presentazioni di libri, reading poetici, performance teatrali, laboratori sensoriali, tutti ad ingresso gratuito. In programma: l’omaggio a Piero Ciampi; i concerti di: Concerto Musicale Ambaradan, Gocoo, Elisa Ridolfi, Simone Cristicchi e il Coro dei Minatori di Santa Fiora e Fabrizio Consoli; reading poetici e presentazioni di libri con: Ennio Cavalli, Joumana Haddad , Enzo Costantino “Cinaski”, Lello Voce, Massimo Del Papa, Momo e Sergio Zavoli; i diVini Versi con Giovanni Negri, Lucia Mascino, Stefano Tummolini, Chiara Vigo, Loriano Machiavelli e Sandro Toni, Carmelo Chiaramonte, Tiziana Avarista, Rafael Gualazzi trio.
Per informazioni: - Tel. 0733.408297 -

mercoledì 10 giugno 2009

Chrysler Jeep Superstores Detroit APBA Gold Cup Marks Major Historic Second 100th Running on the Detroit River July 10-12, 2009

Chrysler Jeep Superstores Detroit APBA Gold Cup Marks Major Historic Second 100th Running on the Detroit River July 10-12, 2009

The 'Super Bowl' Of Power Boating Event Weekend Includes Offshore Boats, Family Entertainment And Hot Rods Display

Unlimited Hydroplanes Cover Football Field in Less Than One Second At More Than 200 MPH with 3,000 HP Engines

DETROIT, June 10 /PRNewswire/ -- The Detroit River turns into the "Super Bowl" of powerboat racing with the 2009 Chrysler Jeep Superstores Detroit APBA Gold Cup races July 10-12, 2009 featuring unlimited hydroplane boats with 3,000 horsepower engines hitting 200 miles-per-hour and covering a football field in less than a second.

The 2009 event weekend will be an unprecedented and historic second 100th running of the APBA Gold Cup race. The 2008 Gold Cup was not completed due to inclement weather and a spectacular crash.

The 2009 lineup was announced today (Tuesday) by Detroit Mayor Dave Bing, Detroit River Regatta Association (DRRA) President, Tom Bertolini, and Mark Snethkamp for title sponsor Chrysler Jeep Superstores.

"The APBA Gold Cup is a summertime favorite that highlights the best in the sport as well as one of Detroit's greatest jewels. As we celebrate this historic second 100th running of the race, I look forward to yet another spectacular year on the water," said Detroit Mayor Dave Bing.

Catamaran-style offshore racing boats with piston and turbine engines up to 3,700 horsepower and running 39 to 44 feet in length add another dimension of excitement and fun. Eight Offshore Pro Series race boat entries have been added to this year's schedule.

New attractions and longer hours of operation increase the summertime fun. Friday, July 10, is "free Friday," with the racecourse open all day until 6:30 p.m. for racing fans. The races take place on the Detroit River racecourse near Belle Isle, recognized worldwide as the premier site for hydroplane boat racing.

This year's entertainment and family attractions are equally as exciting as the competition on the river. The U.S. Navy's West Coast Super Hornet Demo Team will perform flight demonstrations of one of the U.S. Armed Forces' most impressive aircraft, the FA-18.

The Navy also will present its high-tech "Accelerate Your Life Experience," a firsthand view of Navy life complete with interactive video games and the 180-degree "Immersa-Domes." The domes plunge participants into the real-world sights, sounds and smells of a Navy seaman through a thrilling virtual reality experience.

The free "Hot Rods in Henderson Park" will provide race fans free glimpses of some of Detroit's most historic motor powered muscle. And for sports fans of all ages, the Michigan Hall of Fame will present a wide array of sports challenges and inflatables, including a football obstacle course, a full-action video golf simulator, a pro-style Wiffle ball batting cage and hockey and lacrosse skill zones in the Family Fun Zone located in the Hydromart. A traveling museum commemorating Michigan's sports heroes will also be on site.

A large picnic area, games, arts and crafts, free face painting, balloon artists and wandering stilt walkers are additional family attractions.

The APBA Gold Cup - considered the crown jewel by powerboat racers, dating back to 1904 - is the oldest motorsports trophy in the world. The running of the Gold Cup was only interrupted by the Great Wars. The race, in its second 100th running, continues to define the greatest unlimited hydroplane drivers in the sport.

The three-day event features high-speed racing action as spectacular Unlimited Hydroplanes, as well as beautiful vintage race boats including three-point hydroplanes, Jersey Speed skiffs, fire-breathing Grand Prix hydros and Superlight Tunnels speed to the finish line. The Unlimited hydroplane boats have 3,000 horsepower engines that reach top speeds of more than 200 mph and cover the length of a football field in less than one second.

"We're excited about the next 100 years of speed, power, and tradition in Detroit powerboat racing," said Tom Bertolini, president of the DRRA. "The Detroit River is the world epicenter of powerboat racing. It's the grandest stage for the fierce competitors vying for the oldest trophy in motorsports."

The APBA Gold Cup began more than 100 years ago and came to Detroit the first time in 1916. Detroit became the permanent home of the Gold Cup race in 1990. The race location was determined in earlier years by the prior year's winner.

The title sponsor is the Chrysler Jeep Superstores. The Chrysler Jeep Superstores Association is made up of independently owned Chrysler Jeep Superstores in Southeastern Michigan from Monroe to Fowlerville and from Clinton to Port Huron. Website:

For tickets or more information, log on to the DRRA's Web site,, 586-774-0980.

Source: Chrysler Jeep Superstores

CONTACT: Daniel J. Eizans or Leland K. Bassett, both of Bassett & Bassett, Incorporated for Chrysler Jeep Superstores, +1-313-965-3010 (24-7-365); Mark Weber for Detroit River Regatta Association, +1-586-774-0980

Web Site:

BoaterExam Florida Launches Interactive Boater Education Course

BoaterExam Florida Launches Interactive Boater Education Course

Successfully completing the online boating safety coursework allows students to obtain the Florida Boating Safety Education I.D. Card

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., June 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Florida is the latest state to launch the new BoaterExam interactive boater education course as an online option to obtain the Florida Boating Safety Education I.D. Card. Now, Florida residents will have access to an animated and narrated course they can take online when it's convenient for them. This boating education course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), recognized by the US Coast Guard and covers 100 percent of the state's exam requirements.

"We are extremely excited about this new course process," said Kerry Moher, vice president, "The study guide has more than 150 animations and practice quizzes that will better prepare students to successfully complete the final exam." course participants learn about boat classifications, hull designs, motors, legal requirements for registration and equipment, navigation rules, basic safety regulations and waterway marking systems all in a narrative fashion with more than 300 original illustrations and 150 animated video clips. Each of the course's seven chapters is followed by chapter summaries and practice quizzes. Students also have access to's industry exclusive toll-free customer service help line (1-866-764-2628) from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. (central), seven days a week.

All persons 21 years old and younger who operate a motorized vessel on Florida waters are required to have their Florida Boating Safety Education I.D. Card (also mistakenly referred to as the 'Florida Boating License') in possession at the time of operation.

"Online education programs such provide an opportunity for people to be trained and educated in boating safety techniques through an online study guide that is animated and narrated," said Gail Kulp, Education Director - National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA).

The course and final exam is free: students pay a one-time fee of $29.95 only when they pass the final exam to obtain their official results. The permanent Boating Safety Education I.D. Card is sent by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission within 2-3 weeks. The Card is good for life and never needs to be renewed. Passing a boater education course may also result in a discount for boat or personal watercraft insurance. For complete Florida boating regulations visit . For more information on the new BoaterExam Florida course, visit .


CONTACT: Kristin Mack, +1-614-224-8114 (office), +1-614-975-4186 (cell),, for; or Kerry Moher of,
1-877-722-8838 ext. 222 (office), +1-613-324-7333 (cell)

Web Site:

lunedì 8 giugno 2009

Mats Wilander s'inscrit sur en tant qu'ambassadeur de tennis

Mats Wilander s'inscrit sur
en tant qu'ambassadeur de tennis

GZIRA, Malte, June 8/PRNewswire/ -- Ancien numéro 1 mondial et vainqueur de sept tournois du Grand Chelem,
Mats Wilander vient de signer sur le site de paris et de jeu en ligne en qualité d'ambassadeur pour le tennis.

<< Je ferai des analyses et des pronostics sur les grands tournois et je
représenterai le tennis sur J'ai hâte de commencer >>, confie
Mats Wilander

Mats Wilander, qui est devenu une vedette de la télévision sur Eurosport
et est actuellement capitaine de l'équipe de Suède de Coupe Davis, commencera
à travailler pour à Wimbledon.

Récemment, avait fait signer comme ambassadeur pour son poker
Scotty Nguyen, champion du monde et l'une des légendes vivantes du poker.
C'est maintenant au tour de Mats Wilander de rejoindre la société de paris
et de jeu en ligne.

Pour afficher ce communiqué multimédia, veuillez cliquer sur :

<< L'industrie du jeu constitue une nouvelle étape dans ma carrière.
Donner mon opinion sur les matches et pronostiquer les gagnants sur sera intéressant et stimulant >>, poursuit Mats Wilander. travaille déjà avec une équipe d'ambassadeurs, composée de
stars du football, sur ses principaux marchés, comme Zibi
Boniek en Pologne, Fredi Bobic en Allemagne ou encore Glenn Strömberg en

<< Nous réservons plein de surprises à nos clients qui seront, par
exemple, conviés à jouer au tennis contre Mats Wilander s'ils participent à
notre concours cet été. >>

<< Avec Mats Wilander à bord, nous préparons une saison estivale et une
année sensationnelles pour nos joueurs. C'est vraiment un
honneur de le compter parmi nous >>, se réjouit Dan Vikman, responsable
des relations publiques chez

Mats Wilander a gagné sept titres du Grand Chelem entre 1982 et 1988 et
est devenu numéro 1 mondial en 1988. Il est l'un des cinq joueurs avec Roger
Federer, Rafael Nadal, Andre Agassi et Jimmy Connors à avoir gagné un Grand
chelem en simple à la fois sur gazon, sur dur et sur terre battue.
Wilander a remporté deux fois l'Open d'Australie quand ce tournoi se
jouait sur herbe.

En 2002, Wilander a été accueilli à l'International Tennis Hall of Fame.
Mats Wilander - La fiche
Date de naissance : 22 août 1964
Lieu de naissance : Växjö, Suède
Taille : 1,82 m
Poids : 77 kg
Début pro en 1981
Retraité en 1996
Gains en carrière : $7 976 256
Bilan en simple : 571 v. - 222 d.
Titres en simple : 33
Meilleur classement : No1 (12 septembre 1988)
Titres du Grand Chelem en simple : 7
Open d'Australie (1983, 1984, 1988),
Roland Garros (1982, 1985, 1988),
US Open (1988)
Quart de finaliste à Wimbledon en 1987, 1988, 1989 en bref, fondée en 1999, est une société de paris sportifs en ligne.
Son siège est domicilié à Malte et elle détient des licences maltaise et
autrichienne. est l'un des acteurs principaux en Europe sur le
marché du jeu en ligne et propose des paris sportifs, du poker, des jeux de
casino et des soft games ainsi que du bingo. Les services d' sont
disponibles en 23 langues sur qui compte 1,5 million
de clients dans le monde entier.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter :
Dan Vikman - Responsable presse
et relations publiques - Tél. : +356-9911-2020
Courriel :


Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter : Responsable presse et relations publiques, Dan Vikman - Tél : +356-9911-2020, E-mail :

Camps Are Filling Up Fast But There is Still Time to Sign Up Before Summer Starts

Camps Are Filling Up Fast But There is Still Time to Sign Up Before Summer Starts
American Camp Association - New York Issues Tips to Help Parents Make Last Minute Summer Camp Decisions

NEW YORK, June 8 /PRNewswire/ -- With less than a month before the beginning of summer camp season, the American Camp Association-New York (ACA-NY) is helping Tri-State area parents prepare by offering last minute tips and information on how to pick the right camp for their child. The organization has created Camp Wizard ( a comprehensive online resource where families can work with placement professionals to identify and locate the summer camp that fits their needs.

"We want to give parents the best counsel so they choose the right camp for their child," said Adam Weinstein, Executive Director of ACA-NY. "While many camps are already filled, there is still time to sign up for select camps throughout the Tri-State region, but it's important for families to first consider which camp is a good fit for their child's needs."

Typically, camp enrollment can start nearly a year in advance and camps often fill to capacity by late spring. ACA-NY recommends the following steps to ensure that parents still looking for available camp options find the best fit for their child:

-- Become familiar with the camp's mission and/or philosophy
-- Involve the child in the decision making process to get him or her
excited about camp
-- Visit the camps under consideration and ask questions. Also identify
the facility and activities to ensure they are right for the child's

-- Ensure that the camp has all mandatory accreditations, such as the
American Camp Association Accreditation or a New York State Health
Department operating permit

Summer camp remains a popular choice for children. "Camp plays a vital role in a child's total education by allowing a child to take healthy risks in a safe and nurturing environment," notes Dr. Michael Thompson, psychologist and author with an expertise in children's emotional growth. Camp enrollment has proved recession resistant due to the value parents place on enriching summer camp experiences. Most camps are at or close to capacity despite the current economic condition.

To search for ACA accredited camps serving the Tri-State region, visit ACA-NY's Camp Wizard at and register for free. Parents can narrow camps by county, age of camper, and areas of interest including if it caters to children with special needs. Placement specialists can also provide individual counsel and help find the best available camp that is the right fit for a family and child. ACA has also produced a public service announcement titled "Because of Camp...(TM)" that includes celebrity camp advocates such as Emma Roberts, Justin Chambers, and Blair Underwood among others at:

About ACA-NY

The American Camp Association (ACA) is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of summer camp experiences for children.

Source: American Camp Association-New York

CONTACT: Katie Grijalva, MS&L, +1-212-468-2991,

Web Site:

domenica 7 giugno 2009

Grande successo (14.000 persone ieri sera all' Arena di Verona) per il primo appuntamento dei WIND MUSIC AWARDS: domani in prima serata su Italia 1


VERONA (ITALIA) - All’insegna della grande Musica, ieri all’Arena di Verona, di fronte a 14.000 persone, è andato in scena il primo dei due appuntamenti della terza edizione dei WIND MUSIC AWARDS, mentre stasera va in scena il secondo. Il tutto andrà IN ONDA SU ITALIA 1 CON TRE PRIME SERATE: DOMANI LA PRIMA PUNTATA, LA SECONDA E LA TERZA ANDRANNO IN ONDA IL 15 E IL 22 GIUGNO.

I WIND MUSIC AWARDS, realizzati da Wind Telecomunicazioni, sono condotti da VANESSA INCONTRADA e vedono alternarsi sul palco un cast d’eccezione, gli Artisti che hanno pubblicato e venduto 140.000 copie (multiplatino) o 70.000 copie (platino) dei loro dischi.



Tra ieri e oggi sul palco dei WIND MUSIC AWARDS vengono consegnati i “Riconoscimenti dell’Arena di Verona” (istituiti da Arena Extra - Fondazione Arena di Verona) a CLAUDIO BAGLIONI, ELISA, GIORGIO PANARIELLO, LIGABUE, SONOHRA, PAOLO BONOLIS e MARIA DE FILIPPI, mentre le associazioni di settore AFI, FIMI e PMI, che hanno dato il patrocinio ai WIND MUSIC AWARDS 2009, premiano i giovani artisti ARISA, DARI, IRENE FORNACIARI, KARIMA, LOST, MIODIO, FILIPPO PERBELLINI.

Come da tradizione, sul palcoscenico dei WIND MUSIC AWARDS si alternano, in veste di premiatori, molti personaggi del mondo dello spettacolo, della televisione, dello sport e della cultura.
I WIND MUSIC AWARDS sono realizzati da Ferdinando Salzano per F&P GROUP e Gianmarco Mazzi per ARENA EXTRA, società della Fondazione Arena di Verona.
RTL 102.5, media partner dell’evento, trasmetterà le serate a partire dalle ore 22.30 dei giorni 8, 15 e 22 giugno, con contenuti speciali, interviste, servizi di backstage e ovviamente con l’esibizione di tutti i cantanti e ha assegnato il “Premio RTL 102.5” a MARCO CARTA, votato dagli ascoltatori.

sabato 6 giugno 2009

Chicago Patent Attorneys Take 3rd for the U.S. in 2009 Patent Cup Sailing Race

Chicago Patent Attorneys Take 3rd for the U.S. in 2009 Patent Cup Sailing Race

CHICAGO, June 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Co-skippers and fellow patent attorneys, Gary M. Ropski, president of Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione, and Leif R. Sigmond, Jr., a partner at McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP, brought in a third place victory for their U.S.A. team when they crossed the finish line in the 2009 Patent Cup sailing regatta held May 27-30 at the Yacht Club de Ilhabela, Brazil, located on the island of Ilhabela on the northeast coast of the Brazilian state of Sao Paolo. The crew also consisted of Marcus J. Thymian, a partner at McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP, and Derek Minihane, in-house counsel at Intermolecular, San Jose, California.

"This is a wonderful event that allows patent attorneys from around the globe to develop contacts and friendships, sail in exciting new locations and participate in friendly competition," said Mr. Ropski. "We were glad to place among a field of excellent competitors."

Participating for the third time in this event, Ropski, Sigmond and their crew sailed an HPE 25, manufactured and sailed in Brazil. All of the boats were identically rigged. The regatta was organized by the Brazilian intellectual property firm of Dannemann Siemsen. First place this year went to Mark Robinson of the European Patent Office. Second place went to Henrique Steuer I. de Mello of Brazil.

In 2006, the Ropski-Sigmond team earned the first-ever first place U.S.A. victory in the Patent Cup race which was held at the Chicago Yacht Club in Chicago, Illinois, and in 2007 the team placed third in Venice, Italy. Thymian and Minihane were also part of the 2007 team.

"Representing the United States in this international regatta was an honor for our whole team," said Mr. Sigmond.

Twelve teams representing the U.S. and other countries, including Canada, France, Germany and Brazil, as well as several teams from the European Patent Office, competed in this competitive, but friendly, sailing race. There were also two "international" boats with teams from different countries. The Ropski-Sigmond team was the only all-USA team.

Established in 1989 by two friends, a German patent attorney, Peter Franck, and a French patent attorney, Frederic Benech, the Patent Cup was created to foster camaraderie and help cultivate strong relations among patent attorneys from around the world as well as provide opportunities for new sailing venues. According to the Patent Cup charter, each sailing boat must have a crew consisting primarily of patent professionals. Every year the race is held in a different country with the host country responsible for the organization, terms and conditions of the race, the boats chosen and all other arrangements for the event. Next year's race is planned to be held in either Denmark or Sweden.

Mr. Ropski is the president of Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione and has practiced intellectual property law exclusively since joining Brinks in 1976. His practice now focuses on litigation, but has included patent prosecution and litigation, trademark prosecution, including oppositions, and litigation, trade dress litigation, copyright registration and litigation, trade secret litigation, right of publicity counseling and litigation and related unfair competition and antitrust matters in federal and state courts. He races a Shields one-design sailboat in Chicago during the summer months and has consistently been in the top two or three in the fleet championship series.

Mr. Sigmond served as the Managing Partner of McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP for three years and is currently on the firm's Management Board. He concentrates in intellectual property litigation and advises clients on protecting, obtaining and licensing intellectual property. He owns and actively races a Tartan Ten class sailboat in Chicago. Mr. Sigmond's firm, MBHB, is the official law firm sponsor of the 101st Race to Mackinac, which will be held in Chicago in mid-July.

Founded in 1917, Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione is based in Chicago with five additional offices across the country serving the intellectual property needs of clients from around the world. The firm is one of the largest IP law firms in the country, with more than 170 attorneys, scientific advisors and patent agents specializing in intellectual property litigation and all aspects of patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, unfair competition, intellectual asset management, and technology and licensing agreements. Brinks routinely handles assignments in fields as diverse as electrical, chemical, mechanical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, nanotechnology, Internet and computer technology, as well as in trademarks or brand names for a wide variety of products and services. For additional information, visit

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP is an intellectual property boutique with 75 attorneys. It was founded in 1996, and has offices in Chicago and Washington. MBHB provides comprehensive legal services to obtain and enforce our clients' intellectual property rights, from navigating patent office procedures to litigating complex infringement actions. MBHB prosecutes patent and trademark applications in both the U.S. and abroad, handles intellectual property litigation matters in trial and appellate courts across the country, and counsels clients nationwide and worldwide on the enforcement and defense of their intellectual property rights. For additional information, visit

Sydney Iglitzen
Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
(312) 840-3163
Megan McKeon
McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
(312) 913-2105

Source: Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione

Aflac Outdoor Games Return to Columbus for a Second Year

Aflac Outdoor Games Return to Columbus for a Second Year
Event to be held at South Commons Softball Complex June 19-21

COLUMBUS, Ga., June 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Aflac announces it will be the title sponsor for the 2009 Aflac Outdoor Games held on June 19-21. For the second consecutive year, the popular three-day event will take place at the South Commons Softball Complex in Columbus, Ga.

Aflac Outdoor Games is a combination of several events including the Collegiate and Professional Championships of the STIHL(R) TIMBERSPORTS(R) Series, a competition consisting of eight disciplines that challenge competitors' strength, endurance, stamina, tool skill and agility. The saw chips fly, and the competition is fierce. In fact, last year during the Aflac Outdoor Games, New Zealander Jason Wynyard broke the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS world record in the stock saw discipline, making three cuts through a foot-wide log in just under 10 seconds.

"Last year was a tremendous success for everyone involved," said Paul Amos II, president and chief operating officer, Aflac U.S. "Aflac is very pleased to return as the Outdoor Games' title sponsor and to help bring this quality family event back to our hometown."

"Our athletes were impressed with the hospitality Aflac and Columbus showed last year, and we are excited to bring the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS Series back to be part of the Aflac Outdoor Games," said Roger Phelps, promotional communications manager for STIHL Inc. "With the level of competition growing each year, fans can be assured that this year's professional and collegiate championships will be the most exciting yet."

The STIHL TIMBERSPORTS Series is broadcast on ESPN2 and ESPNU, which will bring national exposure to the region. For more information on the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS Series, visit

Among the events making an encore performance at the Aflac Outdoor Games will be the Pig Bowl, a national and local barbeque cooking contest. The Kansas City Barbeque Society, an organization that has sanctioned almost 300 barbeque contests throughout the United States, has put its seal of approval on the professional portion of the Pig Bowl competition to be held during the Aflac Outdoor Games. The local contest is open to amateur cook teams from the Valley area. Dog dock diving will be back with a new event called Ultimate Air Dogs. Agility Dogs and Flyball also return. There will be a designated area just for kids with the Knology Family Zone, a place for small ones to climb, bounce, draw, and many more activities.

In addition to the events back from 2008, the Aflac Outdoor Games will host two new entries - the Georgia State Frisbee Dog Championships and the Extreme Power Sports Archery Challenge. These competitions were created to add more quality events to an already robust lineup.

"We're very excited about planning for the 2009 Games. The success of last year's event generated a great deal of interest for the 2009 Games," said Warner Neal, president of Outdoor Events.

"Bringing back last year's events and adding events we feel will be fan favorites in 2009 should make this even more appealing to everyone in the Valley area. The benefits to the area are immense. There is the obvious economic impact and, the exposure Columbus will gain from the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS Series being broadcast on ESPN2 and ESPNU. It's a win-win for the Valley area for sure."

Advanced tickets per day are $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 5-12. Admission is free for children under 5 years of age. Family and military rates are also available. Tickets can be purchased at all area Piggly Wiggly and Lewis Jones stores.

For more information on the events -- including registering for some of the events -- please visit

About Aflac

For more than 50 years, Aflac products have given policyholders the opportunity to direct cash where it is needed most when a life-interrupting medical event causes financial challenges. As the number one provider of guaranteed-renewable insurance in the United States and the number one insurance company in terms of individual insurance policies in force in Japan, Aflac insurance products provide protection to more than 40 million people worldwide. Aflac has been recognized by Ethisphere magazine as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies for three consecutive years and was also named by the Reputation Institute as the Most Respected Company in the Global Insurance Industry in 2008. In 2009 Fortune magazine recognized Aflac as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For in America for the eleventh consecutive year. Fortune magazine also ranked Aflac No. 1 on its global list of the Most Admired Companies in the Life and Health Insurance category. Aflac appears on Hispanic Enterprise magazine's list of the 50 Best Companies for Supplier Diversity and on Black Enterprise magazine's list of the 40 Best Companies for Diversity. Aflac was also named by Forbes magazine as America's Best-Managed Company in the Insurance category. Aflac Incorporated is a Fortune 500 company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AFL. To find out more about Aflac, visit


STIHL Inc. is the official underwriting sponsor of the STIHL(R) TIMBERSPORTS(R) Series. The series airs throughout the year on the ESPN2 cable network, and the STIHL(R) TIMBERSPORTS(R) Collegiate Series airs on ESPNU. The STIHL(R) TIMBERSPORTS(R) SERIES is the pinnacle event in lumberjack sports. Since 1985 the Series has grown to become the premier showcase of the decades old sport of lumberjacking with competitions held around the world.

The term TIMBERSPORTS(R) is a registered trademark owned by ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG. and refers to the series of disciplines and competitions that are part of the STIHL(R) TIMBERSPORTS(R) Series. As such, it should not be used as a generic description of the overall sport of lumberjack sports. This trademark refers to all modifications of the term TIMBERSPORTS such as timber sports, or timbersport. The term TIMBERSPORTS should always appear in conjunction with "STIHL."

(Logo: )

Media Contacts:
Contact information:
Tim Turner, Aflac
Office: 706-243-5594

Source: Aflac

CONTACT: Tim Turner, of Aflac, +1-706-243-5594,

Web Site:

martedì 2 giugno 2009

Countdown: Noch 100 Tage bis zum Start der Senior Games 2009

Noch 100 Tage
bis zum Start der Senior Games 2009

MIDDELBURG, Niederlande, June 2/PRNewswire/ -- In genau 100 Tagen werden die Senior Games 2009 in der Provinz Zeeland
beginnen. Die erste europäische Version dieses internationalen Sportereignisses für Menschen über 50 Jahre wird vom 7. bis zum 12. September
2009 stattfinden.

Ein 100-jähriger Teilnehmer!

Mehr als 1500 Teilnehmer haben sich für die Teilnahme an 22 Sportarten aus dem Hauptprogramm der Senior Games 2009 angemeldet. Der bisher älteste Teilnehmer ist der 100-jährige Amerikaner Roger Gentilhomme. Im September wird er bei der Senior Games Meisterschaft im Tennis und im Bowling wetteifern.

Die Weltbesten

Mehrere frühere nationale und europäische Meister bzw. Weltmeister haben sich für die Senior Games angemeldet, unter anderem der frühere Olympiateilnehmer, Weltmeister und mehrfacher Europameister im Triathlon und im Duathlon Rob Barel. Neben Triathlon hat sich der 51-jährige Triathlet auch für die Teilnahme an den Wettkämpfen im Mountain Biking, in der Leichtathletik und im Schwimmen angemeldet. "Ich denke, dass es sehr viel Spass machen wird. Ich bin gespannt, ob ich das grosse Olympiagefühl von Sydney wieder erleben kann", sagte Barel.

23 Nationalitäten

Vier Monate vor dem offiziellen Start der Senior Games kann das Organisationsteam schon mit der Teilnahme von Sportsmännern und -frauen aus wenigstens 23 verschiedenen Ländern rechnen. Zu den niederländischen Teilnehmern kommen europäische Teilnehmer aus Belgien, Deutschland, Grossbritannien, der Schweiz, Spanien, Österreich, Italien, Norwegen, Russland, der Türkei, Schweden, Dänemark, Portugal, Slowenien, Estland, Finnland und Ungarn hinzu. Weiterhin haben sich schon Teilnehmer aus den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, Neuseeland, Israel und Usbekistan angemeldet.

Wer würde gerne teilnehmen?

Es wird erwartet, dass mehr als 3000 Teilnehmer über 50 Jahre miteinander um die ersten Plätze bei diesem Sportereignis wetteifern werden. Teilnehmer können sich für die verschiedenen Disziplinen des Hauptprogramms bis zum 1.
August 2009 anmelden, solange diese nicht schon vorher vollkommen ausgebucht sind. Besuchen Sie


Es wird erwartet, dass sich mindestens 1000 Teilnehmer für das Freizeitprogramm anmelden werden.

Die ein- bis viertägigen Fahrrad- und Wandertouren stehen Teilnehmern jeden Alters offen. Spezielle Tauch-, Nordic-Walking- und Line-Dance-Kurse werden für Teilnehmer über 50 Jahre angeboten. Die Einschreibefrist für diese Sportarten geht bis zum 1. September.

Senior Games für jedermann

Der Veranstaltungsort wird in Sportpunt Zeeland in Goes sein, wo es auch mehrere verschiedene Aktivitäten geben wird, wie zum Beispiel Präsentationen, Sportkliniken, Vorführungen, Livemusik, ein internationals Korfballspiel, die Ausstellung "WielerSportCultuur" über die Radsportkultur und ein Sportgesundheitsforum. Am Donnerstagabend wird es ein Fest für die Athleten geben. Dies ist ein Fest für alle Sportsmänner und Sportsfrauen, deren Familien, ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern, Sponsoren und alle anderen Interessierten.

Source: Senior Games 2009

Für jegliche Fragen wenden Sie sich an Ton Kienhuis +31-65-383-4816 oder Enno Tjepkema +31-61-568-9961.

Cuenta atrás: 100 días para el lanzamiento de Senior Games 2009

Cuenta atrás:
100 días
para el lanzamiento de Senior Games 2009

MIDDELBURG, Países Bajos, June 2/PRNewswire/ -- Dentro exactamente de 100 días, comenzarán los Senior Games 2009 en la
Provincia de Zelanda. La primera edición europea de este evento deportivo internacional para las personas de más de cincuenta años se celebrará del 7 al 12 de septiembre de 2009.

Un participante de 100 años

Se han inscrito más de 1.500 participantes en 22 deportes diferentes dentro del principal programa de los Senior Games 2009. El participante de más edad es el americano Roger Gentilhomme, que tiene 100 años. En septiembre disputará el campeonato de los Senior Games en las categorías de tenis y bolos.

Los mejores del mundo

Diversos campeones nacionales, europeos y mundiales se han apuntado a los Senior Games, incluyendo el antiguo participante de las Olimpiadas, campeón del mundo y varias veces campeón de Europa de triatlón y duatlón, Rob Barel.
Además del triatlón, este triatleta de 51 años se ha apuntado a las competiciones de mountain bike, atletismo y natación. "Creo que será muy divertido. Vamos a ver si puedo volver a revivir el sentimiento olímpico de Sydney otra vez", afirmó Barel.

23 nacionalidades

Cuatro meses antes de que comiencen los Senior Games, la organización ha confirmado la participación de hombres y mujeres de al menos 23 países diferentes. Además de los participantes de Holanda, se han apuntado participantes europeos de Bélgica, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Suiza, España, Austria, Italia, Noruega, Rusia, Turquía, Suecia, Dinamarca, Portugal, Eslovenia, Estonia, Finlandia y Hungría. Además, también hay participantes de EE.UU., Canadá, Nueva Zelanda, Israel y Uzbekistan.

¿Quién quiere participar?

Se espera que se inscriban más de 3.000 participantes de más de cincuenta años para competir entre ellos y conseguir la máxima puntuación de este evento deportivo. Los participantes podrán apuntarse en disciplinas del programa principal hasta el 1 de agosto de 2009 mientras no estén completas las listas de participantes. Visite la página web

Programa recreativo deportivo

Se espera que al menos 1.000 personas participen en el programa recreativo deportivo.

Los eventos de entre un día y cuatro días de ciclismo y marcha están abiertos a participantes de todas las edades. Se ofrecen cursos especiales de buceo, marcha nórdica y danza en línea para personas de más de cincuenta años. La fecha límite de inscripción a estos deportes finaliza el 1 de septiembre.

Senior Games para todo el mundo

Se llevará a cabo una reunión en Sportpunt Zeeland en Goes, donde se celebrarán diversas actividades, como presentaciones, clínicas deportivas, demostraciones, música en directo, un partido internacional de korfball, la muestra "WielerSportCultuur" sobre la cultura deportiva del ciclismo y un foro sobre salud deportiva. En la mañana del jueves se llevará a cabo la Celebration of the Athletes. Se trata de una fiesta para todos los hombres y mujeres deportistas, sus familias, voluntarios, patrocinadores y otras partes interesadas.

Source: Senior Games 2009

Compte à rebours : 100 jours avant le lancement des Senior Games 2009

Compte à rebours :
100 jours
avant le lancement des Senior Games 2009

MIDDELBURG, Pays-Bas, June 2/PRNewswire/ -- Dans exactement 100 jours, les Senior Games 2009 débuteront dans la
province du Zeeland. La première édition européenne de cet événement sportif international pour les personnes de plus de cinquante ans se tiendra du 7 au
12 septembre 2009.

Un participant âgé de 100 ans !

Ils sont plus de 1 500 à s'être inscrits pour participer aux 22 sports au programme principal des Senior Games 2009. Jusqu'à présent, l'aîné des participants est l'Américain Roger Gentilhomme, âgé de 100 ans. En septembre, il participera aux épreuves de tennis et de bowling des Senior Games.

Les meilleurs du monde

Quelques anciens champions nationaux, européens, et mondiaux participent aux Senior Games, y compris l'ancien joueur olympique, champion du monde et multiple champion d'Europe de triathlon et de duathlon, Rob Barel. En plus du triathlon, ce triathlonien de 51 ans s'est également engagé pour les épreuves de VTT, d'athlétisme et de natation. << Je crois que ce sera très amusant.
Voyons si je peux revivre l'émotion olympique que j'ai éprouvée à Sydney, >> déclare Barel.

23 nationalités

Quatre mois avant le coup d'envoi des Senior Games, l'organisation peut compter sur la participation de sportifs et de sportives provenant d'au moins
23 pays différents. En plus des Hollandais, des Européens originaires de Belgique, d'Allemagne, de Grande-Bretagne, de Suisse, d'Espagne, d'Autriche, d'Italie, de Norvège, de Russie, de Turquie, de Suède, du Danemark, du Portugal, de Slovénie, d'Estonie, de Finlande, et de Hongrie vont participer.
De plus, il y a des sportifs venant des États-Unis, du Canada, de Nouvelle-Zélande, d'Israël, et d'Ouzbékistan.

Qui veut participer ?

On attend 3 000 participants de plus de cinquante ans qui vont s'affronter pour atteindre le but suprême de cet événement sportif.

Les participants peuvent s'inscrire aux disciplines du programme principal jusqu'au 1er août 2009, tant qu'il y a encore de la place dans ces épreuves. Allez sur

Programme sportif récréatif

On s'attend à ce qu'au moins 1 000 participants s'inscrivent au programme récréatif.

Les randonnées de un à quatre jours à pied et en vélo sont ouvertes aux participants de tous âges. Des cours spéciaux de plongée, de marche nordique et de danse de style country sont proposés aux personnes de plus de cinquante ans. Les inscriptions à ces sports se terminent le 1er septembre.

Senior Games pour tout le monde

Un sitesera érigé au Sportpunt Zeeland à Goes où seront présentées plusieurs activités telles que des exposés, des cliniques sportives, des démonstrations, des concerts, un match international de korfball, l'exposition <<>> sur la culture des sports cyclistes, et un forum sur la santé sportive. La Célébration des Athlètes se tiendra jeudi soir. C'est une réception qui réunira tous les sportifs et sportives ainsi que leurs familles, les volontaires, les sponsors et les autres parties intéressées.

Source: Senior Games 2009

lunedì 1 giugno 2009

Hilton Lee Smith Baseball Memorabilia Dedication Ceremony

Hilton Lee Smith Baseball Memorabilia Dedication Ceremony
Hilton Lee Smith, Member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame Negro Leagues

GIDDINGS, Texas, June 1 /PRNewswire/ -- The dedication of the Hilton Lee Smith Baseball Memorabilia Collection will take place during a ceremony with DeMorris Smith, son of Hilton Lee Smith, National League Hall of Fame Baseball Player, Negro Leagues.

Hilton Lee Smith was born in Giddings, Texas on February 27, 1907. He pitched for Prairie View A&M before joining the Austin Senators in 1931. In 1936 Smith signed with the Kansas City Monarchs, moving up to play against "top-tier" competition. He has been called the best pitcher in the Negro American League. He was a formidable hitter and he sometimes occupied the "clean-up" position in the lineup. Smith retired from the game in the 1950's and became a teacher and coach. He also worked in the steel industry and as an assistant scout for the Chicago Cubs.

Hilton Lee Smith died in 1983 and was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2001. The people of Giddings consider Hilton Lee Smith one of their "Hometown Heroes."

Baseball Memorabilia Collection / Baseball Field Dedication

The Giddings Public Library & Cultural Center
June 19, 2009 at 6:00PM
276 N. Orange
Giddings, Texas

Giddings Public Library & Cultural Center is the site of the permanent collection of the Hilton Lee Smith Baseball Memorabilia Collection. Contact Pam Hutchinson at 979-542-2716 for further details.

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit

Source: Giddings Area Chamber of Commerce

CONTACT: Pam Hutchinson for Giddings Area Chamber of Commerce,

Chocolate Milk's 'Natural' Muscle Recovery Benefits Match or May Even Surpass a Specially Designed Carbohydrate Sports Drink

Chocolate Milk's 'Natural' Muscle Recovery Benefits Match or May Even Surpass a Specially Designed Carbohydrate Sports Drink

New Study Finds Lowfat Chocolate Milk is Effective Post-Exercise Recovery Aid For Soccer Players

SEATTLE, June 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Soccer players and exercise enthusiasts now have another reason to reach for lowfat chocolate milk after a hard workout, suggests a new study from James Madison University presented at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting. Post-exercise consumption of lowfat chocolate milk was found to provide equal or possibly superior muscle recovery compared to a high-carbohydrate recovery beverage with the same amount of calories.

In this study, 13 male college soccer players participated in "normal" training for one week, then were given lowfat chocolate milk or a high-carbohydrate recovery beverage daily after intense training for four days. After a two week break, the athletes went through a second round of "normal" training, followed by four-day intensified training to compare their recovery experiences following each beverage (with the same amount of calories). Prior to the intense training, at day two and at the completion of this double-blind study, the researchers conducted specific tests to evaluate "markers" of muscle recovery.

All of the athletes increased their daily training times during the intensified training, regardless of post-exercise beverage yet after two and four days of intensified training, chocolate milk drinkers had significantly lower levels of creatine kinase - an indicator of muscle damage - compared to when they drank the carbohydrate beverage. There were no differences between the two beverages in effects on, soccer-specific performance tests, subjective ratings of muscle soreness, mental and physical fatigue and other measures of muscle strength. The results indicate that lowfat chocolate milk is effective in the recovery and repair of muscles after intense training for these competitive soccer players.

This new study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting milk may be just as effective as some commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover and rehydrate. Chocolate milk has the advantage of additional nutrients not found in most traditional sports drinks. Studies suggest that when consumed after exercise, milk's mix of high-quality protein and carbohydrates can help refuel exhausted muscles. The protein in milk helps build lean muscle and recent research suggests it may reduce exercise-induced muscle damage. Milk also provides fluids for rehydration and minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium that recreational exercisers and elite athletes alike need to replace after strenuous activity.

Nearly 18 million Americans play soccer, according to American Sports Data, and millions more engage in recreational sports. Many experts agree that the two-hour window after exercise is an important, yet often neglected, part of a fitness routine. After strenuous exercise, this post-workout recovery period is critical for active people at all fitness levels - to help make the most of a workout and stay in top shape for the next exercise bout. Sweating not only results in fluid losses, but also important minerals including calcium, potassium and magnesium. The best recovery routine should replace fluids and nutrients lost in sweat, and help muscles recover.

Increasingly, fitness experts consider chocolate milk an effective (and affordable and enjoyable) option as a post-exercise recovery drink. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that Americans drink three glasses of lowfat or fat free milk every day. Drinking lowfat chocolate milk after a workout is a good place to start.

About the National Milk Mustache "got milk?"(R) Campaign

The Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), Washington, D.C., is funded by the nation's milk processors, who are committed to increasing fluid milk consumption. The MilkPEP Board runs the national Milk Mustache "got milk?"(R) Campaign, a multi-faceted campaign designed to educate consumers about the health benefits of milk. For more information, go to Lowe New York is the creative agency for the national Milk Mustache "got milk?"(R) Campaign.

Source: Gilson SF, Saunders MJ, Moran CW, Corriere DF, Moore RW, Womack CJ, Todd MK. Effects of chocolate milk consumption on markers of muscle recovery during intensified soccer training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009;41:S577.

AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN5
PRN Photo Desk,
Source: Milk Processor Education Program

CONTACT: Gloria Delgadillo, +1-312-988-2382,, for Milk Processor Education Program

Web Site:

Beach Tennis USA Returns to Virginia Beach

Beach Tennis USA Returns to Virginia Beach
Two-Day Event At Site of North American Sand Soccer Championships

NEW YORK, June 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Beach Tennis USA(R), the organization responsible for launching the sport of beach tennis in North America, will hold its Virginia Beach Blast, Saturday and Sunday, June 6-7 on the beach at Atlantic Ave. between 19th and 20th Streets in Virginia Beach, VA. The event will take place at the site of the 16th Annual North American Sand Soccer Championships (NASSC). NASSC is the major charity event conducted for the development of the Hampton Roads Soccer Complex in Virginia Beach.

On Saturday, June 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., a Junior and Amateur tournament will be held followed by preliminary round play in the Pro division. On Sunday, June 7, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., there will be a special Co-ed Doubles tournament followed by the Men's and Women's Pro division advanced rounds and finals. Players from all over the country will compete for the $1,000 first-place prize, plus a guaranteed spot in the 2009 Beach Tennis USA National Championship in Long Beach, New York, September 5-6.

Beach tennis, which was launched in the U.S. as a pro and recreational sport in 2005 by real estate developer Marc Altheim, is a true hybrid sport that combines tennis and beach volleyball into one exciting and fast-paced game. Played on a regulation beach volleyball court, two players on each team use standard tennis racquets to hit a depressurized tennis ball back and forth over the net without letting it hit the sand.

Since its inaugural season in 2005, Beach Tennis USA (BTUSA) has experienced tremendous growth in player participation and crowd attendance, due largely to the company's creation of regional licensing agreements and local leagues. To date, Beach Tennis USA has signed domestic licensee agreements in Charleston, SC, Tampa, FL, Ft. Lauderdale, FL and the Metro New York region as well as similar international deals in Japan, South Africa, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and Bermuda.

"Beach Tennis Believes," the official charity of BTUSA, will be accepting donations throughout the weekend on behalf of "Twinkling Eye Day Center," a prominent daycare center in the Hampton Roads area that caters to the needs of children with disabilities. Beach Tennis Believes helps raise funds and awareness for community centers and youth programs.

About Beach Tennis USA

Beach tennis, which was launched in the U.S. as a pro and recreational sport in 2005 by real estate developer Marc Altheim, combines tennis and beach volleyball into one exciting and fast-paced game. Now in its fifth season, Beach Tennis USA has garnered increased attention while hosting events throughout Florida, Southern California, South Carolina, and New York. Beach Tennis USA has also gained recognition in the tennis world, attracting many former top-rated tennis players. The company continues to grow by adding new licensees in various U.S. cities and establishing "Team Beach Tennis," which promotes year-round league play. To learn more about this fast-growing sport, or to learn how to join the movement, please visit

Source: Beach Tennis USA

CONTACT: John Rarrick of BullsEye Public Relations, +1-212-671-1080, Ext. 103,, for Beach Tennis USA

Web Site:



e-flux corp. 41 Essex street New York, NY 10002, USA

Summer 2009 in Artforum

This summer in Artforum: The art of Ryan Trecartin. "Imagine slasher films without blood; porn without nudity; the Sistine Chapel without God; the New York Stock Exchange without capital," muses critic Wayne Koestenbaum, considering the best ways to surmise an artist whose latest epic—composed of three interconnected, modular psychodramas—is currently on view in the group show "Younger Than Jesus" at the New Museum in New York. In a self-described "subjective survey" of Trecartin's work, Koestenbaum argues that the artist's kind of apocalypse-as-party adds a new chapter to the story of human attention. "Walter Benjamin drew a distinction between concentration and distraction, with the latter falling prey to false consciousness and the former rising to revolutionary art's challenge. Paradox: Trecartin's characters concentrate on distraction." —Wayne Koestenbaum And: Yoko Ono in Conversation with Rirkrit Tiravanija. For more than fifty years, Ono has produced work revolving around the reorientaton and inversion of audience expectations—making, for instance, a chess set with pieces that are all white, so that the opposing players will eventually be unable to tell their sides apart. On the occasion of her being awarded the Golden Lion at this year's Venice Biennale, Ono spoke with Tiravanija—who has designed a new bookstore and informal meeting area for the Biennale's Palazzo delle Esposizioni—about art, Buddhism, and the Bed-In project she did with John Lennon in Amsterdam and Montreal forty years ago. "Some artists will try over time to communicate in more and more complex forms. But in my case, I started very complex and then wanted to communicate in a simpler way, so that we would really reach each other." —Yoko Ono Plus: "The Personal Effects of Seth Price." For nearly a decade, Price has made artwork and composed essays that have placed him at the forefront of younger artists considering art's tenuous engagements with a broader culture radically impacted by new media. Artforum editor Tim Griffin considers Price's video, vacuum-form sculpture, and repeated use of digital and analog "effects" to play on our senses of memory and identity alike. "Price continually creates the impression of specific histories for images and sounds— histories they do not, in fact, possess." —Tim Griffin Also in summer: Benjamin H. D. Buchloh examines the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's recent exhibition "Art of Two Germanys/Cold War Cultures"; Hamza Walker talks with Peter Saul about the artist's most recent work; Sean Keller takes stock of architect Renzo Piano's numerous museum projects, most recently the majestic Modern Wing at the Art Institute of Chicago, unveiled last month; Chus Martínez introduces the installations and architectural interventions of Brazilian artist Renata Lucas; James Quandt lauds Lucrecia Martel's film The Headless Woman; Richard Deming examines a recently unearthed short film by avant-garde pioneer Kenneth Macpherson; and Bruce Jenkins considers the recent gallery presentation of the late artist Paul Sharits's 1975 film installation Shutter Interface. "Pop is the world's best art movement. Minimalism, on the other hand, I could never understand at all. Why would anyone want to look at less instead of more?" —Peter Saul Finally: Hal Foster considers German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk's new book on the birth of terrorism and the rise of environmental thinking; Brigitte Weingart assesses anthropologist Michael Taussig's ruminative tome What Color Is the Sacred?; Claire Bishop visits the 10th Havana Biennial; Taraneh Fazeli goes to Night School; Briony Fer reviews German sculptor Isa Genzken's retrospective at the Whitechapel Gallery in London; Gene McHugh muses on the age of social networking in the New Museum's inaugural triennial, "Younger Than Jesus"; Pamela M. Lee encounters a dystopian undercurrent in this year's Sharjah Biennial; artist Lindsay Seers counts down her Top Ten; and Christopher Williams remembers sculptor, art historian, and critic Coosje van Bruggen, while Lynne Cooke pays homage to the late German artist Hanne Darboven. Visit Artforum online at To subscribe, visit Visit artguide—Artforum's free directory of the international art world, listing art fairs, auctions, and current gallery and museum shows in more than 400 cities—at