domenica 31 agosto 2008



Opening Ceremomy: 8 September 2008
Duration: 9 September - 16 November 2008
Artistic Director: Zhang Qing Curators:
Julian Heynen and Henk Slager

Since its inauguration the Shanghai Biennale has repeatedly taken the city itself and its urban conditions as a starting point for its artistic explorations. In line with this inner logic, the curatorial team of the 2008 edition proposed to focus on one of the most import cornerstones of urban design: the public square which is a prime location of transfer, connection, connectivity, meeting, social and economical exchange.

As a starting point for the Seventh Shanghai Biennale the curatorial team suggested utilizing People's Square, of which the Shanghai Art Museum is actually part of. This public square seems to contain on a small-scale level a lot of crucial issues that the current Chinese society faces today. At People's Square the curatorial team found many issues related to the transition, such as the topical capitalism, the ultramodern architecture that express a spirit of optimism, the desire for a better life envisioned by for example the Grand Theater and the Museum for Urban Planning, as well as the numerous small stands operated by migrants. PROJECT For the 2008 Shanghai Biennale the curatorial team connects the Shanghai Art Museum directly to People's Square. For this reason, twenty-five emerging and established artists have been invited to take People's Square as visual metaphor for the complex dynamics of the people's mobility. Their work will be displayed on various media within and outside of the museum. Works that are shown outside were created with an intent to interact with the environment or the public. Participants: Pawel Althamer, Tiong Ang, Ricardo Basbaum, Mariana Castillo Deball, Chen Zhiguang, Ayse Erkmen, Rainer Ganahl, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Bethan Huws, Jing Shijianm, Kim Sanggil, Lin Chuanchu, Liu Ye, Lu Hao, Ma Baozhong, Thomas Ruff, Hito Steyerl, Tang Maohong, Wang Qingson, Lawrence Weiner, Wu Mingzhong, Yin Xiuzhen, Yu Fan, Zeng Hao, Zhang Qing and Zhou Tao. KEYNOTES On the second floor, the curatorial team will focus on solo-exhibitions of three prominent artists. This rather unusual proposal was conceived in reaction to a tendency among many Biennales to present a vast number of hardly distinguishable artistic positions. As a guideline for the choice of artists in this section a more reflective and general attitude towards the issue of mobility related to the urban, economical and social development should be apparent in their artistic production. Keynotes: Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan, Mike Kelley and Yue Minjun.

CONTEXT On the third floor, under the same theme, another thirty artists will be showing their work using non-shanghainese elements, to explore and discuss mobility issues in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Participants: Guy Ben-Ner, Ursula Biemann, Big Dipper Group, Bu Hua, Chen Yun, Juergen Drescher, Inci Eviner, Harun Farocki, Zvi Goldstein, Yangah Ham, He Wenjue, Huang Hsinchien, Jia Zhangke, Jin Shi, Suchan Kinoshita, Charles Lim, Liu Ming, Angelika Mantz, Klaus Mettig, Roman Ondak, The Otolith Group, Ulrike Ottinger, Son Kuk Gyon, Su Xinping, Mieke Van de Voort, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Wang Qiang, Yang Shaobin, Yu Hua, Zhang Enli, Zhang Weijie and Zhu Jia.

SYMPOSIUM: MAPPING PUBLIC SPACE (September 8) Parallel to these artistic explorations an international symposium will discuss and evaluate similar research issues: topics of knowledge production, (public) art as a tool for urban research and ultimately, current curatorial models. Participants: Irit Rogoff, Mika Hannula, Wu Jiang, Kasper Koenig, Young Chul Lee and Xu Jiang.

PUBLICATION: THE SHANGHAI PAPERS (Hatje Cantz, Fall 2008) Besides the standard exhibition catalogue the curatorial team will produce a sourcebook that consists of texts by the participating artists. These texts present the artists' views on their artistic research within the context of the exhibition's theme (Editors: Annette W. Balkema and Xiang Liping). Book launch: Shanghai Art Museum, Closing Program November 16.

SPECIAL SUPPORT Bank Sarasin, Goethe Institut, Fonds BKVB, Mondriaan Foundation.

venerdì 29 agosto 2008





Biennale Cinema Venezia

Les frères Coen ont projeté à Venise leur prochain film, Burn after Reading

Terzo giorno alla 65. Mostra: in programma oggi i film di Francis Xavier Pasion, Jay, Bahman Motamedian, Khastegi, Paolo Benvenuti, Puccini e la fanciulla, e José Mojica Marins, Encarnação do Demônio, oltre alle sezioni autonome e retrospettive. In concorso i film di Guillermo Arriaga, The Burning Plain e di Barbet Schroeder, Inju, la bête dans l'ombre. Vedi la selezione ufficiale dei film in programma alla 65. Mostra. Il calendario delle proiezioni per il pubblico si articola in 11 giornate, fino a sabato 6 settembre. Informazioni su biglietti e abbonamenti.


5 – 6 – 7 settembre 2008

MACERATA – Il 5 settembre, alle ore 09.00 da piazza della Libertà partirà il rally di auto d’epoca “I Sibillini e dintorni”, vetrina delle bellissime auto di una volta e del territorio. “Una manifestazione senza fini di lucro, è motivata dalla necessità di effettuare una raccolta fondi – dichiara Massimo Serra, organizzatore della Scuderia Marche - da destinare alla Croce Rossa Italiana Comitato provinciale” Macerata. L’iniziativa è il frutto della voglia della nostra associazione di voler promuovere il territorio per un turismo slow, tranquillo e piacevole, e dell’attenzione della Banca delle Marche, Apm, Fondiaria Assicurazioni, Panda Antivirus, Gfx, Hotel Domus Laetitiae di Frontignano, Automobil Club Macerata, Comuni di Macerata, Pollenza, Treia e Ussita.” I “Sibillini e dintorni” è una manifestazione per auto storiche costruite entro il 1965 e vi possono partecipare esclusivamente autovetture di particolare interesse storico, il rally attraverserà la provincia di Macerata arrivando fino a Visso e Frontignano. I numerosissimi partecipanti si ritroveranno venerdì alle 09.00 nella centralissima piazza della Libertà a Macerata, e dopo aver parcheggiato le bellissime auto, visiteranno il teatro Lauro Rossi, il teatro della Società FilarmonicoDrammatica. Alle 11.00 la carovana partirà per Pollenza, dove resteranno fino alle 15.00, per spostarsi a Treia, dove è prevista la cena al Villino. Sabato 6 settembre il rally riparte dall’Hotel Recina e toccherà Passo Treia, Tolentino, Bivio Maddalena di Muccia, Visso, Ussita, Frontignano, Sforzacosta-Bivio superstrada, Macerata e poi rientra all’Hotel Recina per la Cena di Gala. Il passaggio a Macerata permetterà di rievocare il Circuito della Vittoria, una corsa di velocità motoristica degli anni 50 che si svolgeva esclusivamente a Macerata e che passava per via Cavour, via Trento, piazza della Vittoria, via Martiri della Libertà, via Spalato, via Roma, piazza della Vittoria e via Cavour. La “Scuderia Marche - Club Motori Storici” è una associazione composta da circa 600 soci appassionati di auto d’epoca. E’ stata fondata nel 2001; riprendendo il nome della Storica Scuderia Marche degli anni 50/60 che annoverava tra i suoi aderenti : Lodovico Scarfiotti, Paolo Pagnanelli, Enrico Lucangeli. L’attuale Scuderia Marche - Club motori Storici, il cui presidente è Giuseppe Nardi, ha sede a Macerata ed è un Club federato con l’Automotoclub Storico Italiano (ASI- 120.000 soci in Italia).

giovedì 28 agosto 2008

Basic Electronic Symbols


Three new exhibitions
by Johanna Billing,
Sergej Jensen and Josef Strau,
and an outdoor project by Isa Genzken.
Presspreview 3 September 11 a.m.
Opening 3 September 6 - 9 p.m.
Malmö Konsthall S:t Johannesgatan 7
Box 17 127 SE-200 10 Malmö Sweden
Johanna Billing This Is How We Walk on the Moon 4.9-16.11 2008 Johanna Billing uses video to portray group interactions, individual identity and social structures, capturing situations of societal change. Her multilayered interpretations of places and circumstances oscillate between documentary and fiction, merging an interest in the real and the improvised with a precise and minimal cinematic language. Always staged, the looped video installations dwell on routines, rehearsals and rituals, presenting us with people in concentrated situations, where changes are taking place, are about to take place or could take place. Billing's films often involve music, which in her hands becomes a medium of exchange, memory and reconstruction. Billing will present film works, photographs and a documentation archive produced between 2001 and 2008. Johanna Billing (b. 1973 Jönköping, Sweden) lives and works in Stockholm. Isa Genzken Hair grows how it wants to 4.9 - 2.11 2008
Isa Genzken's diverse oeuvre includes sculpture, relief, collage, film and photography. Genzken has often used assemblages as a point of departure and fearlessly integrated ready-mades such as wheelchairs, walkers, jukeboxes, armchairs and umbrellas into her sculptures. By combining all sorts of materials and doing intense juxtapositions Genzken has created powerful and playful sculptural work throughout the 80's, 90's and 00's. 'Hair grows how it wants to' (2008) is a new version of a work previously shown at Galerie Meerrettich, Berlin, and at the German Pavilion, Venice Biennale. In 'Hair grows how it wants to' (2008) Genzken uses the roof of Malmö Konsthall as a base for the sculpture as well as she plays with the "face" of Klas Anshelm's classical building. Isa Genzken (b. 1948 Bad Oldesloe, Germany) lives and works in Berlin. Sergej Jensen 4.9 - 2.11 2008 Sergej Jensen's minimal paintings draw on a wide range of materials and formal references. Jensen uses the material and its possible sews, bleaches, stretches or stains to create lyrical, abstract compositions. Fabrics like linen, silk, wool or flags and old moneybags are used and treated almost as recycled ready-mades. The canvases have many tactile gestures, and flecks of wool or frayed edges become part of the artist's palette for his paintings. The exhibition is produced in collaboration with Bergen Kunsthall and includes more than 40 works produced between 2001 and 2008. Sergej Jensen (b. 1973 Maglegård, Denmark) lives and works in Berlin.
Josef Strau A DISSIDENCE COINCIDENCE BUT WHCTLJS 4.9-2.11 2008 Josef Strau works as an artist and writer, but has also experimented with the social roles of curator, musician and gallerist. Strau uses his writing and stories as part of his sculptural and conceptual work. The texts are often rapidly written and unpredictable, often shown as posters, on the floor or incorporated onto found modified lamps and objects, so the installations create 'narrative spaces'. At Malmö Konsthall, Strau will present A DISSIDENCE COINCIDENCE BUT WHCTLJS, an installation consisting of texts, lamps and other objects within a labyrinthial construction of the large scale letters WHCTLJS. The letters in the title WHCTLJS are part of a riddle. It can be read as a private and existential riddle, that may be solved whilst walking-reading through Strau's installation. Josef Strau (b. 1957 Vienna, Austria) lives and works in Berlin.
For further information
contact +46 40 34 12 94, +46 708 34 12 94

martedì 26 agosto 2008

Speed Labyrinth

Subtlety is not a word in the vocabulary of chinese traffic authorities, as this photo of speedsters deterrent shows:

More photos at: Gizmodo

lunedì 25 agosto 2008

JO: 36 millions de téléspectateurs pour France Télévisions

Les jeux Olympiques de Pékin, du 8 au 24 août, ont été suivis sur France Télévisions par 36 millions de Français, soit 2 téléspectateurs sur 3, a indiqué lundi le groupe, dans un communiqué citant des chiffres de Médiamétrie.
"Le décalage horaire ne nous était pas extrêmement favorable, mais nous avons réussi à obtenir une audience moyenne en part de marché supérieure à celle d'Athènes", s'est félicité le patron des sports de France Télévisions, Daniel Bilalian, interrogé par téléphone depuis Pékin.
Pendant les 17 jours des Olympiades, France Télévisions a rassemblé 4 téléspectateurs des jeux sur 5, soit une moyenne de 1,3 million d'amateurs par jour, entre 3H00 et 20H20, pour une part d'audience de 25,6%.

fonte METRO

BEIJING - Hungary beats US to win Olympic Water Polo gold

Tony Azevedo of the United States tries to move the ball out in front
of members of the Hungary team.

BEIJING - Men's Marathon medalists

Men's marathon gold medalist Samuel Kamau Wanjiru (C) of Kenya poses with silver medalist Jaouad Gharib (L) of Morocco and bronze medalist Tsegaye Kebede of Ethiopia during the Closing Ceremony for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games at the National Stadium on August 24, 2008 in Beijing, China.

BEIJING - Boxing Final Day Review: China wins first gold medals, while Cuba misses out

Gold medalist Zhang Xiaoping (2nd L) of China, silver medalist Kenny Egan (L) of Ireland and bronze medalists Tony Jeffries (R) of Great Britain and Yerkebulan Shynaliyev of Kazakhstan (Photo Credit: Xinhua/Chen Jie)
Boxing Final Day Review:

China wins first gold medals, while Cuba misses out

(BEIJING, August 24) – The balance of power in amateur boxing seems to have shifted slightly at the Beijing Olympic Games.
Traditional boxing powerhouse
Cuba failed to win a gold medal, the first time that it hasn't won a gold medal in boxing since the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico. Cuba boycotted the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games.
Prior to Beijing 2008, several champion Cuban boxers pulled out of Cuba's Olympic squad. Despite having an inexperienced squad, Cuba still managed to win eight medals, including four silver medals.
"They (the Cuban boxing team) came here with no experience, and they've won eight medals. No gold, but nobody was expecting more than one or two medals at all for us. Now we have not only eight medals, but also a team with Olympic experience ready to start preparing for the next
Olympics," said Cuba's boxing coach Pedro Roque.
While Cuba saw its boxing fortunes decline,
China not only won its first-ever boxing gold medal, but it won two gold medals on the same day.
Before the Games had begun, light-flyweight
Zou Shiming was expected to win his country's first-ever Olympic gold medal in the sport. Despite the intense pressure, Zou boxed well throughout the whole tournament, culminating in today's win against Mongolia's Serdamba Purevdorj in the final.
Zhang Xiaoping's gold medal in the light-heavyweight class came as a surprise. Zhang defeated
Ireland's Kenny Egan in the final 11-7.
Despite Purevdorj's loss against Zou, Mongolia will be very happy at its performance. Apart from the silver medal in the light-flyweight class, the small Asian country also won a gold medal in the bantamweight class when Badar-Uugan Enkhbat defeated Yankiel Leon Alarcon of Cuba.
The other traditional boxing powerhouse that was conspicuously absent from the top of the podium was the
United States, who only managed to win one medal – the bronze medal that Deontay Wilder won in the heavyweight class

sabato 23 agosto 2008

BEIHIJING - Russia wins Synchronized Swimming Team gold

Russia scored 99.5 points to win the Olympic Synchronized Swimming Team gold medal at the Olympic Games on Saturday.
Spain picked up the silver with 98.251 points and China took the bronze with 97.334.

BEIJING - Jongjohor wins first boxing gold of Beijing Olympics

BEIJING, August 23) -- Thailand's Somjit Jongjohor won the gold medal in the Boxing competition's flyweight class after defeating Cuba's Andris Laffita Hernandez 8-2.
The fight started conservatively, with Laffita Hernandez being the more aggressive boxer but struggling to keep his footing on a couple of occasions. Jongjohor seemed intent on throwing punches at the Cuban boxer's ribcage and scored a couple of points in the first round.
In the second round, the experienced Thai boxer held back and waited for the Cuban to open up his defense. Jongjohor picked up four points in the second round, while Laffita Hernandez remained scoreless. One punch by Jongjohor connected solidly with Laffita Hernandez's head.
The Cuban boxer scored his first point of the bout early in the third round, but Jongjohor picked up another two points by exploiting the frustrated Cuban boxer.
Laffita Hernandez scored a second point in the fourth round, while Jongjohor was content to stay out of harm's way, knowing that he had secured the first gold medal of the Olympic boxing competition.

BEIJING - Russian Kanaeva wins Gymnastics Rhythmic Individual All-around gold

Russian Evgeniya Kanaeva won the Gymnastics Rhythmic Individual All-around gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games here on Saturday.
Kanaeva scored 75.500 points, beating Belarus's Inna Zhukova, who earned silver with 71.925. Ukraine's Anna Bessonova got bronze with 71.875

BEIJING - Diaz of Dominican Republic wins Men's 64kg Boxing gold

Felix Diaz from the Dominican Republic claimed the Men's 64kg Boxing title at the Beijing Olympics on Saturday, beating Manus Boonjumnong from Thailand 12-4 in the final.

BEIJING - Richards leads US to Women's 4 x 400m Relay win

Sanya Richards made a thrilling comeback from behind to anchor the win for the United States in the Women's 4 x 400 Meters Relay at the Beijing Olympic Games here on Saturday.

BEIJING - The Men's 10m Platform semifinal Diving

The Men's 10m Platform semifinal Diving event was held at the National Aquatics Center on Day Fifteen of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 23, 2008 in Beijing, China.



China beat Cuba 3-1 to win the Women's Volleyball bronze during the bronze medal game held at the Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium on Day 15 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 23, 2008.


The Men's Gold Medal football match between Nigeria and Argentina took place at the National Stadium on Day Fifteen of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 23, 2008 in Beijing, China. Argentina won the match and claimed the title of the event.

BEIJING - China's latest Olympic viewership figures announced

China's latest Olympic viewership figures announced

(BEIJING, August 22) -- A total of 680 million Chinese television viewers, 56 percent of China's television audience, tuned into CCTV's major Olympic broadcasting channels in one day, according to a recent study.
The viewership figures came from a survey conducted from 2:00 a.m. on August 21 to 2:00 a.m. on August 22, 2008. The research was conducted by a CCTV and CSM audience measurement system and only includes statistics for mainland audiences.
CCTV channels I, II, VII and the Olympic Channel have attracted a total of 1.108 billion viewers in China in the 14 days since the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympics on August 8, representing 90.5 percent of the nation's television viewers.
The peak audience rate was registered at 9:26 p.m. on August 21, when the CCTV Olympic Channel (formerly the Sports Channel) broadcast the Men's 400m final. The Olympic audience accounted for 7.68 percent of China's total television viewership at that time.

BEIJING: Olympic food proves safe

(BEIJING, August 22) -- No single safety incident has occurred related to food for the Beijing Olympics since August 7, 2008, the eve of the Games, an official said on Friday, August 22.
From August 7 to 21, supervisors from the Olympic food safety guarantee team stationed in the Olympic Village, the Media Village, the MPC, the IBC and all competition venues have monitored a total of 1,616,830 sets of meals, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners and late night snacks for athletes, officials and accredited media members. They did not find a single food safety issue, said Tang Yunhua, spokesperson for Food Safety Coordination at the Beijing Food Safety Administration Office.
During that period, no food safety incidents have occurred in raw materials distributed to Olympic competition venues, non-competition venues, training sites, Olympic Family hotels, hotels for VIPs, hotels that athletes use, hotels used by accredited media or Olympic food production enterprises or bases, Tang told reporters at a press conference at the Main Press Center (MPC).
Random inspections in the past 18 months on a total of 16,610 samples from food suppliers have shown a qualification rate of 98.67%. Food products below standard have been sealed or destroyed, to ensure that food supply for the Olympics is 100 percent qualified, she added.
The food safety authority in the city has set up an emergency response system and applied efficient technologies to cope with food safety issues in all Olympic venues and food-producing enterprises.
Tang outlined four key tasks being performed:
-- Control over all agriculture and livestock farms to ban high pesticide residue and a full tracing of animal products
-- Strict inspection of food production processes and strict control of food exiting production sites
-- Application of high technologies in distribution and transportation processes, including utilization of a GPS system, electronic labeling and temperature censoring to ensure food safety
-- Thorough training for employees before the assumption of posts and application of menu and raw material filing systems, as well as sampling of prepared food
The official promised to promote those measures that have proved efficient to benefit a great majority of community members after the Olympics are over.
Responding to a question on what kind of risks designers targeted before safety measures took shape, Tang said the steps were worked out to avoid biological, chemical and general physical pollution. Additional measures were also formulated to fight man-made malicious incidents and food-borne illnesses frequently seen in summer.
Present at the press conference were also Lu Yong, director of the Beijing Food Safety Monitoring Center and Luo Yunbo, dean of the Food Science and Nutritional Engineering College of China Agriculture University and member of the Beijing Olympic Food Safety Expert Committee.

venerdì 22 agosto 2008



CALL FOR ENTRIES: Until the 25th of August, 2008
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid

The 'Rencontres Internationales' will take place at the Centre Pompidou, at the Jeu de Paume national museum and in other key locations in Paris in November 2008. The same program will be presented in Madrid in April 2009 and in Berlin in June 2009. Those three events will propose an international programming focusing on film, video and multimedia, gathering works of artists and filmmakers acknowledged on the international scene along with young artists and filmmakers. ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANISATION CAN SUBMIT ONE OR SEVERAL PROPOSALS. THE CALL FOR ENTRIES IS OPEN FOR FILM, VIDEO AND MULTIMEDIA PROPOSALS, without any restriction of length or genre. All submissions are free, without limitation of geographical origin. Film and video cycle (any film and video format) * Video / Experimental video * Fiction - short, medium and feature length * Documentary, experimental documentary * Experimental Film * Animation Multimedia cycle * Video installation, multimedia installation * Net art * Multimedia performance, multimedia concert Video and film submissions are received on DVD. ALL submissions are sent by postal mail, enclosed with a filled-in ONLINE ENTRY FORM, UNTIL THE 25th of AUGUST, 2008 (postmarked). Entry form and information regarding the 'Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid' are posted on our website PLEASE FORWARD this piece of information to creative organizations, art networks, production organizations, artists and filmmakers you are in contact with. The 'Rencontres Internationales' offers more than a simple presentation of the works. They introduce an intercultural forum gathering various guests from all over the world - artists and filmmakers, institutions and emerging organizations - to testify of their reflections and of their experiences, but also of artistic and cultural contexts that are often experiencing deep changes. The 'Rencontres Internationales' reflects specificities and convergences of art practices between new cinema and contemporary art, explores emerging media art practices and their critical purposes, and work out this necessary time when points of view meet and are exchanged. The event aims at presenting those works to a broad audience, at creating circulations between different art practices and between different audiences, as well as creating new exchanges between artists, filmmakers and professionals. It wishes to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary culture of image via a demanding program opened to everyone. Paris/Berlin/Madrid In 2007, the 'Rencontres Internationales', which initially took place in Paris and Berlin, opened up to a third city: Madrid. This event now constitutes a unique artistic and cultural platform in Europe for artists, professional networks and different audiences. The venues in the three cities are in particular the Centre Pompidou and the Jeu de Paume national museum in Paris, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, the Reina Sofia national museum and the Spanish Cinematheque in Madrid. The 'Rencontres Internationales' is a non commercial event without competition, supported by French, German, Spanish and international institutions


’“evolution tour”


Oggi, venerdì 22 agosto, Giovanni Allevi si esibirà con il suo pianoforte presso l’Auditorium della città Proibita di Pechino accompagnato dalla China Philharmonic Orchestra (il più noto complesso sinfonico dell'Asia) in una serata dedicata all’incontro tra culture diverse. L’orchestra eseguirà le musiche dell’ultimo album del compositore e pianista, “Evolution”, con Allevi nella duplice veste di pianista e direttore.

Sarà possibile rivedere le parti più emozionanti di questa serata di cultura italiana nel programma televisivo di RAI Uno “Ad Oriente” in onda il prossimo 26 agosto in seconda serata. Il programma, ideato da Francesco Stochino Weiss, è basato su un viaggio ideale da Venezia a Pechino sulle orme di Marco Polo, un dialogo tra musica e forme architettoniche ripercorrendo la via della seta e procedendo dal passato al futuro, presentando il progetto della prima ecocity del terzo millennio che sorgerà in Cina, ideata da un italiano: l'architetto Pier Paolo Maggiora.

L’“Evolution tour” di giovanni allevi si chiuderà il 2 settembre a Bresso (Milano) con un concerto presso la nuova area concerti Fly mentre il 7 settembre il compositore e pianista di musica classica contemporanea salirà sul palco dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma per l’ultimo appuntamento di piano solo di questa estate.

Nel frattempo il tour prosegue toccando altre città italiane dove Allevi sarà protagonista sul podio sia come direttore d’orchestra de I Virtuosi Italiani, sia davanti alla tastiera del suo amato pianoforte, proponendo i brani del nuovo disco “Evolution” e altri brani (di pianoforte solo) tratti dai suoi precedenti dischi.

Anche questa settimana la classifica Fimi/Nielsen dei dischi più venduti in Italia vede Giovanni Allevi presente con ben 4 dischi: “Evolution” (realizzato con l’orchestra I Virtuosi Italiani) all’8° posto con oltre 60.000 copie vendute,“No Concept” al 31° posto con oltre 90.000 copie vendute dal maggio 2005, “Joy”, al 20° posto con oltre 145.000 copie vendute dal settembre 2006 e “Allevilive”, al 60° posto con oltre 80.000 copie vendute dall’ottobre 2007. Successo che si aggiunge a quello riscosso dal libro “La musica in testa”, 9 edizioni e 60.000 copie vendute fino ad oggi.

Queste le prossime date dell’“Evolution tour”:
24 agosto Ascoli Piceno Piazza del Popolo
25 agosto Macerata Sferisterio

27 agosto Cagliari Anfiteatro Romano
28 agosto Palermo Teatro di Verdura
29 agosto Taormina (ME) Anfiteatro Greco
2 settembre Bresso (MI) Area Concerti Fly (Fly Festival)

“Evolution” (“Foglie di Beslan”, “Whisper”, “Keep moving”, “A perfect day”, “Come sei veramente”, “Angelo ribelle”, “Corale”, “Prendimi”, “300 anelli - parte I”, “300 anelli – parte II”) è disponibile nei negozi nelle versioni cd e cd+dvd (che contiene circa 30 minuti di “making of” dell’album e un’intervista ad Allevi, realizzati dalla Stamenfilm) e anche in formato digitale su tutte le piattaforme web e mobile italiane. Il cd contiene la tecnologia Opendisc. Inserendo il CD nel computer si verrà indirizzati ad un sito costantemente aggiornato dedicato a Giovanni Allevi.
Sito artista: -

giovedì 21 agosto 2008


August 20, 2008 ExperimentaDesignLisbon
Sogn Benedetg Chapel. Copyright Thomas Mayer.
Lisbon hosts Peter Zumthor Exhibition and Lecture
An Experimentadesign Initiative 06.09.2008 - 02.11.2008
ExperimentaDesign Lisboa Rua Cidade de Lobito,
Atelier Municipal 3 1800-088 Lisboa, Portugal
+351 210 993 045 T
+351 210 963 866 F

The first main exhibition of the emblematic Swiss architect Peter Zumthor comes to Portugal. Stretching over almost 2000 m2 in LX Factory, an emerging cultural space in Lisbon, it takes place from September 7 to November 2, 2008. Unique in its breadth and depth, it represents a milestone in the author's career and the study of contemporary architecture. The largest and most comprehensive exhibition ever devoted to Peter Zumthor's work, it features 29 projects, 6 large-scale models, an impressive document collection and a life-size video installation of 12 buildings by the artists Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch. In this installation 6 screens show 6 perspectives of a building for 40 minutes, recreating the experience of Zumthor's architecture in an intense and enveloping atmosphere. Peter Zumthor - Buildings and Projects 1986-2007 is produced by and presented in association with Kunsthaus Bregenz where it was first shown in September 2007. To mark this presentation, Peter Zumthor delivers a lecture on September 6, in the Aula Magna of Reitoria de Lisboa. A rare opportunity to become acquainted with the author's conceptual process. Pioneering a singular relationship between architectural space and time, Zumthor's work sets the tone for the reflection around the theme: 'It's About Time'. The Warm Up ExperimentaDesign Lisboa 2009 represents the Biennale's first moment of communication and anticipation, providing the public with an introduction to the theme and an approach to its core protagonists and events. Lecture 06.09.2008 17h Tickets Exhibition 07.09.2008_02.11.2008 12h-20h daily guided tours Tickets at Lx Factory Peter Zumthor - Buildings and Projects 1986-2007 With a film installation by Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch Produced by and presented in association with Kunsthaus Bregenz Experimentadesign is a cultural design biennale and a trademark of the Portuguese association Experimenta. EXPERIMENTADESIGN LISBOA/AMSTERDAM Strategic Partners: Lisbon City Hall, Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Portuguese Tourism, Portuguese Ministry of Culture. Amsterdam City Hall, Ministry of Economic Affairs / Pieken in de Delta. EXPERIMENTADESIGN AMSTERDAM 2008 Cultural Partners: Premsela foundation for design, Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdams Fund for the Arts, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds / Associated Brands: Droog Design, Westerhuis Gallery, JcDecaux, Ymere / Media Partners: Frame, Mark, Damn, Icon, Items, 2G, Zoot, Het Parool / Specific Support: Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy, Flevodruk, Agency for International Business and Cooperation (EVD). Droog Design is ExperimentaDesign Amsterdam 2008 local partner. Experimentadesign Amsterdam 2008 will take place during the "4 weeks of FreeDesigndom" in Amsterdam. EXPERIMENTADESIGN LISBOA 2009 Official Sponsor: EDP – Energias de Portugal / Associated Brands: Cision, Grupo Altis / Cooperation Protocol: Ordem dos Arquitectos / Promotion Partners: FAD – Foment de les Arts i del Disseny / Specific Support: LXFactory / Media Friends: Arquitectura&Vida, 2G, Zoot, Time Out / Support: Pro Helvetia, Ambassade de Suisse au Portugal, Soft Textil, Arquitectura Ibérica, Ton+Build. With the high patronage of the President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva. Statute of Superior cultural interest, within the patronage of the arts law.
ExperimentaDesign Lisboa Rua Cidade de Lobito,
Atelier Municipal 3 1800-088 Lisboa, Portugal
+351 210 993 045 T +351 210 963 866 F ExperimentaDesign Amsterdam Staalstraat 7 A/B 1011 JJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 (0) 205 235 058 T
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MAHE’ “BACIAMI SIGNORINA” da tutto esaurito!!!

PEDASO (ASCOLI PICENO - ITALY) - La discoteca Mahè di Pedaso anche questa settimana conquista la Top Spettacolo con la super serata titolata Baciami Signorina che ha fatto registrare il tutto esaurito con la presenza di circa 4000 persone. Da sottolineare la massiccia presenza di donne, turiste e ragazze del posto che non si sono fatte scappare l’appuntamento a loro dedicato. Fiumi di persone, bella gente e tante tante comitive, 100 tavoli super selezionati che hanno brindato fino all’alba. Numerosi i personaggi noti del by night presenti: Carlo Vismara e Iacopo Baldoni, Simo Tosi e il Presidente Nazzareno, Stefano Ghergo e Luca Cussini, Luca l’Avvocato Roma, Peppe Mary Jo, Romeo, Edoardo Ascani, Alberto Merli e Claudio Fusco, la festeggiata Betty, gli Staff delle discoteche Gattopardo, Dejavue, Smaila, Babaloo, Nero di Sole, e diverse altre, non poteva mancare la Family Priori, quella Baldassari, e ancora, Nataloni, Dimitri, Francesco Pecci, Marsili, Marco Acqua e Sapone, Marco Bonifazi, Bellavista-Bentivoglio, la comitiva Centanni, Andy e Dario di Radio Fm, e tanti altri. Presente al completo il gruppo brasiliano delle Rio Models, con loro le splendide accompagnatrici Mahè.
Grande soddisfazione per la Direzione artistica del Mercoledi: Gianluca Jay – Alessandrino – Oriano the Voice e Augusto 900, che avvertono che l’estate riserverà ancora delle belle sorprese per i prossimi mercoledì e che questo Format, Baciami Signorina, sarà traghettato in un altro Locale per il prossimo Autunno.

giovedì 14 agosto 2008

Oddball Albums From the Big-Name Musicians

Ringo Starr released a country album and Paul McCartney went Techno. Elvis Presley treated fans to a whole album of stage banter. On today's show, the strangest, funniest and most bizarre albums from the biggest stars. Later on the show: a very plausible ensemble, The Ahn Trio, join us to share their lush, ambient arrangements of everything from the "Dies Irae" to Astor Piazzolla and Cole Porter.

from WNYC New York Public Radio

The Charts: Who's On Top

The power of ABBA is undeniable. The group's music is back on the top of Billboard's albums chart, thanks to the hit movie "Mamma Mia." Today on Soundcheck, we debut a new series on the battle for the top spots on the Billboard charts. Plus, Billboard's Hot 100 chart turns 50 this year. We look at its enduring influence in the age of MySpace and downloads. Later: A new 51-song live album documents the stage presence of the New York-based group The Fiery Furnaces. They join us for a live performance in our studio.

Fonte:WNYC New York Public Radio

lunedì 11 agosto 2008

When Music takes the Olympic Stage

Music has a big role in China's extravagant packaging of the Beijing Olympics. On today's show, China-based music writer Ken Smith talks about the opening ceremony, and about the complex dance between the music industry, the Olympic organizers, and the Chinese government. And composer Zhiyi Wang joins us from Beijing to talk about the music he wrote for the opening ceremony. Later on the show: The East Village Opera Company could best be described as a cross between Freddy Mercury and George Frederic Handel. The rock band/opera troupe has a new album, "Olde School," which we sample today.

from:WNYC New York Public Radio


MELBOURNE, Australia, August 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Australians could be set to get cheap credit if the credit report reformsproposed by the ALRC are acted upon by the Commonwealth Government, saysindependent credit checking website, checkmyfile.

Experts at checkmyfile, Australia's online credit checking website,believe if consumer credit payment records are shared with Australia's creditagencies, not only will this bring down the cost of Australian credit to UKand US levels but also ensure injudicious lending is controlled properly.Barry Stamp of checkmyfile says: "Australian consumers have been payingmuch more for their credit than UK and US consumers. This will hopefullybecome a thing of the past if the current credit report proposals set out bythe ALRC are acted upon quickly.The ALRC is backing an increase in the type of data lenders can sharewith the credit reference agencies, and have backed the sharing of consumerpayment performance data. "This is proven to be the most valuable data forspotting consumers falling into financial difficulty, and without it, lenderscannot lend as responsibly as they could."Stamp adds: "It is a ludicrous claim by some commentators that givinglenders access to more comprehensive data will lead to reckless lending."To drive down the cost of credit, legislators need to allow lenders toshare credit payment performance data with the credit reference agencies.Better data means sharper lending decisions, which helps reduce the extensivecosts of debt collecting, which cuts dramatically the cost of credit ".Checkmyfile has no doubt that sharing more credit report informationabout consumers is good for consumers. From its experience in the UK, whereit has been providing online credit reports to consumers since 2000, andwhere 'positive' credit reporting is accepted as the norm by both lenders andconsumers.Even the ALRC proposals would leave Australian credit reporting systemtrailing the UK, which has seen an expansion in the information shared withthe credit reference agencies. Recent behavioural changes, which includerecords of cash machine withdrawals and minimum payments being made, havebeen supported by UK consumer groups as a positive step to combat consumerover-indebtedness, as they are considered warning signs of over-indebtedness."At the moment, Australian lenders and consumers are flying blind,comparatively speaking," concludes Stamp.For further information contact orcall +61-3-9811-4785 or visit

lunedì 4 agosto 2008


PEDASO /ASCOLI PICENO - ITALY ---Arriva un altro grande evento Mahè, il mercoledi Baciami Signorina, vedrà per questo 6 agosto la partecipazione del colosso Vodafone Italia che con il suo punto vendita Foto Shop di Porto Sant’Elpidio regalerà 500 nuove schede telefoniche e allestirà uno speciale set fotografico per premiare con magliette e gadgets i tanti presenti. La direzione artistica del Mercoledi Mahè, Gianluca Jay – Alessandrino – Oriano the Voice – Augusto 900, si presenta con un’altra bellissima serata alla quale non mancheranno le comitive più belle del momento. Per questo 6 di agosto è da segnale anche la presenza della squadra la completo delle Rio Models, 7 modelle brasiliane che saranno l’immagine Baciami Signorina per il mese di Agosto, con loro l’animazione Mahè e le ragazze immagine che fanno accoglienza all’ingresso. Un infrasettimanale interamente dedicato alle donne che per tutta la stagione avranno l’ingresso gratuito e potranno godere delle tante iniziative a loro dedicate.
Pronti dunque 4 super appuntamenti per il mese di agosto. Per maggiori informazioni si può chiamare il numero 338 99 73 654 o consultare il sito